
King Flower Episode 14 Recap — 11 Comments

  1. thank you for keep this baby… really worried that you stop recap this, let’s go to the bitter end of this drama (with Terry of course).

  2. I am so pissed off with DH. I think Terry is indulging her too much. Why is she going on dates when she’s supposed to be the fiancee? It looks like Terry is about to come clean with the Dad in the next episode. If DH barges in at that moment and stops it…..I am going to kill her. I don’t think she deserves Terry. She can go back to her GJG.

  3. I don’t know… it’s always about this time that I start to get a little bored with my twdramas. The chemistry is obvious – off screen, you can tell that Nikki sees James a big brother and it transfers onscreen too. So in the end, I really feel like I have no choice to pull for Terry and DH. One would be crazy not too. I’ve been skimming the episodes due to time constraints and I’m following 2 other TW dramas so that’s a lot. I feel like I’ve checked out a little. DH should end up with Terry and that’s that.

  4. Koala, thanks so much for continuing to recap this story. Terry is the only character I really like, and I hate to see him worked over by every other good-for-nothing in the story, so I am depending on your recaps for the time being – if the story isn’t nice to Terry, there’s no way I’m watching the rest of it, so I need your recaps to know whether or not I can bear to watch it, LOL.

    • Have you noticed how all the screenshots that Captain Koala includes of Guan Jun have James Wen looking really bad? I was hoping that this could be the role that he would recover and be the guy in a drama that I like because he seems (in real life) so likeable, but . . . The pictures say it all.

  5. I think it’s pretty clear DH is going to react pretty negatively to GJG’s defection (no matter what the reason). Frankly, someone needs to shank her father. I wonder if Director Du finds out and then DH is sent home. Perhaps then the changes will be glaringly obvious and DH will finally get a clue and realize she HAS changed and she’s lucky Terry is even into her.

    Totally onboard with the people who think DH doesn’t deserve Terry, although still shipping these two.

  6. I think that “eye sex’ needs to be the new catch phrase or added to some lexicon. Let’s make it happen, people! I can see it now; we all just start saying, “Oh, I am only watching this show for the eye sex.” Oh, Captain Koala. I do love you. With all the tragedy and tension that has been happening in Massachusetts this week, you really have brightened up my day.

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