
Yun Zhong Ge Chapter 55: Meeting Again Because of the Vast Sky — 21 Comments

  1. Oh, how my heart ache for each of these characters as their life and fate kept interwining… gosh, how much pain and betrayals does one have to endure to acheive happiness.

    it was so beautifully written so I thank you for sharing and continuing this novel.

    Can’t wait to read more!!

  2. Thank you so much for posting up the next chapter so soon!
    This is such a sad chapter. =(

    I’m curious though, can someone explain what the big deal is about the satchel? I must not have read carefully but did the satchel contain more incense and thus poisoned Liu Fu Ling more?

    • A satchel is an ancient fragrant embroidered pouch that contains sweet smelling herbs and flowers. It’s full name is “fragrant satchel”. Since ancient folks likely had poor hygiene, ladies carried satchels to scent themselves and to smell if they encountered something that smelled bad. The blend of the herbs and flowers in the satchel Liu Xun had Xu Ping Jun make for Yun Ge was able to activate the residual poison in Liu Fu Ling’s body. Because Yun Ge wore the satchel around her waist, and Liu Fu Ling spent all his time with her, that was how Liu Xun was able to harm Liu Fu Ling.

      • Wow! Thanks for the info! I just thought of satchel in the literal sense as in just a small bag. I didn’t know the cultural/historical meaning behind it.

        So did Liu Xun intentionally harm Liu Fu Ling? Or was it just an accident like how Meng Jue was curing Yun Ge’s cough?

        Sorry if I’m asking too many questions.

      • He did it on purpose. He wanted to make sure LFL died so that he could be Emperor. He didn’t want to take the risk that LFL would ultimately decide NOT to abdicate. In his mind, who would exchange ruling an Empire for a woman. But sadly, that is what LFL was going to do, and he would have passed the throne to Liu Xun anyways.

  3. random but now that I think about it… isn’t it a tad bit odd for Kim So Eun to be playing someone who calls Jung So Min her younger sister? lol i buy Kim So Eun’s innocent air… maybe she can be Shang Guan Xiao Mei… =P as for Xu Ping Jun… hmmmm

  4. Meeting again under the vast sky.

    Sniff. Your translations has trained me now after so many months to activate tear ducts every time I go near one of these. 🙁
    Even the chapter title is enough to set me off. This is not even meant to be funny.

  5. sad. Crying here. I just feel sorry for all of them. I don’t know what will happen after this but I really would’ve wished that Yun Ge will know the truth behind Ling Gege’s death so she won’t live with so much hatred for Meng Jue. Sigh.

  6. “Time appeared to be reflect in him. The righteousness of the light golden hue in the early afternoon, the loneliness of the coming dusk, the arrogant coldness of the moonlight, the steadfastness of the darkest night, the exhaustion of the early morning dawn.”

    I personally found the above passage particularly striking for the visual images evoked and as a metaphor for MJ’s virtues (and when taken to their extreme, his dominant defects).

    Thank you, Ms. Koala for your awesome skills and hard work in translating this chapter.

    After reading MJ’s explanation of LFL’s death, my feelings for MJ have come full circle, from disdain to sorrow/compassion.

    Thank you

  7. Thanks so much koala for posting the new chapter.. Poor meng jue again. How big his love is for yun ge. The most antagonist is liu xun. He forgot how liu fu ling restore his name and give him position in court. Instead feeling debts and loyal, he allows greed and ambition to rules him. But being emperor is really dream comes true at that time. Really complicated. Bravo for tong hua to be able to create this beautiful story and thanks for you koala that allows us to know and admire this novel..

  8. Thank you Ms K. The descriptions are beautiful and very evocative. Can’t believe that after all this time, this story is still so much alive for me. Meng Jue’s deep love for Yun Ge is so evident in these later chapters. What is frustrating is why he never confessed his feelings to her. How would she have reacted if she knew how deep his love was.

  9. oh my goodness … my heart ached for MJ ….
    please tell me there’s a happy ending here ? it’s too much to bear ….
    thks a million for the translation …. I love Da Mo Yao though wud prefer her mother with MJ …and to recall wat he went thru as well I was angry … sigh …
    Now … please please have a happy ending….

  10. I know how sad the end of the story, I hate it,but can’t escape from every beauty chapter that you translate for us, thanks ms K, love you

  11. MJ’s love for YG is every bit as deep as LFL. In many ways, the novel allows MJ more opportunities to demonstrate his love than LFL

  12. Thank you so much for continuing to translate YZG. I went back and read all the other chapters you’d translated…I cried and cried as I read some of them. Thanks again for sharing this beautiful book with us!

  13. I stopped reading yzg a while ago because it’s just so painful, so heavy but seeing a new chapter up i couldnt resist it. why is that? yzg is like a drug, its bad for my heart but i couldnt stop wanting more. maybe time has passed so this time i could feel a tiny bit more pity for meng jue. i was so mad at his betrayal earlier that no matter what tong hua wrote in later chapter, i cant bring myself to feel anything for meng jue.

  14. are you going to put the rest of the chapters that arent here, here??!!
    cuz i want to read the chapters that arent here….and i want to finish the whole book…
    asap thx:]

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