Marie Claire July Edition Features Lovely Sung Yuri in Hong Kong
Sung Yuri has had a great first half of 2012. Her weekend drama Feast of the Gods was a modest success (any good, folks who’ve watch it?), and her movie Runway Cop with Kang Ji Hwan was similarly a modest box office success. She’s been sporting the same short bob for awhile now, and I hope she grows it out. I miss her look in The Snow Queen. Marie Claire Korea did a pictorial with Sung Yuri in Hong Kong that really melds her ladylike style with the city’s metropolitan asphalt jungle flavor. I love all her outfits in this photo shoot, from the dress to the bag to the shoes, everything is coordinated without feeling matchy.
[Credit: Marie Claire Korea]
I love everything on her.. yeah!
I miss yi nok!!
Oh, she looks all grown up. Sheesh.
I watched FOTG and I have to admit that I was quite frustrated and lost interest by the last couple of episodes. She started out as a feisty young girl and ended up as a wimpy and meek person. What the heck happened? Also, there was little food porn to break up the otherwise muddled and confusing series. This was supposed to be about a food battle after all. Instead, it showed how to use food to cripple your competitor. Not nice.
Too bad, I had high hopes for this series and I really liked the two male leads. It was horrible to watch her leave one hanging high and dry (my favourite guy), while the other one (a real cutey) had to wait until the last episode. What a waste. sigh.
i agree. i can’t bring myself to watch the last two episodes, i just read the recaps. it was a stupid ending for the real daughter to be living on her own away from her real family … as for my OTP ppfftttt …
It was terrible story telling and somehow the stars are blamed. I’ve read comments-total turnabouts .While FOTG was in full blast and viewers want the romance to bloom between the characters of LSW and SYR, they were the favorites .After the end of FOTG ,they are saying they didn’t have the chemistry anyway and SYR is not that good for LSW. These antis were even criticizing the coldness of SYR towards LSW. But they were dumbfounded when they saw Det Cha movie.
I think FOTG was more than modest success after all it climbed to more than 20 % at the last epi. Even Det Cha had more 1.25 m viewers . I heard the moment the movie hits 1m it is already good box office result.
It’s not Sung Yuri’s fault.How come viewers used her as the whipping boy(girl) when FOTG did not meet their expectations? Blame the scriptwriter and PD. I found her acting alright,again it depended on the role.
The drama tried to extract the emotions of the viewers towards the second lead -should it be pity or hatred so she was given scenes to elicit them.
Poor Yuri just slightly controversial when she was made to ascend the higher position in Arirang. In spite of the injustices committed on her,she wasn’t given a satisfying recovery to the very end.
Feast of the Gods left me frustrated for the wimpy plot and dereliction of writing duties that was handed in — and let’s not mention what part of the PD’s anatomy should be strung up. Why waste all of that talent and money and do a half-arsed job?
Still, Sung Yuri is maturing as an actress and she’s lovely, as always. I also quite liked the shoot, although three of the pictures have been done so much by so many models/actresses/whatevers for so many designers, I would really wish they’d leave off any more taxi shots, casually leaning on a wall to look elegant in no remotely useful way, and the obligatory laying down crane-view camera shot. She looks best when stepping off the curb, at the temple, and mid-street. The photographer needs to be re-inspired with posing such beautiful clothes on such a beautiful woman. Sigh.
FotG was ok for the food porn, but there wasn’t even enough of that. Fermentation Family had constant food porn. Also, once she settled on the guy, there was only a half second of nookie in the last episode. Pffft.
yeah, like enough time to spell
o-r-g and it was over.
I”ll be watching Fermentation Family again.
It was definitely a well written and acted drama. Something FOTG could have been but wasn’t.
oops, nix the well acted comment. It’s not the actor’s fault that the writers couldn’t develop a decent plot that they could work with.
I like the outfits but not the BIG bags (I see this kind of bag in the latest drama and I dislike it!) what happen to the elegant bags? this style is like construction-workers bags and I bet they cost a loooot!
She looks gorgeous on al the pictures.
I love FOTG and it almost landed on one my favorites if only they didn’t messed up the last episode. And also, I find SYR’s character there so wishy washy, she left the cutie guy hanging until the end. What an ending, no kissing scene at all after all the efforts of the cutie guy to get her.
Those pictures are beautiful and the model is… Whoa! Perfect silhouette.
As for Feast of The Gods, I would classify it as a Plot-What Plot? full of eye candy and food porn. 90% visual. Really, you could watch it muted and you wouldn’t have lost much. With that in mind, it was a treat: Don’t ask a show to give you what he is not designed for. If there are foodies among your readers Ms Koala, they could be tempted to see this:
Yep. I’m shamelessly self-promoting. 🙂
Yes ! Agree – I actually liked the drama esp w Lee Sang Woo !! His laid-back chemistry w Sang Yuri was palatable. But the ending really, really not well done – so darn rush, chop chop, let’s get the revised OTP together, in like last 10 mins ! No perfect drama ending, ( ie: no kisses, passionate miss you hugs, etc ) despite the almost unbearable patience of the LSW.
Sung Yuri looks very pretty and elegant…like the look. I watched FOTG mainly for Lee Sang Woo, who has one of the best bods in the business, and was rewarded with a speedo-clad jump in the pool, which was much too short. Saying this, I also liked his acting, but agree that the ending and the plot left a lot to be desired. The series was too long. I ended up FF through some of it. Liked Fermentation Family better.
She’s too pretty for her own good !!!
makes me miss HK. 🙁
the pictures, are lovely though!
To be honest, I often wonder why they put in the effort to shoot in another place if they eventually choose pictures of close ups which essentially, could be anywhere. Without the two street scenes… this could be anywhere. I miss HK too, so I’m a bit dissapointed that they couldn’t even bother to capture any of it’s essence in the photos.
Sung Yuri is lovely, indeed. But what’s with the short little hairs just below where her hair is parted? Is that an “in” thing now? *shudders at the thought of trying to grow that out gracefully* Also, I think it’s funny how her bust size changed so much in one shoot.
I agree with most of the other commenters– FOTG was quite disappointing and sometimes even infuriating… but it was a truly a Feast of the Gods in terms of eye-candy. Joo Sang Wook is dazzling and he was more animated in this role than he usually is, which made him even more appealing. But IMHO, JSW is but a demigod compared to Lee Sang Woo. I’m utterly mesmerized by his sublime gorgeousness. If I could do it over again, I wouldn’t watch the drama– I’d fast-forward through all the scenes that didn’t have JSW or LSW in them, and I’d take a ton of screenshots of the two gods (especially LSW), trying to decide in which shots they looked the most ravishing.
Has anyone seen Runway Cop yet? Was it any good? It looked like it was gonna be a hoot.
ou know what, after ep.20 I did ff all the parts without LSW or JSW or SYR 😀