
In Time With You with Ariel Lin and Bolin Chen Sweeps the Golden Bell Awards — 19 Comments

  1. Oh, I understand the dress now…She is hinting that her next role will be a Super Hero action star, you know, like Goth Wonder Woman…
    or not…

    • It’s at least better than Sonia’s “accidental exposure” last year. Ariel’s next role is as a period babe in distress/goddess. Or something like that. Two kings fight over her. The “inner goddess”/secret romance novel junkie in me is already jealous.

  2. Yay! I knew you’d be posting about it! So happy they swept the awards! Ariel should definitely fire her stylist making her dress up so horribly at the red carpet!!! I was shocked myself! I was like WTF is she wearing?!!! So glad she changed into something better which suited her more!

  3. you’re fast ms.koala.
    i watched the live stream of GBA just to see my favorite actress winning her 2nd best actress award in youtube although it makes me stressed because the video always hang but everytime ITWY won an award i feel so happy because I know this drama deserves it and all of its staff/crew deserves this award especially to ARIEL LIN and to her leading man BOLIN CHEN…. 😀

    • same here, I was watching the live stream as well. At first from youtube, thank heavens yahoo was showing a live stream too. And the live stream from yahoo was much better, no lag time. 🙂

  4. LOL at the oustreched, give-me-a-hug arms of the person sitting next to Ariel in that one picture. But congrats to the ITWY cast and crew!!! And you are right, Ms Koala, Chen Bolin really needs to work on his fashion style…or lack thereof. It’s ok, we still love you, Daren Ge~

  5. I am soooo HAPPY for Ariel & the entire ITWY team! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Yes! the reaction of Ariel was indeed priceless but the most touching moment for me was when Director Winnie won. Ariel can’t control her tears when Director Winnie won. So happy for him. I also loved Bolin’s reaction, he was speechless & overwhelmed with joy! I’m just too happy, can’t sleep. Love Ariel so much, seeing her win her second GBA is simply a wonderful feeling!
    Btw, on a side note. When I saw Ariel’s outfit on the red carpet, my reaction was WTF is she wearing! I was kinda disappointed, she looks gorgeous but that outfit doesn’t suit her at all. It was a bit too daring & odd for her personality. Same as Bolin, I think both of them should fire their stylists, hehehe!!! Good thing they both won, I can forget about the bad outfits. Congrats again to dear Ariel, Bolin & the ITWY team! 🙂

  6. So happy for Ariel and this drama! I actually like the top half of Ariel’s dress but as I scrolled further down, I was like “underwear showing is red-carpet no, no”. I personally love lace but it should have been less transparent or something…

  7. I think I would have liked the dress if it had more lining coverage on the bottom than black underwear (like maybe the coverage of a mini-skirt?). I was sooo happy to see Ariel change into her pretty white dress with red heels for both presenting and accepting her award. I was bummed that GBAs actually asked Ariel and Bolin to walk the red carpet separately in a bid to get more people to tune in to see them together during the show. I would’ve tuned in anyway! Grr.

    Bolin was adorable, even if his outfit is umm… (still better than David’s leopard print, though). So excited that Winnie won! He so deserves it, and as much as I love Ariel, the ITWY win I wanted the most by far was Winnie’s (and ITWY for Best Drama).

  8. I loved ITWY and am so happy for everyone involved! Thanks for the post!!

    Bummer about the horrific fashion choices, though. The only thing worse than a velvet tux is a LEOPARD PRINT VELVET JACKET. WTF??

    Not that Ariel’s granny panties with sheer overlay are any better…

  9. i dont think th outfit not suited 4 ariel ts just too much sexy 4 her…… but she can carry it…..she deserves d award 4 d second time….he hehe hope joe was there.

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