
Yun Zhong Ge Chapter 16: Forming One Heart — 36 Comments

  1. Thank you a million…I am so happy to know that Meng Jue proposed to Yun Ge at last even though we know that Yun Ge would run into Emperor later
    Thank you 🙂

  2. Lu Feng’s comments to Meng Jue seem to suggest that Jiu Ye is already deceased. But because of Meng Jue’s ambitions, Jiu Ye did not feel comfortable handing over all his businesses to Meng Jue. Therefore, the Xi Yu business was kept in Lu Feng’s custody. However, there are hints that Jiu Ye wanted to see Meng Jue married to Yun Ge. Hence, Meng Jue’s marriage proposal and his insistence of taking Yun Ge to visit Lu Feng, now that Lu Feng is old and weak. Could it be that Meng Jue’s original interest in Yun Ge was sparked more by his desire to control all of Jiu Ye’s businesses rather than pure love for Yun Ge? But in pursuing Yun Ge, he eventually ended up developing true feelings for her? Hence, Da Gong Zhi’s comments in an earlier chapter.

    • You’re right, but Mengjue was already in love with her when he pursued her, its just that he knew he could make use of her to gain from it too

    • Whoa, I never though of that. I think I need to re-read the previous chapters. But even if he didn’t get Meng Jiu’s Xi Yu businesses and married Huo Cheng Jun instead, wouldn’t he be more powerful than just a large business owner. He still would be very respected in the Xi Yu kingdoms because he is the adopted son of Jiu Ye. *sigh* Yun Zhong Ge is so complicated.

    • I was thinking the same thing when i read that part. Although a lot of things happened in this chapter, the most unraveling aspect of this chapter is Meng Jue’s character. Or in contrast, his character just got a whole lot more complicated (emotionally) for me as a reader.
      I finally feel and understand ms.koala’s claim earlier than MJ is indeed a thought-provoking character. There is no black and white with him, only shades of gray.
      I has been warned from the beginning that MJ is not a good guy nor is he extremely bad so i have been quite biased against him. I expected that every of his action come with ulterior motives. However, for the past couple of chapters he had shown a more humane side of him and my walls have slowly crumble bits by bits toward him. However, that scene with Lu Feng feel like a bucket of cold water was dumped on me and shock me into reality (of the novel that is).

      I think it’s safe to assume MJ did not seek YunGe out of pure love because frankly, their meeting was not in the same realm as YG and LingGege. Their first meeting, in my opinion, serve as the door that allow Yunge to enter his guarded heart. Maybe he recognized YunGe by her name, thought not yet fully trusting but has a good impression of her innocence and kindheartedness. When they reunited and spend time together, he realizes that she carries those same traits throughout the years. Having to deal with so many complicated people in his life, YunGe became a kind of fresh air for him. Unlike HCJ, YunGe has no ulterior motive that he could think of. So being around her give him ease of mind and he inadvertently open his heart.
      I think it was clear early on that MJ wanted to used YunGe when he first brought her over to see Lu Feng. That was like a test to see how much of an influence YunGe actually has and once he confirmed it, he pushes forward with his plan. It’s hard to say when he fall in love with her. I believe it was definitely not spark-fly, love at first sight kind of thing. Rather, YunGe just grows on him unknowingly. And having LBY around kind of aid that process as well. Because MJ know he has competition, he try harder to win a girl’s heart that has already been given to someone else. And seeing how she treat LBY, he fall in love with the way she love. Is that weird?
      But MJ is MJ. I believe his affection for Yunge, although is laced with intentions but is surprisingly real.

  3. ahh finally this chapter! even if we are later to find out that MengJue had planned out YunGe’s meeting with Lu Feng to fulfil his agenda, it still doesnt take away the poignancy of their meeting, when we know what went on in DMY to the elder generation.
    i loved the scene of MengJue comforting YunGe in the carriage and how they behave around one another now that their feelings are out in the open. so. cute. and this time around I have the image of HanDong on MengJue… i could learn to accept that i guess =P i just have to remind myself that it could be worse… ><

  4. Did Meng jue do thing like liu bing yi said ! When men love a women it has nothing to do with her status, her power or her wealth
    Ms K, thank a million we still wait for the next chapter!
    Please don’t make me wait to long!!! Please….please…please…
    Love you….

  5. “Don’t let this chance pass you by” oh why then Meng Jue let it pass by sob… Cant wait for the next chapter…

  6. Was Meng Jue the guy whom Yun Ge’s family wanted her to marry? ( the guy in the first chapter ), which is the reason why she left home. I think this is the reason why MJ was interested at her at the beginning.

  7. So, since from the beginning Meng Jue knew Yun Ge’s family background that she is the daugher of Huo Qu Bing and Jin Yu and the love story of HQB, JY and his adopted father Jiu Ye? And he knew that Yun Ge and Huo Cheng Jun were cousins? I am confused? Can anyone explain to me please?

    • It was never revealed that Meng Jue knew about their relationship. I’m not entirely sure if he knows that they are Huo Qu Bing and Jin Yu for that matter; but then again, if he wants to find something out, it probably won’t be hard for him. I’m not sure what names they have been using and how well they really hid their identities. Even Yun Ge, herself, doesn’t seem to know her parents’ real names because Meng Jue had mentioned Huo Qu Bing’s name in the past about him killing Li Gan and getting away with it because of his status and she had no reaction to it. I’m thinking that Meng Jue probably knew that that family was really important to Jiu Ye. Maybe Jiu Ye kept tabs on them and Meng Jue probably overheard a conversation or something to deduce that the family (or the mom) is very important to Jiu Ye. I’m sure during the years that Meng Jue lived with Jiu Ye, he was able to tell that Jiu Ye loved a girl and longed for her. He probably made note that this connection may be used to his advantage to inherit all of the Xi Yu businesses if he marries their daughter. It’s probably a plus that it happens to be the same girl that helped him many years ago. He always seemed to have an impression that she was a “rich” girl when they met up again in Chang An because he tried to test her on her family connections when she wanted to help Liu Bing Yi. Of course, he realizes that she is only a commoner. This is the only stump that I have which leads me to conclude that maybe he doesn’t know who they “really” are. This is all based on my assumptions based on what has been revealed so far. It has never explicitly said anything that I have mentioned so I could be totally wrong or partially wrong or hopefully partially right. =)

      • Actually, Yun Ge doesn’t even know her family name is Huo. She thought her family was like the Xi Yu people with no last name. I think Meng Jue knows a little about Jiu Ye, Jin Yu, and Qu Bing’s relationship, but not the actual family background.

      • I didn’t know that Xi Yu people didn’t have a last name. That’s good to know. I figured that Yun Ge doesn’t know her surname since she only introduced her 2nd brother with the single character “Yi”. Thanks for that enlightenment, skyblu! =) You actually made my day! (aside from this chapter post, of course; thank you Koala!) In that case, I guess it could be possible that Yu Er still called him Qu Bing. Yu Er is common, but Qu Bing to me is a rather unique name. But who knows what types of names they had during that time. I guess it’s understandable that Yun Ge didn’t piece Huo Qu Bing’s name with her daddy since she really believes that both her parents have never been to the Han Dynasty. Yeah, I would agree that Meng Jue probably knows of a little about their relationship. How could you not figure something out after living with Jiu Ye all those years? Though Jiu Ye is good at concealing his emotions, even if he doesn’t say anything, with Meng Jue’s wit and perception, he is bound to find out something.

  8. Thank you so much. Almost engaged….but I always feel Meng Jue is holding something back and the fact that he brought Yun Ge for that visit to Lu Feng was for his own gain, not because he loved her. It’s as if he has the emotions there to give himself totally to her, but he doesn’t seem to always want to follow through…

  9. I come back after my microbiology exam and is rewarded a chapter of Yun Zhong Ge. You don’t know how grateful I am especially after that excruciating hour and half in the room taking that exam – thank you so much ms. koala! I must say I feel like the whole kidnapping scene was a little abrupt…maybe it was just me, but nonetheless this chapter was wonderful considering the fact that Yun Ge and Meng Jue’s relationship finally became official. Liu Bing Yi realized that his place is next to Xu Ping Jun now, well maybe he realized that after he married her (hahha okay I sound stupid now), but I feel like this is one of the scenes where it subtly delivered. He wanted to go with Meng Ju to save Yun Ge, but then he saw Ping Jun and had to stop his “body that was already moving.” The scene with Yun Ge and Meng Jue was so sweet, hahah Tong Hua must love the hair being carried by wind, water, etc! Anyway, I love how Meng Jue’s eyes betrayed his nervousness when Yun Ge paused for a moment remembering her promise with her Ling Gege.
    People’s speculation/conclusion from the hints given by Lu Feng that Jiu Ye is already dead depresses me (I loved his character T_T) and as much as I want to refute those beliefs I also find them extremely plausible.

  10. Meng Jiu…. T.T (*reminiscing*) Is he… dead? I won’t even get to see him at all? I can still see the lonely outline of him sitting on the camel far away in the horizon, coughing up blood… and I was hoping that wasn’t the last I would see of him. I wanted to see him here in YZG, content and healthy… but… I guess I could only go back to the happy time of him and JinYu in DMY… 🙁

    And Meng Jue… such a complicated character–so cold and calculating, yet so… real!!!!! He’s such a hard character to completely love and completely hate!!!! The small glimpses of his true feelings towards YunGe (being worried when YunGe’s in danger and eyes giving away nervousness) are so heartwarming, yet, when I think of his scheme, or the possibility of schemes, I get so worried. He’s setting himself up for major heartbreak and a lifetime of loneliness… just like my Jiu Ye.

    On the other hand, I feel so happy for YunGe, yet at the same time, so scared, because that moment of happiness is so fragile… being that it was built upon an unsteady foundation… schemes and deception, yet passion and love. Hearts are bound to be broken… :(. Despite so, I have to say, I love them together! Their kiss was so beautiful! However, knowing that there’s 18 chapter in the 1st volume, and that Yun Ge will meet Ling ge in the 2nd volume, I’m guessing there’s only two chapter left… or at least the one more chapter left for their short lived happiness as a couple. I’m grabbing the tissues, waiting for the next chapter, preparing myself already!

    So, like always, thank you for another wonderful translation of a great chapter!

  11. It’s nice for MJ and YG to have their relationship clearly defined, but as other commenters have said – you can see the heartbreak coming down the road. Her decision to let go of a childhood promise and accept the man in front of her was very mature. But now I see why she later regretted giving her heart away so “quickly”. See – I thought that meant she accepted MJ’s affection….but she accepted his MARRIAGE PROPOSAL. Whoa! I can totally see why she would do so, because just like her mother and Jiu Ye, you can see where the two would have a happy, fulfilling life together even though there is (still) another man in her heart.

    But, on the other hand, I didn’t think MJ would ever belong to one woman (as in: give his heart to her). He seemed more like the type to “play” with he HCJs of the world or focus his attention on a select few. I’m semi-surprised he made things official with YG. (although, I am glad he did!)

    And I’ll also be glad when YG finds out Ling gege didn’t forget her or their promise….and I’ll be sad again when she has to tell MJ. This book is such an emotional roller coaster!!

  12. I always like Ling Gege more than Meng Jue. Meng Jue always has ultimate motive in everything he does. I feel sad thinking of Ling Gege everytime Yun Ge and Meng Jue become closer and closer. I can’t wait to see Ling Gege and Yun Ge’s reunion that their love will become epic. I think that Ling Gege’s love for Yun Ge is more genuine and deeper than Meng Jue’s.

  13. YAY! New chapter! We have to be coming up to the end of volume one soon right? Volume one of DMY was only 16 chapters after all…

  14. Jiu Ye T T he’s not with us anymore T T. He must hav felt a lot pain n maybe he was happy coz he knew JinYu was happy . . . .just thinkin bout him makes me cry.MJ u should hav felt n learnt frm JiuYe that its not everyday u got to be in love n knew tht person loves u back. . .lifetime of happiness will come n passes u by. . .I know MJ is not main male character n he’s not goin to be with YG. . .but i wish this time around Meng man will get his love. . . .but there’s more to come when LG n YG will meet rt! MJ u should hav listen to LF for not lettin this chance passes u by. . . .THANK YOU KOALA unni!

    • I think Meng Jue initially wanted to take control of Xi Yi businesses($$$) to climb ladder. He knew that in that era, power and money has to be one, not seperate.

      And in Xi Yi, the power Jiu Ye is unmeasurable..remember the wolf logo in DMY (power).

      He probably wanted to play with Huo family to climb faster..marriage was just a paper one to him – I guess.

      Yun Ge has nothing to offer in term of power and money even though Yun Ge comes from a fairly well-to-do family. And I am sure that Huo Bing Yi wont allow Yun Ge to get involved in Chang An politics.

      And I am surprised that Huo Bing Yi and Jin Yu allowed Yun Ge to run away without checking on her from time to time. I guess Meng Jue may have sent messages abt Yun Ge to them behind Yun Ge’s back.

      Next…I can speculate that Meng Jue regret his next move that causes Yun Ge to run away even though I cant read Chinese.. and he would be shocked to find Yun Ge in the palace despite searching high and low for her across Chang An and Xi Yu.

      With reference to the preview of one chapter in Vol 2 which Ms Koala wrote, Yun Ge was in dangerous position with Xu Ping Jun..I believe it took place in vast Palace lake..

      At that point, Meng Jue was barging into the Palace probably with news that there was some assassins since he has power. His clothes was splattered with blood (probably guard’s blood)

      And I think Yun Ge subsequently married Meng Jue with hope that Jiu Ye or his medicine would heal Emperor..It is indeed a heartbreaking moment for Meng Jue who knew that he himself caused Yun Ge to love another man through his action.

  15. Muchas gracias! I really did not think that Meng Jue had it in him to propose to Yun Ge. I don’t question his “love” for Yun Ge, just his constancy. Has love really won over power? Can he have both?

  16. I am somewhat confused about Meng Jue’s motive. What is he seeking? He inherited everything from Meng Jiu so he is wealthy. If power is what he wants I am not sure why he doesn’t go directly to the palace and works for the king? Please explain my fellow readers.

  17. Thank you so much! I’m really enjoying this story and looking forward to see what kind of person Mengjue is. I can’t seem to figure him out hahhah.

  18. Thank you so much , Koala san !
    ” knotted hair , knotted heart ” ….I really love that mountain-top kissing scene ! 🙂

  19. Just realise…what happened to the Baby who was swopped with real Huo Yi? Was the baby killed together with Empress Wei?

    • Yes.HQB & Yu Er only have 3 kids but YG always talked about 2nd and 3rd… because her 1st brother (the one who replaced his 2nd brother) is supposedly dead and she knows nothing about him…

  20. First of all, thanks for translating Tong Hua’s books. I started reading DMY last weekend and YZG today and I have to say that I am hooked. This is bad because I have an essay to write and I haven’t made any progress yet!

    Anyway, I am a little confused with the timeline of Jiu Ye’s death since it was mentioned somewhere in this chapter that MJ lived with Jiu Ye for quite some time. Does this mean that Jiu Ye didn’t die immediately after he was poisoned because it wouldn’t make sense for Jiu Ye to adopt MJ who was probably born about 15 years after Huo Qu Bing and Jin Yu faked their deaths? (Because MJ is about 2 years older than YG and she is about 17 years younger than her second brother.)

  21. I really love what Annie wrote on 12/4/2012. You are someone who I’ll love to sit down with to talk about stories we read. Just wondering if you will come back here again to read this. Also curious if you read the Chinese version.
    No one was absolutely bad in YZG but most of them cover. They wanted everything – I feel that MJ & HCJ were very similar apart from their upbringing and background…so their covetousness was developed differently. HCJ had a lot but wanted more and the best. MJ got nothing to begin with so wanted to achieve but will not let go of anything in exchange. He wanted power and love. He was also calculative and proud believing that YG was naive and clueless and can easily manipulate while he plan out his veagence. He had gradually developed true feelings for her.
    Based on JY’s personality, I am 100% sure, MJ knows nothing about YG’s family other than that she’s the child of the woman that JY would give up his life for. And so YG means the entire Xi Yu… HCJ means power of the empire of Han. Uncle Feng knew all about him…overly ambitious and vicious

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