
I Do I Do Holds Press Conference and Releases Lackluster Long Trailer — 15 Comments

  1. Watching the preview, it fascinated me, a comedy-drama surely will hit the screen! Thanks for the update Ockoala!

  2. I’m a KSA fan, but this one turns me off…will probably give it a look, but am not confident. Thanks for the update.

  3. I thought the trailer was pretty cute. I am ambivalent towards the cast and the premise, but I like what I see so far, just hope it won’t get too sappy later on.

  4. Well.. It was cute trialer. I recognize some of the cast members. However, I do not see the pregnancy after one night stand. It seem they decide not to go to the pregnancy route. I might be wrong. I think I will pass and read recap of it to see if it is worth to watch it at all.

    • Look up episodes of We Got Married. A ridiculous sugary bon bon, no actual substance reality show, but Lee Jang Woo and his “wife” Eunjung are way cute on it.

  5. I don’t know, I still can’t see these two together. LJW strikes me more as a nephew or kid brother than a viable love interest for KSA’s alpha female character. But then I didn’t watch the trailer (card-carrying spoilerphobe here, I don’t watch long trailers) so maybe it works better onscreen than in my head. I was so VERY wrong about Lee Seung-gi and Ha Ji-won, after all. I’ve learned my lesson, I just go in with zero expectations to the first episode now and let it speak for itself.

    I agree that it’s a lame setup. I think the only way it will work is if it has heart and not just hijinks. I reaallly hope it’s good – after SoaW and Fighting Spirit last year, I need to see KSA in a comedy!

  6. OH KOALA!!

    You invoked the FTLY comparison. Oh, grief! I want to be optimistic in spite of that reference, but respect your opinion too highly (so frequently spot-on my own) to ignore that slam. Oh, shame!

  7. For me, the trailer is actually pretty charming, encouraging even after the dumb teaser. Now I have some hope that I do, I do may possibly turn out to be a good drama. Kim Sun Ah hasn’t let me down yet.

  8. uhm, still not feeling this drama! Sadness! I’ll probably give it a try cos I really, really KSA, but…I’m not expecting it to be a great or even an addicting.

    I’ll let you know what I think, okay?

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