
Rich Man, Poor Woman in New York SP Recap — 53 Comments

  1. Yay! Thanks Koala-Unni!!! I have been looking forward to the SP since you first posted about it! Very glad it was as sumptuous as I imagined it would be!!!! So hopping season two will happen after this! Ah Makoto and Hyuga are such an awesome OTP, I’d gander saying one of my fav J-dorama pairings of all time!

    Here’s wishing season two comes around soon!!!

    • Wow wow wow!! I was so super duper happy when I found the SP on dramacrazy. Though it wasn’t subbed I still watched it then I found it subbed yesterday… And yes, spent another round swooning into these two love journey.

      Indeed these two characters Makoto & Tohru – are so adorable. You can just be swayed away with the emotions they brought to the surface – two people in love trying so much to understand one another but can’t help arguing & fighting again & again.

      Watch it! Just watch it to understand. The recap is great and will only enhances the great j-dorama.

      Simply put, I just simply love this RMPW & now looking really looking fwd season 2 !!!

      Cheerios everyone! Happy watching RMPW 🙂

  2. Thank you Koala, for SP recap. I’ve been looking forward to it. I can’t get enough of Toru and Makoto. I too hope we get season 2. I’m glad the hack was cleared up as I feel that my daily routine is not complete if I don’t check out your site multiple times a day 🙂

  3. Wonderful! Perfect! Total win! I love these two. Emotional baby-steps and all. 😀 If this is the beginning of season two, I’M IN!!

  4. I had just finished watching this and came to read the recap. No words. I can’t say I had forgotten how much I loved this drama, but watching the special certainly reminded me how much I did. I smiled, got emotional, teared up, and smiled and grinned. Man, it’s been a while since something got to me like that. I think the last time was RMPW itself.

    The only thing that bothered me was throughout the whole special I was wondering whether she would end up back in Brazil again…to fit with the ending sequence of the drama. But that small thing can be overlooked.

    • I agree with everything you said!
      I forgot that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeling when he looks at her.
      I forgot how much he really did need her to be a whole person.

      • You two are right! I’m amazed how this RMPW managed to get the viewers captured whole hearted. Me too – I smile, I laughed, I cried & I can’t help hoping they find each other again.

        Very well written & acted upon. The “back from Brazil” part, yes, a bit off, but this time I can just ignore & focus more on how they ends up together. Oh my.., what’s there in store for us for Season 2?

        Whatever it is, just watching the OTP is enough, just like when Tohru just wanted to see Makoto’s face… Oh so sweet…. LoL 🙂

  5. This is a nice set up for season 2. The biggest challenge for our leads will be how Makoto will fill up Hyuga’s empty closet and how much Hyuga is willingly to adapt/change.

    I’m all for a second season!

  6. First of all THANKS for the reminder.

    The second I saw this title, I ran to a streaming site to watch, then paused, then ran to a site for the raws, then ran back to watch the show.

    From the second that wonderful music played, it was like going to my favorite vacation resort again…Oh! There’s that omglookhowsexy guy with the killer smile. And there’s that a-DOR-able girl I just want to squeeze the cute outta.

    You are right about the going to new places. I know we talked about how closed off from the rest of the world that he made himself, but this episode did great job letting us see how difficult it would be for Hyuga to let anyone into his space. No matter how much he loved her, it would take a lot of adjusting. She will need to use more patience that she has ever had to use before, too. The break-up line from Hyuga caught me completely by surprise. It hurt, that whole scene, hurt.

    Didn’t you love the scene when she was all bundled up? Hyuga trying to keep her at a safe, OK, vast, distance.

    I loved so much about this show! When he showed up at the wedding and she burst her drunkenness all over him. His reaction was perfect.
    I need to go watch it a bunch more times.

    I started up the machines over there at the header factory. There are a ton of gorgeous scenes to use.

    SEASON TWO?! What a thing, a wonderful thing, to look forward to!!

  7. Honestly probably the MOST satisfying continuation of a series.. ever. There isn’t one thing I didn’t like about it. So real yet so magical.. very beautiful and thoughtful!

  8. I just finished watching it a few seconds ago and my heart is overflowing. I cried, laughed, sighed, fist-pumped and just… felt a lot of feelings. This drama is so good and the special, is exactly that. SPECIAL. Extraordinary. Lovely.

    Shun Oguri / Hyuga Toru. Man, oh man. You are just the hottest, swoon-worthy male species I have met in a looooong time. Genius is sexy. When that brain suddenly grew a heart, I just died. And yey for our brainy, courageous heroine. Good for you. You deserve this iconic man’s love.

    Love, love, love this drama. Thank you, RMPW for saving me from the doldrums. You resurrected my love for dramas. I really hope Season 2 happens soon. As in this year soon. Pleezzz?

  9. Thank you Koala for the wonderful recap. It reminded me that I needed to watch it. I did and then came back to read. Now I am sitting here with a ridiculous grin on my face. Another wonderful drama I would have missed had it not been for your fabulous blog.


  10. Watching Hyuga and Makato together is like good, soul-satisfying comfort food to me! Their chemistry is so extraordinary!

    Even though I enjoyed this SP tremendously and crave for a Season 2, I was a bit surprised by Hyuga’s behavior towards Makoto when she stayed with him! Okay, granted he’s a well to do bachelor, perfectionist, and didn’t expect her as a house guest, but what’s with that crazed look in his eyes when he smelled food cooking and saw it sprawled all over his pristeen kitchen counter! Not to mention the bit of egg on his numbered, special edition pot or the sticky note reminders on his fridge! When he went off on her, what came to mind when I saw that glazed over look in his eyes was, “Makoto girl…you really need to rethink about being with him for a looooong time!” LOL Seriously! My mind went haywire with thoughts like The Devil Wore Wingtips and Sometimes Slip-ons! When I thought it was over and his sanity was returning, he just had to go into the bathroom where he saw Makoto’s neatly placed luggage compartment insert on the back of the door with the suitcase out of the way. Then that crazed look reappeared, yet even wilder than before when he saw the towels on the towel racks! I thought, now, what’s wrong with the towel racks! LOL This scene reminded me of the movie Mommie Dearest a biography about Joan Crawford! Instead of me hearing Joan’s ‘No Wire Hangeeers’ rantings, I heard, “No Towels on the Towel Racks” from Hyuga! LOL

    • on the one hand, i agree with your sentiments. a real life Tohru would probably be my own living nightmare. but that doesn’t mean i can’t love a make-believe one. as long as i don’t have to deal with him myself.. i guess there has to be a Makoto if ever there’s going to be a Tohru.

  11. Finally got around to marathoning 11eps of RMPW in 2 nights. Despite rave reviews around the web, I’ve been seriously put off by the silly title. So glad i finally stuck my eyes into this dorama for its simply my ideal kind of drama to watch. If only they came up with a better title … even Next Innocation would probably be better than RMPW.

    Thx for RMPW special recap. Looking fwd to eng subs soon.

  12. thanks mucho koala sis! gah this is such a breather and i am really happy cuz i haven’t had a really good drama to watch ever since flower boy. such a dry spell. RMPW SP is like an oasis!

  13. This SP is one of the best things I’ve watched recently. The moment I saw Hyuga on screen I realized how much I’ve missed him <3

  14. Adorable. Simply adorable. Everything that you said here. Thank you for the recaps. Thank you for the actors in this poignant drama. Watching real life struggles in growing up. Not contrived. Given the different backgrounds, so real, indeed. Life is no bed of roses all the time. It is only as we want it, when we so work hard for it. Season 2, oh yeah!

  15. As much I liked that series, I don’t want a Season 2. The SP is a wonderful closure. Another season would mean they will go through another things. And I confess all that bickering can be tiresome after a while.

  16. I love how Makoto’s eyes just light up when she sees Toru 🙂 took me quite a bit to accept how the two of them took a year and nine months to address each other by first name, but given how Toru’s just so quirky and unpredictable, I’m just gonna go along with it. Can’t wait to see what the writer will have in store for RMPW2! Sugoi des!

  17. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the Hyuga-Makoto FEELS!! HOMGG!! I was squeeing and spazzing along with Makoto when she laid her eyes on Hyuga in NYC.

    Wonderful! Truly unforgettable OTP!!

  18. I love the special! I missed Makoto’ and Toru so much! They made me laugh, cringe, smile, tear up and smile again! Thanks for the wonderful re-cap too Koala!

  19. I love to see the gap between the end of episode 11. Makoto and Thoru have that eyes of happiness not only because they having long distance relationship, but because they can overcome that problem between them. I can’t wait to see what happened next because i’m sure it’s gonna be all about them XD

    Thanks for the recap! 🙂

  20. I want a Season 2 because its time for the long distance relationship to end and for Hyuga and Makoto to establish their relationship. Right now, its gushy, cute and all, but for a grown woman like myself, its not enough!

    I want to at least see this man show signs of happiness with my little Makoto. Even though he did much better towards the end of this special, he’s still too emotionally distant, in my opinion! Now, I’m not wanting to see him do things that would jeopardize his real marriage, no way! I’d like to see more interaction between the two of them and no more of them like 2 ships passing in the night. Intimate scenes with only the two of them planning their future together. Walking along the beach or wherever like two adults in a relationship leading to marriage. Then, watching him try to come up with the perfect marriage proposal. Going to her hometown and officially meeting her parents as her husband to be. Now, that’s going to be a grand occassion for her family. The whole town may just come out for that welcome party! LOL Plus, we all know who is one of Makoto’s parents neighbors and so does Hyuga…his real mother! So, let Season 2 begin…please!

  21. One thing I noticed was that the Boston scenes were filmed in NY. I was wondering why I didn’t recognize the scenery and restaurant lol. Oh well. Still good!

  22. Adore this drama. The SP was Awesome!!! The second season IS with waiting for- comfort food for the soul. 🙂

  23. I really want a season 2 or at least another special because i want this particular scenario that I have in my mind to unravel. Makoto being pregnant. Sounds very shocking right? Well it would be..for Hyuga XD
    She would basically drop it like a bomb..happily thinking it’s possible, making plans of how they will remodel his place into making it a place where they could both live and raise a child but he would say that he never thought about marriage or having a family (not in a rejecting way, rather the abandoned child he was way) and he would stay confused and shocked and silent like a little child(just like when he didn’t know what Makoto’s I love you so much that it hurts meant), Makoto would be hurt and upset (obviously) and she would return to her hometown whilst Hyuga would have the time to think about it and come to realize the situation (with the help of his friends, Asahina etc of course XD because let’s face it, Hyuga lacks some common sense sometimes) who would scold him and basically just teach him the basics. He would get it, finally realize what is happening, think about him actually being a father..seeing himself with Makoto in a far away future with a few kids and a cosy home..dealing with his abandonment issues (like being afraid he would leave/dissapoint the kid) and then finally aranging the apartment personally and properly. With a bed (XD), bedroom and a room for the kid and everything. It would be beautiful XD Makoto would returnand when she would see the changes in the apartment (and him) she would be overwhelmed and shocked because that was a huge progress in Hyuga’s behaviour and she would feel like he’s finally putting down his walls. Imagine the waterfall of tears when she sees the nursery room XD Next, we would see a franctic perfectionist Hyuga dealing with the pregnant Makoto, trying to do everything ‘by the book’ or should i say by the internet :p Just imagine the chaos that would occure haha..i bet it’d be hilarious watching his actions and the annoyed Makoto..

    Blame it on my vivacious imagination caused by my cancer zodiac sign..but i bet everyone would love watching that 😀

  24. I loved this drama and the special NY episode was just a treat! I want a season 2 as well! The leads have great chemistry.

    • exactly. didn’t know an SP can be this good. it has everything on it. plot development, conflict that is more than just artificial fillers, and a satisfying installment to the romance bit that paves the way for all sorts of wonderful possibilities for a season 2.


  26. That Special was just a teaser for me. I miss them already! It was like a prelude to a whole new Season 2 to satisfy my RMPW fix. How’s about putting a ring on it Hyuga! Then it will become…RMHW (Rich Man His Woman or Wife). Either one would appease me just fine! Well, at least for the moment….

  27. I really love this drama!!1 Hoping for a season 2 or another special!! I have a question though, what is the song titled at the part where they break up at the wedding? I’ve been looking all over for it and cant find it help please.

  28. Finally watched the SP last night and, up until now, i’m still sqealing coz i can’t seem to get Makoto and Tohru out of my head. I didn’t know why I waited this long to watch it (well, i actually do, it’s because my drama-loving heart was pointed elsewhere at the time this was aired, and being a “one-drama-woman”, i can’t multi-task and watch several dramas that i know i will love at the same time), but my timing couldn’t have been better. I was recently needing something to cheer me up and watching this, I.Just.Loved.Everything.About.It!

    Let me list the things i loved about the SP:

    1. A more laid-back Tohru. Although I loved him in the drama, seeing him acted by Oguri this time as a toned-down, much more subtle character, but with the essence of Hyuga Tohru still there, wow, it just blew me away. Plus, it emphasizes what everyone is saying how Makoto had changed Hyuga. I really really loved it.

    2. The return of the adorable Makoto. Sometime during episode 8, i got a little turned off with the character because, let’s face it, she is not the most empowered woman out there and she loves playing doormat to Hyuga’s character that her constant groveling for Hyuga’s approval eventually drew me away. But, on hindsight, i realized that everything she does is at least consistent with her character, which seem to not have any career ambitions of her own. from the start of the drama, we saw her struggling to land any job at any company that will employ her. later revelations would show that she is the kind of person who is at her best when she is inspired by something. if that something turned out to be Hyuga, it shouldn’t be surprising that she would be willing to give up everything just to be by his side. having said all that, i really loved Makoto in the SP.

    3. Asahina’s comeback. I’m not a fan of his turn from loyal friend to bitter enemy. And i’m even more baffled by Hyuga’s desire to remain as his friend even after all that. So it surprises me that I cheered when Asahina finally found the courage to go back and resume his position in NI. And he couldn’t have picked a better timing than when he showed up just when Hyuga was getting his second dose of ridicule from the Americans. Serves them right. I actually repeated that scene where Hyuga spoke in English for the first time and even chucked the lapels of one of them. so sugoi!

    4. The progress on the Personal File project. I loved that they showed us how Hyuga’s project is now taking shape, and that the issues they are facing, like the P-box idea by JI Tech which is not in line with Hyuga’s strive for innovation at all cost, or Hyuga’s tirade about wanting his employees to work towards their goal no matter how difficult, are very much valid and pertinent and at the same time relatable. I loved that this is more than just a love story, but is a testament to how brilliant rich man Hyuga really is.

    5. And lastly, the romance! I seriously did not expect to be squealing this much after watching the SP. Even with the very minimal PDA, those are done at the right times and Oguri and Ishihara had tons of natural chemistry to make up for it. My fave couple scenes would have to be their first night where Makoto got bundled up like a mummy, the morning after where Hyuga freaked out at the mess Makoto had done on his house, Makoto drunk on the wedding ceremony, them talking at the restaurant where Makoto was at her most vulnerable not wanting to leave even as Hyuga is forcing him to, and Hyuga being as bratty as ever but also surprisingly mature towards the end, and finally, the last scene when they were both cutely calling each other by their first names. Oh, i’m eager to watch it all again tonight!

  29. Oh how I made a mistake by making this my first Japanese drama to watch… Damn! There’s just no RomCom in Jdorama world that beats the awesome chemistry of Natsui Makoto and Tohru Hyuga for me. I’ve watched a lot of kdramas etc.. But the pacing and the beauty of this story is just totally different. It inspires me, it amazes me… It makes me desperately wait for a season 2 even though it has been 2 years. I love the story.
    I really really really really wish for a season 2.
    It might end up like ISWAK and TKA… waiting for part 3 forever for those. I really don’t want that to happen for this too.

  30. It’s year 2017 anyone out there still hoping for a season 2 like me? But, I guess it ain’t happening afterall? Recommended my friend to watch RMPW and got myself re-watching the whole thing and still loving it!! There’s still holes to fill.. more backstory about Tohru’s parents perhaps?

  31. Anyone knows the song that’s played on the background when they break up? Really love the song but I can’t find it anywhere 🙁

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