
First Look at Wolf Girl Liu Shi Shi with Brother Wolf in Da Mo Yao — 26 Comments

  1. The little puppies are so cute! I don’t mind that they are more dog than wolf. I’m just glad that Brother Wolf won’t be some CGI-ed horror movie animal, with Tangren’s CGI quality I’d opt out straight based on that.

  2. I normally don’t like swoon over dogs like some, but these puppies look so cute and cuddly like a baby panda and teddy bear that I just want to swoop them in my arms and hug them! ^_^

    I do hope that the production would be as satisfying as BBJX. I wonder how this ending will turn out to be since they are being forced to change it to align with history. Has anyone heard anything about it?

  3. Goodness! This is MAJOR doggie P0rN!!!

    I too sincerely hope this will truly follow BBJX every startling step. We have our share of skepticism with BuBu at the same time point in production and it turned out an unbelievable surprise. We know XYJ was thrown together in sucha short shoot and with all these fan-bases to tap into, the chance of TR really putting damnest effort in it was slim, but 4 grueling months should be sth, esp seeing SS buried in the hot desert sand: breaks my heart in how extremely tough it must be shooting this.

  4. Dear Ms Koala only here to comment about those adorable bits of cuteness.Can they get any cuter? I will be taking photos with them non stop.

  5. I squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling. I want to get a hold of those cuddly puppies.
    They’re so cute!! Now, I’m sorry that I have to make them mine on my PC.

  6. dogs are way MUCH MUCH BETTER than a CGI-ed horror dog from Tangren. I can’t trust Chinese special effects [they’re so horrible], but I like these stills, and especially I LOVE the puppies!!! wish I can breed one of them here…

  7. I’m watching XYJ (Xuan Yuan Sword)at the moment. Been marathoning past Hu Ge dramas (started with LOCH2008 and The little fairy which costars Ariel -love love love). Now downloading Chinese Paladin 1 and 3 as well.

    I still watch chinese dramas for the mythology/fantasy premise. China has abundant engaging folktales – sadly most don’t translate all too well onscreen due to their limited CGIs. So I usually turn a blind eye to all that and watch it just for the story. I get my CGI fix from hollywood. Haha.

    Btw, the girl who acted as daughter of goddess Nüwa- bloody beautiful!

  8. I do like her outfit, but the dreadlocks? I was hoping for just untied, long hair… I still dunno if I can get past the cast enough to watch it though :/ still pretty pissed about that

  9. Puppies!!! That’s about all I took away from this post, could care less about this adaptation, everything just looks wrong!

  10. AWwwwwww.. those malamute puppies are gorgeous! The human actors are irrelevant! I will watch the series no matter who they get to play the leads!

  11. I really DON’T understand why you have to keep talking about how bad another show is when you’re updating it on a different one. Just because you hate that type of show, just because you don’t like the cast, it doesn’t make it horrible.

    Seriously, it’s just SO SAD that people are like that. You can’t even stop for a moment and take focus off the negatives.

    You know, it’s the worst thing to be reading updates and see comments like that about how bad you think another one is. FYI i think Xuan Yuan Sword is AMAZING, so absolutely brilliant, one of the BEST shows ever, surpassing BBJX by miles and miles. I don’t even get why that show is “the best one ever”, I think XYJ has so much more than that, it actually excites me, unlike the other. BBJX is so slow sometimes I just want to fast forward it!!!

    Oh yeah, I’m only making comparisons because you seem to keep doing that.

    Xuan Yuan sword has it all, awesome magic, a great kickass story, AWESOME humor (which BBJX lacked so much of!!)

    Fantasy is so much better than historical, seriously! I’m just so sick and tired of you bashing it. It’s much better than BBJX and any shows like that will ever be! And honestly if you don’t like me making these type of comparisons, putting one of them down, you should learn to stop doing that too, cos it is SO ANNOYING! I actually once stage, LIKED bbjx until people like you ruined it completely your completely unnecessary comments!

    • And this is her blog FYI. What makes you think that she can’t say what she wants to say? You can express your opinion about XYJ and your disagreement in a polite way– there’s no need to be rude as this is Ms. Koala’s blog and there is no reason to teach her how she should be writing her blog. If you don’t like her writing style or her blog posts, than simply don’t visit this blog.

  12. You know what also? Xuan Yuan Sword is so much better than those stupid korean dramas will ever be, which just seems to be boring stuff about life that are overdone and uninteresting.

    • maybe it’s YOUR life that is overdone and uninteresting… yup, that’s why you prefer fantasy over reality.

      It’s one thing to rant and rave over your favorite show but for you to bash a whole genre? you’re in the wrong room, sweetheart…

  13. The below is just my opinion…

    TBH I don’t have much problems with the male leads, even Eddie Peng as HQB is growing on me, he does kind of have that mischevious, manly look; but I just hope he can also pull off cold and arrogant. I think Hu Ge is too pretty to play a manly role, and fits the beautiful and tragic Meng Jiu role more so I’m pretty OK with the casting in that degree.

    The problem I have is actually with the female actresses. I loved LSS in Bu Bu Jing Xin but let’s be honest, she isn’t beautiful. She’s fine looking and definitely not ugly especially in period clothes, and I think she’s a great and likeable actress. The thing is in the books Jin Yu is supposed to be GORGEOUS. Which LSS isn’t. I have the same problem with Fala Chen. She’s nice looking too but she’s not the raving beauty that Li Yan is supposed to be. The way the book describes them I’d be expecting someone on par with the looks of a young Shu Qi, Liu Yi Fei or Zhou Xun. I’m sure there are plenty of television actresses who would fit the look. Even a cookie-cutter conventionally pretty actress like Yang Mi would be OK because well, at least I’d buy it. LSS looks like she has presence and elegance, but to me that’s not physical beauty. I think those characters and probably much more important than physical beauty, but the thing is the book clearly describes her and Li Yan as being physically beautiful to look at – even from a young age when her character wasn’t developed yet.

    I didn’t have this problem with LSS in BBJX because I never read the books so I never looked it from the viewpoint that she was pretty, I thought that the guys fell in love with her because of her great character and smarts.

    Anyway this is just my opinion! You don’t need to agree with me.

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