
Spoilers from the Long Preview for Episode 19 of Nice Guy — 35 Comments

  1. OH MY GOSH!!! i cannot wait until the finale! well, at least jae shik has some conscience floating around in his head. he kind of wants to kill maru for a house, but at the same time he doesn’t.

  2. jealous Maru ^_^

    hope jaeshik thinks many times before he kill maru. only maru’s family that always welcome him, never treat him badly even feed him sometimes.
    if he help maru to make eungi be the owner of taesan maybe he will get more than a house that AMY promised to give him. think smart jaeshik-ssi

  3. I am so not going to read any previews, spoilers or anything else till this thing is over…but I’m totally bracing for the impact of a hard hitting finale…I’m positive that we’re going to get a death or two (fully stocked with tissues!!!)…I’m betting on Maru being our fatality from our OTP and am also hoping Jae Hee gets something similar ‘cuz I swear I’ll be ripping out all my hair, if not…..Idk abt Eun Ki but I’ll say she has a 50% chance when you do math with all of LKH’s previous drama endings

  4. as someone who has seen a therapist from my mid 20s thru my early 40s….i am in my 60s now i am preparing with the box of tissues and my prozac ( for the anxiety and depression) i know i’ll be feeling at the end of this drama. But it has been the BEST angst i have had in years!!! All the actors were truly phenomenal, the directing too wonderful for words and the story just beyond fabulous. This is the best kdrama i have ever seen…..thank sooooo much for the recaps and the thought provoking analysis.

  5. I cant wait for the last two episodes… I keep on thinking how will it end and will the writer push the story that will leave us amaze or a stand up imaginary ovation (right koala?)hehehe.. Whatever will it be I’m preparing myself for the big END and a sob,… at last I’m sure there will be lots of viewers and those folks whose been sticking of reading your recaps will know that this drama is so good that you will forever remember how Maru and Eun Gi started and end, how super duper nice is nice guy is and was until the very end of the story.. I really love the drama especially the recap Ms. Koala, thumbs up for you! Looking forward for your last two recaps!

  6. thanks ms koala! medication??! i hope not. cant wait for the episodes but really want it subbed before i watch. just hope i can hold out without reading spoilers. my will power is not so strong esp when we have a public holiday on thursday as well

  7. omgeee! of all people, that’s not Joon Ha i envisioned in the hospital. my excuses to Joon Ha fans but that’s a rather good news for me. 🙂 how i wish that Maru would then go straight to the operating room and get over and done with with that hematoma. *wishes* *wishes* *wishes* *wishes do come true*

  8. I’ve only watched 10 eps, and read recaps/comments for the rest. I have to admit, Joon Ha is the only guy in Nice Guy makes my heart flutters. Maru doesn’t. It’s interesting to watch him though.

  9. Oh no we have to wait till Thursday to know whether or not eungi will say yes or no to maru’s question aren’t we? Thanks for the long preview… Now I don’t know if I can sleep from the anxiety!

  10. Thank you once again Ockoala. You’re great at dissecting each character and their relationships. Am looking forward for an awesome and a remarkable finale from Lee Kyung Hee. Nice Guy is damn an incredible ride, definitely the best kdrama I’ve seen this year!

  11. supuestamente traduccion de la preview

    Eun-Gi: You do what you have to do, Maru-shi. I’ll do everything in my power to get Han Jae-Hee. Don’t let me catch her, if you want to protect her.

    Jae-Hee: Don’t you care what happens to Eun-Gi?

    Jae-Hee: Will you die with me?

    Maru: If you want to die, you go ahead and die alone. I’m not going to die. Why would I? I’ve done nothing wrong.

    Maru: Let’s run away. To some place no one can find us. Run away with me… Seo Eun-Gi.

    pero está incompleta
    I want more

  12. Just thinking now, if they are in the hospital, maybe there is a chance that Maru will be seen by the doctor who is treating Eun gi before right?
    There is still a chance for Maru to live!!!! wishing & hoping!crossfinger now…..

  13. I cant believe NG will finish this week. Watching preview ep. 19 just like I will still watch NG for more episodes. Then I will be satisfied for whatever ending of this show coz I’ve believed in it from the first episode. Btw, I’ve chose to be ChaeKi shipper also. Ah~ Happy bday to Moon Chae Won-ssi.

  14. Oh gosh! I’m biting away all my teeth from the nervous anticipation!

    By the way, an awful thought just occurred to me and I’ll totally flip if lee kyung hee does this: Maru sees eun gi by joon ha’s side and decides to donate some freaking organ to save joon ha.

    If this classic Makjang happens I think I’ll weep my heart out and be pissed off 🙁

  15. That last shot of the trailer looks like a dream to me,the lighting of it is like the lighting that they use when they want to show something’s a dream so I have this little hope that maybe Maru gets his surgery and that scene is actually what he dreams…and then he’ll wake up and they’ll live happily ever after!:)

  16. the end is just a harsh ward that you cannot escape from as every thing has an end so iam waiting for this end with heavy heart wishing to be asimple good bye not a harsh one.
    thank you so much unnie for every second you shared with us.

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