
The King 2 Hearts Episode 7 Recap — 55 Comments

  1. Oh my Koala, I really need to go now but treat myself 10 minute of reading your recap (quickly) and now break in tear. This episode is heartbreaker even though I knew something bad would happen since I read the written preview. I will comment more when I come back 🙁

  2. Haven’t watched this episode yet….but everyone I know is already talking about how much they cried and I’m dying to know and yet so scared I’m literally biting my nails right now….I don;t know how you’re going to manage to recap both of these today but so in so in awe that this is up already !! take your time with the next one unni!!!..Fighting!!!

  3. That was REALLY fast, Ms. K! Thanks for this. 😀 I’m heartbroken that the King (and Queen) died. And Episode 8 killed me. :((

  4. I cried, and cried in this episode and then cried some more in episode 8…. Thank you for updating so quickly! Jae Kang will be greatly missed because one thing that EVERYONE loved about this show was the cute brotherly moments 😀 I actually didn’t even expect their death, nor did I expect Jae Shin becoming paralyzed so these were like complete bombs coming at me, one after another… I want to see how Jae Shin’s character grows. Thank you again for the recap!!

  5. Thank you so much!! Love to read your thoughts!! I totally agree with you! I love that we don’t only have a love story here!! Seeing how the family grows stronger, how they have to learn to understand each other because of cultural differences etc.
    Just loving everything! I’m also now a total fangirl of Lee Seung Gi.. His acting is marvelous in this episode!!

  6. Please forgive me for butting in among habitues, but I just wanted to thank you for your fast and always spot-on recaps.
    I was left so… breathless by this episode, I needed a place to read about it, and find out whether I was the only one. Spoilers about the king’s dead had leaked, but the fact that they died in their sleep is so much more poignant than a scene of violence, it was heartbreaking and beautiful. The whole sedate last minutes of this episode elicited my tears more than any screams and uproars would have done. And although I don’t understand Korean, this episode truly needs a minimum of explanations.
    As much as I dread watching the next episode, I’m too much in love with this drama already to lose courage now.

    Thank you again. 🙂

  7. not even read it but checked in with you and you’ve already recap’d. My gods you is amazing. Much love always and so pleased this show is bouncing in your kokoro like mine.

  8. Thank you so much for this recap, Koala. I was crying so hard after watching the raw version, and like you said, even when you know whats coming you still aren’t prepared for the emotional impact. I don’t know if I can even watch epi 8 right now, so sad. I am sincerely going to miss Jae Kang and the warmth of his character.

  9. omg, so many unexpected things to happen. I’m feeling shocked and sad. I liked the King. I’m curious how the story will develop. Thanks Koala ^^

  10. I watched both episodes 7 & 8 raw (sans soompi spoilers even) and was moved to tears by all of the actors’ performance as well as the touching music that underscored the emotions being portrayed. Kudos to the entire TK2H team. Like in the previous episode where JH shot HA because he erroneously thought she betrayed by him, based on episode 9’s preview, it seems that JH will be tested again as to HA’s trustworthiness.

    Thank you for your wonderful recap, asides, and comments. Keep ’em coming.

  11. thank you so much for this..^^ I am crying just reading this recap. now off to watch the raw video again. and welcome to Airen world..hehe ^^ Im a SeungGi fangirl too. He is really brilliant here as King JaeHa.. ^^ soo happy to hear ur praises on him..^^

  12. I just finish watching ep 7 and 8, even do I didn’t understand much..,and I have to say: I love everything about this drama, production is good, cast superb, music fantastic. This drama have a good plot, it ain’t dumb, and it doesn’t make me feel dumb by watching it. There were to good moments tonight. I loved hit under table (king and Jae Ha), king lay in the lab, JH face when he heard the news, JH shake hand on the bridge. Ep 8, Kim Hang Ah, it all about her. My favorite part is when she look at the SKyung, that woman had all world in her eyes.., after that I have knew she’ll bring up entire family. She knows what to do and she’s doing it right. Dance, hehha will always remembering, and bad scene. After all, one thing I liked the most, she’s the only one who can put smile on JH face. I officially pronounce HJW and LSG one of my favorite OTPs all the time.

  13. Thank YOU!! What a wonderful episode….i cried A LOT despite not understanding most of the dialogue….JK was such a marvelous King….in his brief time knowing HA he was gentle & sensitive to her!! I’m getting teary-eyed as I type this…..I’m furious with the secretary and seriously there was no security personnel outside the cottage!! JH was beautifully restrained which I really liked since I was worried abt how he would react upon learning of his brother’s death!!

  14. I just wanted to quickly thank you, Miss K. I just saw episode 7 on where it is partially subbed and although I was very grateful to be able to partially know what was going on, I am grateful to you for quickly doing this recap, even though as you mentioned, it is not complete. This is better than nothing. It is such a gift to us non Koreans who love Korean dramas and are very, very interested in Korea (both of them in my case, since they are linked by history), its peoples, cultures, food etc…
    Thank you so very much for helping us expand our horizons, understand (and therefore appreciate better) a different culture and customs as well as a different language and for feeding our addiction. Thank you for letting us come along on the ride with you, when we delve into this world that is Korean dramas. Our drama experiences would not be the same (not as rich, not as full, not as meaningful) without blogs like yours.
    The King2Hearts has been good all along, but it feels like it is getting better with each episode and this one was just “daebaek” (I might have mispelled it, and I apologize). I now know why people use that term. Everything (as you said except for the villain) was perfect and great! The acting, the music, the cinematography, the pacing, the editing, the mood, the tone, everything!!!! I know I don’t have to tell you, because you saw it, but I just wanted to say it. It makes me appreciate once again the casting for this drama, and Lee Seung Gi, oh my!!!!! He is bringing it every. Single. Time!!!! No one would ever think of criticizing his acting now. He has not missed a beat, a note since the beginning of this drama, not a single one. He has always been in character and he encompasses who the prince/king is. Hard to imagine another actor in his place now :-), even though I am sure some of them could do it. He has done funny, conflicted, confused, angry, petty, brat, arrogant, embarrassing, embarrassed, etc… equally well. Well done and I am glad he had this opportunity to grow in his craft. I love how he lets the viewer see the evolution of the prince/king, and he has a presence when he comes on the screen. I also love that the drama writers so far have not rushed through the story in telling it. They’ve given us time to digest what is going on.

    I loved it and I cried when the North Korean dad bowed… twice, and when he spoke his heart about his daughter. I was so moved by it, especially knowing that in Korean culture, the future son-in-law should be the one to do so (bow to his in-laws). And once again, LSG was perfect in how he reacted, showing his hesitation, his embarrassment (that the dad would do that in front of him), taking in the gravity of the situation at hand. And he protected the dad’s dignity by asking the guards to leave, awww… he does have a heart and some manners. And to think that when Jae Ha started this whole thing with his announcement, he was convinced he had things under control, ha!
    All the actors have been perfect in their roles: the queen mother, the King, his wife, Hang Ah, her dad, Shi-Kyung, the princess etc… down to the aides at the palace and the guards. The costumes and outfits are awesome and the cinematography, simply breathtaking (thinking back to when the princess was outside looking over the city with Shi-Kyung). The OST and musical score is amazing, always on cue and really good at driving our emotions.

    Ok, I am going to stop raving now and I would like to thank you for your hard work and your dedication.
    P.S.: Just like you, I am a fan of LSG now. I never hated him or anything, I just wasn’t a fan, now I am and I am starting to see what people see in him :-). That being said, I will sorely miss the king. Even though I knew what was coming, I dreaded his (and the queen) upcoming death. I kept cringing as the episode got close to it. And I agree that it was more poignant to have them die in their sleep than violently.

      • You’re right, I also never hated LSGi, but he was just sweet.., but now he’s to die for, I am a fan, because he deliver each and every time in this drama.

      • Hi mtoh,
        I hear you! I had never seen LSG’s dramas before, not one so I didn’t know who he was as an actor. I had seen him as a host on 1N2D (and he looked fine there) but I felt like I didn’t know him. I had also read stuff about him, but again I didn’t want to base my opinion of him on that. This is my first time seeing him act, and I am very impressed, to say the least. I also look at the fact that he is surrounded by some very accomplished actors/actresses and he is not eclipsed by them, which says a lot. He is holding his own and bringing it and that’s great! I read a lot that he is very humble, considerate and polite in real life and I felt like I saw some of that when he was hosting 1N2D. I have never seen him in interviews (I am pretty good at reading people when they are interviewed, I also look at their body language) and so I was reserving my judgment. I love that they (the cast) have great chemistry (whether they are showing affection, conflict, tension, frustration, anger, being conflicted, embarrassed, etc…). They seem to work well together and they have fun as well. I am sure that makes it easier to bear with their grueling schedule.
        One of the things I am appreciating about LSG is that every week I am tuning in to see how he will act, and so far, he seems to have upped his game, acting wise, every single time. He emotes really well and I love watching all of them do that. He hasn’t disappointed, and neither have the other actors/actresses. It makes it easy to root for the show and for everyone involved. I am also enjoying the writing of the show so far, although there are a few weak spots here and there, things that make you go “hum… that was a little too easy” or “what was that?” But for the sake of the story, you overlook it and move on. It’s ok if it isn’t 100% perfect. It is still way up there in my book. And this drama grabs you, it actually sucks you in (it did for me) and so I am willing to overlook the flaws, it’s not as if I can write the way those writers write. There are so many things to consider to make a drama a cohesive story for 16 or 20 episodes or more, so I still say “Bravo” so far.
        I will end by saying that the people behind this drama have invested a lot financially and it shows. The quality of this drama reflects it.
        I will stop here before this takes up the whole page (as I somewhat did earlier), there is more I could say, so many touching and moving moments, so well acted… I wish international fans could write to the actors/actresses and the crew and staff and let them know how much we appreciate their hard work and dedication (I don’t write in Korean…yet, so that would be hard, but I would love to, if I could).

      • Hi Ivoire,

        Just to let you know that international Hearties (that’s what TK2H international fans are calling themselves ^^) are currently doing an International Hearties Fan Project to lend our support & let the casts & crew know that international viewers are loving this drama.

        SK2H has already posted the details on this blog, under comments on ockoala’s post “New Adorable Official BTS Stills from Episode 6 of The King 2 Hearts”. Feel free to join us, the more the merrier.

  15. Been watching the both episodes in raw.You’re recap helped me to understand more of what’s happening. I cried a lot when the Queen mother was crying in car.You were correct the tragedy is so subtle not the hysterical type but I seemed to relate and experienced it far more than the usual k-drama. There lies the difference and that’s why I really love this drama especially the inferred bed scene where you have to to think of what ‘s the next episodes going to be like.TK2H FIGHTING. Keep up the good work. I live in the States so I don’t want to think of the ratings.What matters are the acting and the enjoyment I derived from this drama.I’ve never enjoyed a drama as much as this one after Secret garden.I keep on looking forward to the Kingsday.Thank you for your recap.

  16. Thank you for recapping this wonderful drama. I hope you love writing it as much as we love reading them. This is such a beautiful drama. Dark, sad, heartfelt and beautiful.

  17. thank you so much for the very fast recap Ms. Koala ^_^
    this drama is not a typical drama indeed… The best one I have watched of all the dramas so far, so unique. The characters are well presented. I cried so hard with this episode especially with the kings death and the mother’s crying. As a fan been so proud with LSG for everything he does. I am just depress with the ratings but seeing many recommendations and good comments regarding this drama just makes this depression vanish.. it is well accepted by international viewers. I am just so glad that this drama is a breath of fresh air! The castings-perfect. The story-perfect. TK2H fighting/daebakk!!

  18. Hi Captain Koala, It’s been a long time since I wrote on this blog. Life caught up on me and been away from the k-drama-sphere for a while. This week I got the flu bug – blessing in disguise because I was finally able to marathon this drama that you have been raving about. Wow. Just simply… WOW. Like you, I have come to love everything about this drama. It is funny, touching, enraging, creepy, lovely, moving, romantic, crazy or plain hilarious. Aside from the villain, I just love everyone… this could be my favourite OTP in a long while. I also love the Shi Kyung and Jae Shin storyline, and I hope that gets to be developed really well. I will miss the King, but most of all, I will miss his interactions with this brother. My heart bleeds for Jae Kang… 🙁 I am soo looking forward to how this recent event will make him grow and mature.
    Captain Koala, as always, you add so much colour and fun to my k-drama experience. Thank you so much.

  19. Thank you for the recap. I like the understated way the news of the death is presented, it is all too easy to present it as one whole melo fest like most drama will handle it.

    My only grouse is that usually the death of a King would have warranted much greater scrutiny by the secret service/police/public than just easy acceptance. They should have shown people swarming the site to gather evidence. And at least show some media coverage and press mania to make it more believable to me.

  20. tq so much ackoala. i’m sad and pity for JH. cuz from now on he is no longer a boy but a man has to carry a very big burden on his shoulders

  21. Thank you so much for the recap, ockoala. Please take your time to complete this recap and writing recap for episode 8, because gosh, ep 7 & 8 were so draining emotionally T__T

    Everything moved so cohesively and I wasn’t ready to bid goodbye to sweet King Jae Kang & his wife, especially after they’re just talking about children T__T It was actually bitter-sweet that they were “killed” peacefully, but it was still so heartbreaking even though we knew all along that something tragic would happen to the King. Our Prince Jae Ha now has to grow up without his loving hyung T__T And he has to be really strong for his country, for his family and for Hang Ah.

    Hang Ah’s dad bowed to Jae Ha broke my heart. I really hope Jae Ha despite everything that will happen in the future, will take a really good care of Hang Ah. Because it’s not easy for Hang Ah to adapt and live in a new country, away from her dad. Otherwise, I may have to strangle you, Jae Ha!

    Seunggi’s acting really impressed me. He nailed it in every single scene. The end of episode 7, I just want to run and hug him. T__T

    Jae Shin & Shi Kyung; they have such a great chemistry. Yoon Ji has a really great voice, I’m so glad that the writer writes such a meaty storyline for both Jae Shin & Shi Kyung. As well as for the Secretary Eun. Lee Soon Jae’s English is really great.

    TK2H is not a traditional K-drama storyline, but this is the first drama which made me an obsessed viewers. This coming from someone who is an avid K-drama fans. The storyline, the acting, the cinematography, the music, the chemistry, everything is perfect. I even love the PPL donuts – so I was looking for donuts on yesterday’s episodes, too bad there wasn’t any donuts >< The editing was a bit choppy in some parts, but it's okay because all other aspects of this drama has surpassed my expectation.

    Now I can't wait for next week's KingDay.

  22. It was nerve-wracking watching this episode, knowing that the death the coming. Jae-kang was an awesome king and brother, and he will be sorely missed.

    I am amazed by how much self-worth Hyang-ah has, without being prideful. She holds her own in a strange country and against the Queen mother and Jae-Ha. She is a wonderful character and an a wonderful addition to the royal family.

    I love the members of the royal family. Everyone, at his or her foundation, is made of courage and love, and it is wonderful to care and root for such wonderful characters.

    I was also surprised by the low-key atmosphere of this episode. I thought there would be more dramatic music, visuals, and emotions but the death was simple and the reactions were muted. I was surprised Jae-Ha made such a quick turnaround but it is also wonderful to see what he is truly made of.

    I’m going to love the Shi-Kyung/Jae-Shin couple. He already likes her…teeheehee!

  23. I find secretary eun suspicious….no Secretary wouldn’t entertain such …he can refer the guest to Tourism board

  24. Not watching it (yet), but I’m awe at how the story progress…

    Yes, the fate that the king will died already leaked long time, if not, how Jae ha could be a king? I have A bit disappointment towards MBC who keep leaking the story, but yet, the show had given more than just the leaked scenes. Such as, Jae Kang’s death…It’s foreseen, but never thought how they write it…whilst sleeping, is much more hurting. For this drama, I’m reading many recaps, and even it’s just recaps, I’m touched, and I could cry just from reading it.
    Up until now, eventhough I’ve read the recaps, this show never failed to surprised me. And I believe, this episode will do so.

    Thank you very much Ms. Koala

  25. This drama is not good for my heart. I’m feel like I just went through emotional wringer and then some…and then that nighe and what happened between HA and JH in ep 8, especially everything all the things that she did before that, his tears, their embrace…..akjdhekdhgjetksj…I can’t even…*dies*

    This. drama.

    • Sorry, I’m so incoherent right now. And forgot to say the most important thing that I came here for: Thank you, Koala. Doomo arigatou gozaimasu.

  26. tsk! what an unexpected deception from the sec….is he tired of the mornarchy? JH is surely into lot of challenges….what a great drama!

    Thanks Captain K 🙂

  27. Thank you so much for your recaps!

    I cried buckets and cried to sleep last night… and just can’t sleep well…
    I am weak towards devastating scenes such as when the king and the queen slowly “fell asleep” as they chat about their wonderful future which is no more…, and especially weak towards Seung Gi oppa’s tears…
    It might be just because I am a fan of Seung Gi oppa. Nevertheless it just easily breaks my heart when I see his tears and him as he suppresses his sadness… He always cries so fragile and defendlessly… (I wonder how many times I cried for him…Seven Princesses, Brillant Legacy, MGIG, his concerts, 1n2d, StrongHeart…)

    I sincerely hope JaeHa reduces that “cookie cutter crazy” guy to nothing thoroughly soon! JaeHa FIGHTING!!!
    Seung Gi oppa FIGHTING!!!

  28. Thank you so much koala for this recap.

    I’m tempted to read but I wish to watch it first. Still loading the video, why is internet so slow on me!

  29. Auntie K
    Thank you so much for the recap.I am so sad to see the King and Queen die. I really liked them as characters. I mean this is like the first time in a while where there was a healthy family relationship and everyone generally liked each other and got along. I feel like someone close to me passed away cuz that’s how much I really liked not just the character but also the actor playing the King.
    I haven’t watched the two episodes yet cuz VIKI is acting up but I know that I will be crying even more once I do see it.

    Here’s to a night of tissues and puffy eyes, hopefully I don’t look like a depressed puppy tomorrow.

  30. Welcome on board, another Lee Seung Gi fangirl!

    I love your description of Seung Gi’s acting in this ep: “stunningly restrained and perfect, so much emotion kept so tightly wound up just like his character was feeling but could not express.”

    To show what your character cannot or fail to show, and to get it across to the audience so they are moved to tears…gosh, what an accomplishment!

    Love this show and love your recap, thanks so much!

  31. Okay, my heart is broken into a million pieces. Episode 8 is going to be worse, isn’t it? *tears* Even though we knew it was coming, and despite the obviousness of Jae-kang’s last few conversations as a way to make the loss hurt more… it TOTALLY worked. So very well done, like everything else in this drama.

    I have a feeling out tightly controlled new king is going to lose it in the next episode. I only hope NK is not implicated falsely in the assassinated and that Hang-ah can be there for Jae-ha as his support, rather than also becoming a victim of this plot.

    *runs off to watch next episode, tissues in hand*

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