
Koala Guesses: Yoon Jae or Kyung Joon at the End of Episode 14 of Big? — 34 Comments

  1. I have been telling friends that Shin is popular now due to Gong Yoo protraying as Kyung Joon In BIG.
    You have the same thoughts too.
    Thank you.

  2. Nice catch, Koala!

    It’s prolly his blood aversion just kicking in, made worse by the fact that it is his OWN blood.

    After a rewatch, I just noticed that the moment KKJ wavers is when the blood starts coming out through the tubes. He sinks down and holds his own hand, but that didn’t prevent him from finally going down.

    He was probably embarrassed and disappointed that he still has not been able to overcome this problem, and was hiding out in the office.

    I have been reading comments here and there where Shin fan’s say it isn’t fair that he doesn’t get to act.
    Last week, I went waaaaaaaay back to the beginning of the soompi thread to look for any advance word on his role. The production crew was very wise to not let a peep out about him, because the impact of seeing him come off the bus was THAT much greater.

    Remember how surprised we were that it was going to be about the 18 year old kid?

    I also love Shin with all my heart. I agree a lonely 18 year old student was a perfect role for an inexperienced 20 year old actor with the face of an angel, snarly smile, and charisma blasting from his gaze.

    If Shin wakes up in the show, I would prefer him to be that character again.

    As you said, he would have to have been studying the tape, practicing GY voice inflections, facial, hand, neck, arm, everything movements to tackle being the matured, bitter, love strengthened person KKJ has become. If I were his manager, I would be paying the writers off to NOT put my kid in that situation.

    Can you imagine the conversation about the last episode if he had to? “So you’re saying Shin has to follow GY being his wonderful self for 14 episodes and win over the audience in seconds while making them forget that GY was on their screens? No PROBLEM!”

    I say, let Shin sleep out gracefully, do concert fan meetings, continue his rise to fame while working on his acting. Isn’t he the type that ends up in a High Kick show, where he has to work and work? Then, maybe a little brother in a Kim Soo Hyun (writer: LIB) show, a supporting lead in something else – like a crime drama, yeah.
    THEN, he can play a romantic lead. Just not yet.

    • I hadn’t thought about him not having just woken up when Da Ran came in there, that’s a very good point. But after I wrote that post on the other thread about how we can’t forget that Yoon Jae’s body was dead until Kyung Joon’s soul entered it I started thinking and I agree with you that I don’t think they have switched back, I think you are right and Yoon Jae is already dead, as sad as that is. It would definitely make for some good drama for him to have to choose whether to go back to his body and not lose 12 years of his life but loose his memories with Da Ran, or to stay as Kyung Jae and lose 12 years but remember Da Ran. I feel like if he chooses his own body at that point then I wouldn’t quite even understand the point of the whole switch, except I guess he would have to learn doctor knowledge and it would make him closer to Da Ran, okay nvmnd I think I do understand lol. Sometimes I have to write things out to wrap my brain around them ha ha. Ahhh I was starting to hope and look forward to the whole him forgetting and them falling in love again ending because I like endings that are related to destiny and fate. So let’s say he does choose his own body (which I think Da Ran would push him to do, I don’t see her wanting him to give up 12 years of his life and his personal identity for her), so that would mean Yoon Jae’s body would die right? Then there’s no complications….

  3. woww!! koala, i’m really excited everytime u put your thoughts here. especially thought on BIG. well, i think u might be right about the waking up YJ at the end of ep 14 was actually KJ. however, i really wish that it was YJ. which means KJ has returned to his own body. i fell in love with SWH from the 1st episode and hoping for him to be the end game. but your theory seems almost too real, like it could be the real script of whats going to happen next. why cant they let KJ’s soul back to his body?? >A<

  4. If I were KKJ, I would have chosen to return to my own body, even if it were a bit decayed from staying “soulless”. I would have also thought hard about what I want to dedicate my life to. Because, you know, it can’t be just DR. She has to respect him as a man to become his beloved again. You know what I mean.

    I still tend to think that there was some Angel or some living being, who was maintaining KKJ’s body with the power of his/her soul, while his soul was not there.

  5. Ms. Koala~ the new preview is out~~~

    이루어질 수 없는 운명이라 확신한 경준(공유)은 애써 다란(이민정)과 사랑했던 순간들을 기억 못하는 척한다. 하지만 다란은 경준과의 사랑을 사라질 추억으로 두지 않고 가족들에게 공개하기로 결심하는데…
    ※ 예고 영상은 준비 중 입니다. 이 점 양해바랍니다.

    Credit: miwako @soompi for finding it

    ^ You should really really be a scriptwriter LOL I don’t know what to feel about the preview yet though… =x

  6. Have we ever seen Yoon Jae sleep before? May be he has the same sleeping way like Kyung Joon, it could be, right??
    So, I still hope that they really switch.

    • It could be Yoon Jae especially if they are a kind of fraternal twins. There was a study done that should twins have similar behavior even when they are raised separately. I want a switch as I think if YJ is dead it will be a cope-out.

  7. I actually think this ending is the way to go and best for everyone. Esp. Shin! Imagine having to live up to all these expectations.. haha.. Poor guy. Koala, am pretty sure you are going to nail it again this time.

    I also think the last 2 episodes will be happy ones. Of Daran and KJ conquering all and coming together 🙂

  8. Koala, thanks for sharing your theories and the screencap “evidence”. His behavior was similar to the elevator scene where he made Da Ran guess which soul she was talking to and therefore reveal which soul she wanted it to be. I’m not sure which body I want KKJ’s soul to inhabit, but I do want *him* to get the girl.

  9. Hello Miss Koala! This is off-topic but I just wanted to share with you that Suzy and Kim Soo-hyun are reuniting for a Beanpole CF shoot. Long live the Dream High OTP!

  10. I also believe it’s still KKJ because if it’s YJ, it should have been cleared at the ending to boost the drama’s rating.

    KKJ should return to his own body that to saty on YJ’s body just to be with DR. YJ’s body is not that healthy and maybe 5 to ten years from now, his illness will recur again and therefore it’s useless to saty in that body because his happiness with DR will just be short-lived. While if KKJ returns to his own body, he can do so many things like becoming a full pledged doctor because he’s healthy and he can still stay with DR if he wants to but of course with so many complications but who cares as long as you’ll be together with the one you love.

  11. OH! Another thing!

    The “only Yoon-jae shi has warm hands like this” statement from DR.
    Also misleading – When she went to the hospital after the switch and held KKJ shell’s hand, she remarked that they were warm. This assumes that YJ is in there; I don’t think he is.

    The warm hands belong to the dad and both of his sons. The proof is that in YJ’s autobiographical essay, he mentions the warm hands of his savior. It could be figurative, or it could be he held the little baby’s hands…
    (sniff sniff…I would NOT survive THAT scene if they decided to show it. God, please NO!)

    Why didn’t KKJ as GY have warm hands? Either she is wrong, which is possible, or because YJ is dead.
    This whole time, she has NOT been interacting with KKJ’s soul in a healthy living shell, but one propped up by magic, and she felt that.

    • Wow..Jomo…you’re really into this drama, I haven’t paid attention to none of that. Nice insights!!

      If YJ is dead, someone is a zombie in this drama. KKJ’s soul is a resident in a dead man’s body. I can’t help but laugh…all this seems like something you see in a horror movie. The plot is too messy, but I hope it’ll all make sense in the end.

  12. Omo! I had the exact thoughts yesterday but backed off commenting cuz I just couldn’t get the right words to explain it. I think KJ will stay in Yoon Jae body and the parents will take care of KJ. Kyung Jae will see how his parents have repented and are now taking care of him with love and he will be able to forgive and accept them. I just couldn’t accept Kyung Joon and Da Ran together…it just seems so wrong. Student/teacher relation…no, no, no. Wouldn’t mind if they are of appropriate age, but a teenager and an adult….no, no, no.

  13. Episode clues: Bear with me while I try and sort it out like a 1000 piece picture puzzle.

    1) Gil Daran chooses who will live. Means one will die with a cloth covering his face, exactly the same as the first episode when Seo Yoon Jae’s body was covered with a cloth when being taken to the morgue.

    [if this is true, then Kyung joon lived in a state of nothingness for 12 years = Yoon Jae did that for 1 year, Both must have been painful times for the souls. But why didn’t Kyung Joon’s body die? Only to save Yoon Jae again? But why keep a gap of one year? Read on…]

    2) Kyung Joon has to forget everything. Means it is again Kyung Joon in Seo Yoon Jae’s body, but he has forgotten everything that happened in the last year. So it’s a new waking up albeit as Kyung Jae again. But different this time because he will be more grown up without realizing why/how

    [doesn’t make sense because one who is frozen is the one who shouldn’t remember, in this case Seo Yoon Jae. But the drama suggests that Kyung Joon also has to forget. Inspite of the fact that technically Seo Yoon Jae was the one lying unaware and he should wake up as if his life had paused and not Kyung Joon]

    3) A quick behind the scenes clue: The original Kyung Joon is out of all the posters/publicity. He only appeared along with the actor who played Choong Shik as far as I know. If his role would have been any bigger than it already is, he would have appeared in more publicity material?

    4) Seo Yoon Jae cannot wake up in spite of being in a healthy body. So Kyung Joon is the one driving this. Whether he wakes up in his own a.k.a Kyung Joon’s body or not, Seo Yoon Jae is gone. And it is highly unlikely they will kill Gong Yoo off before the last two episodes. In effect what I am saying is that a switch is not possible. We are going to get Gong Yoo’s Body with Kyung Joon in it. Only question is will this Kyung Joon remember the last year or not.

    [This works because its give and take. not give take and then give! 😀 Meaning, Kyung Joon waits for 12 years to give life to Seo Yoon Jae. During the accident Kyung Joon’s body is about to fail/die and Seo Yoon Jae saves him. But remember Seo Yoon Jae also knew that his illness had returned (aka him searching for his lost sibling) so he realises that his body will not last for Kyung joon for long. So he holds on in the goner body of Kyung Joon until Seo Yoon Jae gets the cells he needs. Effectively saving his brother completely. This then means that the sacrifice is equal. The lost 12 years of Kyung Joon doesn’t matter anyhow because we have now learned that they were technically created at the same time. Everybody ends up happy. Seo yoon Jae because he got an extension of 12 years of life which he shouldn’t have had anyway. Kyung Joon who decides to become a doctor and save children’s lives now just like his hyung did when he received the gift of life. Da Ran because. well, because none of it involves her anyway. Her guilt over not loving Seo Yoon Jae has been pulled out in previous episodes. And her love for Kyung Joon has been painfully established. So she cries for Seo Yoon Jae. But has to live with Kyung Joon in Seo Yoon Jae’s body. Everybody knows its Kyung Joon, they move to a rural hospital where Kyung Joon practises for the poor and she teaches at a school. Mari has to deal with the fact that Kyung Joon doesn’t love her. Which she knows anyway.

    • To irib’s comment:
      Exactly my thoughts – you took the words right out of my mouth 🙂
      To me that is the most logical ending, not ideal but realistic and in synch with societal norms/culture.

      How I lurve BIG 🙂

  14. Oh, and we will also probably get an interaction of the original Yoon Jae with the original Kyung Joon if Kyung Joon does forget everything. Thus effectively killing Kyung Joons body off now that blood has been donated.

    So Kyung Joon has to grow up all of a sudden and realise that his hyung died, giving him a protective shell and how he uses that shell and a new family and love. His growing up.

  15. OH MY GOSH!!! you are so correct…lol, for some reason, i feel like you were having a “MARI” moment…that’s how she figured how that kyung jae was kyung joon through pictures hahah

  16. I think you hit the nail on the head Koala…with him having the choice….but what really worries me….is the last shot in the video preview….the tear slowly making its way down KKJ’s face….that does NOT sit well with me….why is he crying, have they switched back and KKJ is dying and he doesn’t want to leave her. He feels regret, love, sorrow and pain…either way I know I am going to sob my heart out. Every time I come out of my room sobbing after watching one of my Kdramas, my boys say: “Mum why do you watch them if they make you cry so hard”…..its easy, because I love them…Koreans create wonderful dramas!

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