
Yoon Eun Hye is Retro Fab at the Cartier Tank Watch Exhibit — 30 Comments

  1. Mrs Koala thank you very much I love you post news from YEH, I’m speechless to see so much beauty, definitely a goddess, I am anxiously awaiting your next project either drama or movie.

  2. their eyes are always different but beautiful as ever, as the half Korean diieron your legs are the national treasure of the nation, jejej like all looking forward to their next projects.

  3. thank you very much Koala’s why I love this blog, YEH is more beautiful every day, no matter that I can not stop looking at hundreds of times, just waiting anxiously your next project that I think will be soon. well I will continue waiting patiently to see her back to my favorite actress.

  4. I’m so glad you posted this article! YEH is my favorite K-actress, heck, maybe my favorite actress period. It’s great to see her out and about in the world, making difference.

  5. She looks great and is wonderful. I remember reading somewhere that she’s done favours for friends by acting in their projects.

  6. Love her look!! And she truly is a caring person… she has done so many charities even before entering the entertainment business but she doesn’t always reveal them.. her acts of kindness are often revealed by a third party..

    Anywayzzz, always patiently waiting for news about her!!!

    • You know, some time I thought about that too. IMO her beauty doesn’t fit to the Asian standard, especially her nose. Her nose just looks like a typical of caucasian standard. But nevertheless she’s beautiful in my eyes. But more than her outlook appearance I love her inner beauty more. Hoping that she will be blessed with great projects in the future.
      As always thanks a lot for posting this news Mrs Koala 😉

  7. I never knew that Korean star also visit place’s like that. That was really nice. I would too if I have money. 🙁

  8. Look at them LEGS!!!!!!!! Killer!
    Yeah, Koala, I think YEH is just very caring, and does charity for more than just publicity. Aigoo, shes so hot. I want her on and for her to do a new project.

  9. I’m way older than most here, no matter what the age you are at, when you see someone who is talented it makes you smile from within. YEH, just happens to be multitalented in many areas, and people recognize this. She has had many successes under her belt because she works hard, has great comedic timing and obviously, for what ever reason, can get across to the viewing public, the empathy she feels for the characters she plays. Some actors can do this well while others can’t. So far, in my opinion, she has chosen dramas and wonderful actors to work along side. She obviously puts a lot of thought into the work she accepts and also thinks about her following, that is so important for the people who like her to know, and they know this. Granted no one can be perfect, and no one would want her to be…. because being unique and not a cookie cutter actress, is her appeal. I wish her the best.

    • I can almost bet that I’m way older than you….however lets say our love for YEH has no age barrier..
      I’m waiting patiently for her next drama.

  10. That’s right ockoala. YEH’s involvement in charitable organizations have always been genuine. She’s been volunteering in orphanages without people knowing even before she joined showbusiness. The only reason people found out that she volunteers on that orphange even until now, was because another volunteer who wasn’t even a fan of her then, saw her.


    credit: smr05 for translation

    account of a Yoon Eun Hye sighting at an orphange:

    A once-non-fan-but-now-a-devoted-YEH-fan went to a run down orphanage one day, and saw YEH there, tending to one of the disabled kids..

    The fan was so surprised that she continued to just stare at her and then thought to herself.. “this must be a publicity stunt, and a one-off charity event”..but then the fan asked the owner about YEH and why she’s at the orphanage..
    The owner told her that YEH has been coming to this orphanage – looking after the kids, playing with the kids and making contributions ever since she was in middle school and even BEFORE she debuted in Baby VOX, and sometimes her parents would come in her place~!!

    The owner also added that while other celebrities would make a large one-off donation, YEH would make smaller but consistent donations..

    Whats more, there was a blind girl who was dumped somewhere, YEH and her parents took her to the police station and when they couldnt find the parents, YEH and her parents convinced the cops to take her to the orphanage where she is now, all healthy and happy ^^

    YEH also personally named the little girl (forgot the name) – the name had something to do with eyesight cos although the girl was blind, YEH found her eyes to be very beautiful and bright so she named it accordingly.

  11. I was reading an article earlier about the times we are living through. Life isn’t easy….these romantic comedies, which are upbeat, help millions of fans, of all ages, get through days that can be trying . We are surrounded by so much hurt and sadness, people, many times, need some relief, these wonderful comedies help do just that. Being able to laugh out loud and cry sobbing tears is cathartic and people like YEH provides this vehicle, which allows many fans the outlet. I was reading here about YEH and her humanitarian efforts, I hope she realizes she is providing a humanitarian service for many people, with the positive image she provides impressionable young fans, who idolize and believe in her goodness. I also only hope she doesn’t leave romantic comedies, in which she excels…. in my opinion, this is what the public is looking for, the reality of the world isn’t pretty and an escape is just what the doctor ordered.

    Contrary to what some people like to say, the young of today are wonderful, I have two fantastic daughters who do their generation proud.

  12. I’m not a Koreanovela fan and rarely watch Korean dramas. But the first time I saw Hye on TV screen (when Lie To Me was showed on Philippine TV) gee, I was stunned by her beauty. The killer legs. And the way she dresses up so simple but very elegant. Since LTM I started googling her. I was so surprised that she really has a big heart for the little and less fortunate kids. She is not only blessed with outer beauty but inner beauty as well. And one thing I love most about her, is her closed relationship to our creator Lord Jesus Christ. And reading Lamas message wow! I was blown away. Thank you @lamas for the info. Hye you are truly an inspiration to all of us. We’re dying to see you on TV screen again. If my son and niece love Lee Min Ho, Girls Generation, Dara park and other KPop Girl and Boy Group. I am your no. 1 fan and wil always be. God bless our dear Hye.

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