
Ha Ji Won in Sun-Drenched Mexico for Bazaar Magazine — 24 Comments

  1. “the obligatory when-in-Mexico-Frida-Kahlo eyebrows” that line got me so hard. *wipes tears from laughing*

    I love Ha Ji Won too but that photo shoot was less than stellar.

  2. She looks awesome!

    With K2H she’s become my queen as well!! SeGa was my first time watching her…but it was K2H that made me fall in love with her. I will now be giving Damo a shot!! egadds! Hope I can come out unscathed emotionally after completing the series.

    Twitter’s abuzz that she’s currently vacationing in the Phillipines with her fam.

    • @Saima
      Ahoy! Jiwonnie in Philippines? I was mulling over the lack of information on her comings & goings . She’s quite an establishment in her own right & yet, not much is known about her private life. She’s definitely got her finger on howda move around incognito .So under the radar!
      Glad she knows how to rest & relax & enjoy her family.
      * Running off to check on pics of Jiwon in PH *

  3. Ha Ji Won + sword never goes wrong for me

    agree:) i started to watch DAMO again. i really love to watch her with sword:)

  4. King 2Hearts has sealed my Ha Ji Won love and she’s nothing but a godess to me now…it’s funny how many movies i’ve seen her in but it had to take only one really good drama to gain my love (erasing SG of my memory that is) …hoewever, I am beginning to wonder if she’s not getting stereocasted a bit too much as an action heroine with this next project as well…not that I have a problem with her kicking ass but I’d like tk see other shades too…should check out the duelist before this movie gets released…can’t wait for her ping pong movie too

  5. Ha Ji Won for me is plain & simple FANTASTIC BABY! Evrytime i get 2 watch her in reality shows or talk shows u would see the real person in Ha Ji Won & then flashbacks of her amazing drama scenes, on how she act out & perform…whoa! Realization will sink in that this lady is one heck of as pure as 24k gold and shinningly, stunningly good actress! She’s simply awesome! Soar hing Ha Ji Won! Fighting! You got a good thing going girl! ( Get Lee Seungi for a husband too, puhleassse! 🙂 ) Sarang he HJW & LSG!!!

  6. wow she looks very good! it’s good to see her on a different make-up style…and that made her beautiful even if its not the common make-up style that she usually wear on her photoshoots..:-)

  7. Interesting.

    My favorite kdrama of hers is still damo… Hands down.

    She is gorgeous in anything… But I still like her plain ole look the best. I hope she does another sageuk sometime.

  8. Ha Ji Won made me a fangirl of Kdrama actresses.

    Love her in every project, pictorial, commercial she comes out with.

    If y’all didn’t know, I would so Mine her if I was a dude.

    Ha Ji Won is DAEBAK 4 EVER!!!

  9. lol… Frida Kahlo eyebrows… its funny that that became the symbol of mexican “beauty” when it wasn’t before…and that they’re actually using that style for photoshoots… my mother usually uses the term “cejas de Kahlo” as an exaggeration because I don’t have eyebrows as serious as those, but it fulfills its purpose to make me want to go thread my eyebrows or pluck them.

    Anyways… Ha Ji Won is such a chameleon… I wouldn’t have recognized in that get-up despite having watched almost all of her projects both on the small and large screen.

  10. .………♥
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    ..♥…………………….♥. ……………♥
    …♥…………………….. …………..♥
    …..♥…………………… ……….♥
    ……..♥………………… ……♥
    ………..♥……………… ….♥
    ……………♥………….. .♥
    ……………………..♥ The natural, most beautiful and gifted actress of Korea….Ha Ji Won♥

  11. well its totally DAEBAK…well evrytime i’ve watched her movies i’ve always seen different faces,attitudes,facial expressions,….well i’m so curios…how she do it…that’s make’s me amaze about her…..saranghae eonni.

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