
Ella Prepares to Tie the Knot This Week in Taipei — 35 Comments

  1. She looks so happy and lovely. I absolutely love the first red dress; sexy yet incorporates some classic Chinese elements. Congrats to her!

  2. LOVE THE PICTURES! Thank you for sharing them with us on your blog. Having followed S.H.E. for so many years and watching Ella go from tomboy to young woman, it’s really touching seeing her getting ready to get married! Ella’s so gorgeous!

    • I was just thinking of that seeing her more of a tomboy and slowing changed over the years…beautiful… she will make a beautiful bride! Sexy!!! Best wishes to her!!

  3. DAMN…these pics are BEAUTIFUL….I love her and I’m so glad for her….(*ignores the Jerry-Ella shipper in my brain*)
    I want the first red dress really bad

  4. She is absolutely gorgeous. The red dress is stunning. If only I could have afforded something like that. Just looks so good on her. Congrats Ella!! May you two have many many years of wedded bliss!! 🙂

  5. uwa uwa uwa… she looks so beautiful and stunning!!
    Congrats for the couple!! 🙂

    (I’m a sucker for fluffy princess-y pictures) *o*

  6. WOW.. Ella you are one Hot, Sexy, Sophisticated and Beautiful Lady… Congrats! I can’t wait to see Wedding pictures soon! 🙂

  7. wow!!! they look great together… Ella glows and she very beautiful in all the pictures… I love all her dresses…and the groom is so fine and dandy… am so happy for them… 🙂 🙂 🙂

  8. She look radiant..I guess brides really look the best.Ella look especially beautiful in the 3rd picture as she leans against her groom.Love the 50’s hair style…Love all her dresses..nobody can look wrong in a Cheong Sam inspired dress..and simply love her.Being married to fellow country man guess will read more of her news .Just love her.Thanks Ms your playground.

  9. they look so tall in the first picture, especially her future hub! whoah… and those dresses (and the umbrella!) are gorgeous!

  10. Love it!!!! So gorgeous and beautiful…I love all of them…from their attires, poses, body language, and so much in love…ahhhh…beautiful Ella will be married pretty soon…Congratulation and happy for her and her husband to be…ciao!!! 🙂

  11. The last 2nd pic ..It is a bit awkward, it seems that she has extended hands holding that thingy.. other than that i love weddings. Congrats

  12. The last 2nd pic ..It is a bit awkward, it seems that she has extended hands holding that thingy.. other than that i love weddings. Congrats i love her red dress

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