
Spoiler Pictures Reveal Married Life Begins for Da Ran and Kyung Jae on Big — 34 Comments

  1. I have been dutifully refreshing your web page just hoping for tidbits of Big. Thank you so much for this! *squeee*

  2. Cute pictures, and I’m holding on to the cute while it lasts.

    I’ve realized I’m really concerned about how this drama will play out. If the Hong Sisters decide that Kyung Joon in Kyung Joon’s body will be paired with Da Ran, then I fear that the character portrayal won’t be consistent. People already noticed the character discourse between Shin’s acting and Gong Yoo’s acting. Now that we’ll have spent at least 8ish episodes or so with Gong Yoo as Kyung Joon, I’m not sure whether the transition will be flawless. And while Da Ran will accept it (because to her, there’s not difference in characterization), the viewers won’t bypass it so easily.

    Eep! I have faith in the Hong Sisters, I do. However, it’s really not within their hands how the actors…well, act.

    Cute pictures, and I’ll take all I can for now.

  3. Honestly this OTP doesn’t do it for me (yet?), maybe it’s the lack of chemistry or the “age difference”, I don’t know. I’ll just cruise along for the time being, there still might be a chance I’ll be swayed in the end.

    • I’m convinced that there’s either some big secret about the wedding or that it didn’t happen at all—what kind of writers would throw away material that great, instead of building an episode about it?

      • Mari and DR’s brother were going to go to the wedding (little white dress scene), so I think there was a ceremony. But if it never gets registered, it is as if it never happened… although everyone thinks it did.

  4. Sounds like it’s really about to go down. Even more excited now!! I feel bad for Shin having to live up to Gong Yoo’s portrayal. If they put Kyung Joon back in his own body he’s going to have to bring it!!

  5. I hope, hope, HOPE Kyung Joon will get to stay in Yoon Jae’s body! Poor Da Ran’s been through enough as it is…First her fiance was keeping secrets, then he switched bodies with a 19 y.o. boy, he’s in a coma, she had to call off the wedding, she falls in love with the 19 year old, and then if they switch back she will have to get over the trauma of losing her perfect man KJ in YJ’s perfect body….No fair!

      • Doesn’t seem fair to the 19 year old if he gets stuck in another man’s skin.

      • It doesn’t seem fair, unless you add in the benefits of being married to the woman he loves.
        You know – the spousal duties? (wink wink)

      • But think about it… having your husband younger for 12 more years. That’s important stuff!

      • Isn’t it interesting that the elder in this show is 27, and in IDID, the younger is 27?
        I have no other insight on this. 🙂

  6. This drama is consuming me but that is a good thing cause there is so much to think about. My latest thought is that if KJ’s body wakes up with the soul of YJ then I will be disappointed because THS showed no originality and because a bigger mess will ensue when aunt and uncle involve themselves because of greed. On the bright side, Shin gets to show he can act. I also believe THS are very traditional Korean because I was going over some of their stuff and women are not strong in any role, Gumiho was not a woman’s character so that doesn’t count. They really like the male role to be the dominant one. Yech! Gotta see how this turns out.

  7. Rather than try to figure out how it ends, how about we totally change the game plan?

    They should insert the “second season” in here in which we get to follow this pair around for like 32 weeks. Kyung Jae and DR living together, cooking, eating, cleaning (each other) (maybe).
    Not a flimsy montage for flashback purposes, but how about a series of 60 mins of them household choring? They could argue over what to watch on their TV, snack, get comfortably close…I could take an almost kiss for 20 weeks before we move on to the real thing…You know – like american sitcoms?

    Pretty Gong Yoo pleeeeeeeeeease?

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