
Video Preview for Episode 13 and Spoilers for Episode 14 of Nice Guy — 24 Comments

  1. gahhh so complicated … i was just getting all happy because maru finally allows himself to love eun gi back. urgh i freaking hate jae hoe and her minion >;0

  2. Hahaha when i saw the BTS pictures that was the one (now the header in the site^^) that immediately made me think that it must be a header for Unnie’s playground;))) and someone thought the same;))) how cute they are in that picture;))))))))))) omg i am sad when i think the possible endings even now;(

  3. God, I realize this drama slowly buyt surely has road into MISA part 2.. LOL

    Please writers not this time… You had make me cried so hard for Moo Hyuk, You can’t do this to MARU! Arghhhhhhhha

    At least there is a hope he can get cure right? right???

  4. I am actually liking how the direction of the plot is going. It’s intriguing and what makes it even more awesome is the actors and actresses!!
    I can’t wait till tomorrow! <3

  5. Thanks foe preview Koala.

    Dear Script Writer-nim,

    If you can make people happy why don’t you make us upset?
    So please…make this drama happy ending.

  6. i really hope the story won’t drag the memory loss and both Eun Gi and Jae Hee issue for too long. I just can’t stand watching Ma Ru suffer. From begining My only concerned and the reason I follow this drama is him. He is like a suffering person, trying to cover his pain, and not allowed anyone to involve what he called his lousy world. He is really a nice guy even from beginning. Even when he is being a jerk, he helped Eun Gi and stayed by her side. In those moment, i can really feel his geniune feeling often come out. He is really has a soft heart. Hi ladies, in this world you’re not the only one who have problem. Give the guys some space, okay??? Hope Eun Gi’s case would be solved quickly and gave the poor guy A huge! Until now, not even once someone who know his real own problem. if the story develop and make him alone forever like MISA, I swear i will terror the writers this time. I don’t have enough tissues to cry again because of him.

  7. I keep screaming for Maru to get his hematoma sorted out cos its still not beyond repair!!! Maru ,you’re No Good to the ladies in your life if you kill yourself!! PLUS US! We.Dont.Want.You.Dead.

  8. with all the angst, i just want some BLOOD, someone should DIE.
    I don’t know who but someone should pay a life for all the boiling
    feelings I had for the last episodes. Hear ME white goat!

  9. double amnesia wtf T_T what kind of twist is this?! how the…?! this is not fair!!! ~_~ this is weird. Hopefully LKH can pull this plot twist off soon. I trust her to make an awesome ending for our OTP. >.< Don't disappoint us please.

  10. i am so addicted to this drama…please kill off at least one of the baddies….PLEASE…….i don’t care anymore on who gets Tae San Group just as long as EG and MR are to be together somehow…please fix it so MR stops hurting so much ….give him a little happiness . Every time a new episode comes out i watch 3 times first with no subs, second time after a read your recap, and the last time with subs from viki for the additional chattter above the subs. Thanks to all for the sheer joy of this addiction!!!

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