
IRIS 2 Ends in Explosive Hilarity and Cast Attends Happy Wrap Party — 26 Comments

  1. I was gonna look for a pun with the Iris franchise and “eye-for-an-eye” but that wouldn’t be too funny.
    Anyone would know the identity of the guy hugging Jang Hyuk so happily at the wrap party? Didn’t see Doo Joon in attendance.

  2. The actors probably need a therapy after this… whatever it was. lol Didn’t watch it but your post cracks me up. 😀

  3. lee da hae’s outfit for the wrap party reminds me of a tablecloth, but it looks cute on her, she carried it off well.

  4. I knew it was a waste of precious time and money (not to mention stellar actors) after the failure attempt of Athena to cash money from its predecessor IRIS 1. First of all, the development was really slow, after episode 8, I jumped ship. The plot was just ridiculous and boring to watch as I cringed to some actors’ (the young ones) attempt to look like they are James Bond (and Bond girls).
    I think this is enough of a reason to stop the franchise now.
    I enjoyed Iris 1, that should be enough.

    How about another H.I.T (Homicide Investigation Team) show?

    • now another H.I.T. i could get behind, partly or really 100% because i love cop dramas and despise spy/secret agent dramas…. and i really loved H.I.T.

    • LOL! At first I imagined her in a hazmat suit scooping up ash with one hand and holding a Geiger counter in the other. But the photo of the mushroom cloud in the ocean makes imagining her “gathering” his ashes even more hilarious! He looks ecstatic that the drama is ending and I think she covers her face with her hands so we don’t see her look of happiness too.

  5. I thought I would feel bad about spoiling it for myself (even though I didn’t even finish the first episode) but I don’t :/ What a shame, such a great cast

  6. I hadn’t watched the series due to very very negative views !! Now I feel so good that I didnt
    But ! How the he’ll did she get the ashes ! Hhhh you cracked me up koala ! The actors are great and it’s such a waste.

  7. SPOILERS for The Dark Knight Rises and Chuno.

    I guess Jang Hyuk just had to have an ending where he sacrifices his life while the sun shines on his face. Also didn’t anyone think that we have already seen The Dark Knight Rises? (I know the ending is different but it looks like they have taken the first part of it).

    I’m not sorry for the actors, they got paid well enough I assume. And this will show people not to pair JH with LDH anymore (it worked in Chuno but the OTP changed halfway).

  8. What was the budget? People keep calling it the biggest budget ever for a kdrama but no one ever says what it was, not even the wiki pages…The first season had a $17 million budget so how much more was this one??

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