
The Cast of IRIS 2 with Jang Hyuk and Lee Da Hae Attend Media Showcase — 23 Comments

  1. Lee Da Hee is just so pretty and Jang hyuk doesn’t look THAT bad right? Compared to some of tge actors that we’ve seen over the years..I’m hoping this will be good as I quite like action dramas. I havent seen IRIS or ATHENA and I’m not inclined to after reading the recaps of both..

    • i have to agree the haircut isn’t that big a disaster, comparing to Hwang Jung Eum and her obsession to outdo herself for worst haircut of the century.
      Or maybe it’s because his smiling which he almost never does.

  2. The funny thing with Jang Hyuk is that he always has either very good hair, or very bad hair. And with him, his hairstyle is a pretty important factor when I am trying to decide how handsome he is and how much I like him.

  3. She does look great, and I don’t like her a jot.
    He looks kinda really super bad, but I still love him.

    Isn’t that the hair style reserved for actors playing super innocent or “special?” JWS in Padam Padam, for example, or Hwang Jung Min in That Fool?

  4. She always looks like she’s really into him. Too bad he’s married, otherwise I would totally ship it. BTW, the number of idols in this drama confirms to me that it’ll be a hot mess – even with Lee Bum Soo on board.

  5. I saw saw press conference pictures-WOW Lee Da Hae and her model like figure. I like it a lot.

    Jang Hyuk-no comments, I prefer the Slave Hunter looks.

  6. Be kind 🙂 JH’s hair is not that bad… Hahaha. They look very good together. But LDH just has the amazing ability to look good with any guy.

  7. I guess I’m in the minority that is actually ok with Jang Hyuk’s hair. I was getting real tired of that shag across his head for the last few years. Might’ve been better, though, if he went with the hairstyle he wore in Thank You, but a little shorter and cleaner. Overall, I’m pretty excited to see what IRIS 2 has in store. Can’t wait to see the teasers yayy.

    Also, can’t help but laugh a little at how Im Soo Hyang and Lee Bum Soo look like deer in headlights in these pics, heh.

    • Mee too not dislike jang hyuk’s hair. It’s fine. What bothers me is lee da hae. Haven’t seen her in anything since my girl. She looks pretty but not like herself, totally different. Did she have some surgery? Too bad since I clearly prefer her old image 🙁

  8. I actually love the hair. I love super-short hair on guys and kdrama men prefer to sport flowing locks that I associate with 19th-century romantics, not men I want to fancy. So it’s all good.

    I loved IRIS beyond reason, loathed Athena about as much as I loved IRIS, so here’s hoping IRIS2 splits the difference and is at least OK.

    Ehhh, who am I kidding? As long as it gives me LDH/JH scenes, it can be as crappy as it pleases.

  9. Also don’t think that JH’s hair is /too/ bad. But then again, after seeing the cast of Full House 2, anything is amazing in comparison.

    LDH on the other hand….omg! she’s absolutely glowing! beautiful! she and JH are sure to have excellent chemistry. And where can I get her dress?!?

  10. When I saw bad hairstyle, I thought it has to be Full House 2! Then I saw 2013. It didn’t start yet, but let’s hope that’s the worst one.

    I agree about Noh Min Woo, but at least he doesn’t sport that hairstyle the whole time and has it straight at times. For me, Hwang Jung Eum (?) – female lead of Full House 2 – the worst and most irritating hairstyle. She is suppose to be a stylist and her style is… Blech..

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