
King Flower Episode 21 Recap — 58 Comments

  1. OH GOSH. I have so many things to say about this drama. For one, I wanted a hot passionate kiss and lots of happy derpy smiley moments but, eyesexing was fine too, I guess. LOL.

    Also, I felt like there was still so much they could have added in the drama and continued instead of the groveling Da Hua-Guan Jun indecisiveness in the last 4-5 episodes. I would have loved to see more Qing Mo-Terry scenes, even flashbacks of their college days and how ‘weird’ Terry was back then. More Grandpa (or Liang Yian’s father) scenes would be nice too. Or even more Secretary scenes. They could have done sooooo much in the last 4-5 episodes instead of what they had with Guan Jun. But, I guess they were just trying to save James Wen’s image.

    I sure could have used less Ah Xi-Dah Li-and-that-flirty-girl scenes too and instead more Qing Mo-Terry scenes for comic relief. Sometimes they were funny, sometimes they just need to be skipped. lol And that poor Grey Bear. Initially, I thought they were trying to make Grey Bear the next big iconic thing from dramas, you know, like how that pigbunny stuffed toy was from korean drama “You’re Beautiful” but pfffft, who’d want that stinkin’ Grey Bear now. LOL.

    Definitely going to miss your ravings/analysis on KF and definitely going to miss this drama. I wish they could do a special just like how some korean and japanese dramas do after the final episode but I’ve yet to see a taiwanese drama do a special to tie up loose ends :\

    • There is so much this drama could have done with meaty material. If GJ could have been written off (or never even existed), then the drama could have spent the latter half on the conundrum of Terry falling for his dead fiancee’s doppleganger, the ethical ramifications of what he did to change her face, the company power struggle, his secretary’s crush on him, President Du’s heartbreak over losing Liang Yen, Da Hua’s falling for him but worried that she’s not good enough for his rich and high class lifestyle…..

      Sadly all we get this narrative nothing and a whole lotta Terry to fill in the cracks.

      • Agree! I kept wondering how the drama would have been without GJ and realized that it could have been even better. Like, the cousin and that secretary were set up as threats and then were absent for all of probably 17 episodes (with like a few minutes of suspicious glaring in one or two). And those ethical ramifications, even though I’m convinced that Da Hua was not forced into that decision, I would like to see them have dealt with that more too. I can’t complain about the aspect of that drama because I knew it was going to happen but I wish they spent more time on it because it was so illegal I could cry (why does that Dr. still have a job? If Chairman Du would sue anyone I would think it’d be that guy). I did love Chris Wu’s acting and am glad he got a platform to shine at last even though it may not have been his platform at first.

  2. I went to the 5mins to watch myself and holy moly, Terry new hair style is much better than the one has throughout the series. Yeah, fate has set them to together definitely, but really, it’s not fully satisfied me as a deep kiss is missing. It would be nice if it had the ending similar to “My Princess” played by Song Seung Hong and Kim Tae Hee.

  3. Awww. Koala you make me appreciate the drama even more. Leaving this drama and reading this recap totally makes me tear up. This recap was beautifully written and my favorite line was “The final episode broke 2 again in rating so it with a happy heart I send off my beloved Terry to Australia with his Big Flower.” I don’t know why I like it, but it was truly my favorite line.

    Koala, you need not worry about the friends and foes you have made here. I admire you for voicing your opinions on this blog and sharing it with others. Without this, I don’t know what to do. I enjoy going on your website and reading your posts everyday. And what do you know, dramas are more interesting and fun to watch when you know someone else is also watching it. Sounds creepy. Sorry, I am not good with words like you are!

    In my opinion, I actually liked the ending. Everyone was happy and like you said there was a balance between the leading man and the second lead in the last episode. to be honest, when I first read the description and watched the first couple of episodes, I thought there was a mistake in the description. Turns out, Chris Wu was the second lead. But whatever. He totally rocked his role. He is awesome. And like you said again, he is totally worth it to watch this drama.

    • Everyone watching thought C.Wu was the lead, it’s so weird what this drama did from the get go and then tried to switch gears and then back track and finally just putter its way to an ending. At least those two were beaming at each other in the end. Sigh, I love it when they are alone and together.

      • I know! This drama was sure odd with the leads. The writers were probably drunk while they were writing it!
        Haha. The ending. I had to pause and look at Chris Wu and HIS NEW HAIRSTYLE. HE IS SO HOT.
        The eye-sexing scene was already. I couldn’t take it. I got a kick out of it when I read that. And also when you said Chris Wu’s hand can act too! Oh gosh, I really enjoyed this recap Koala. You are amazing.

    • Oh, Pearl. It is so nice to see you in the playground. Of course, I will have to watch this episode for the Zhao Jun Ya shower scenes with Chris Wu. I love how the shot has those conveniently placed signs–like that is really going to keep our minds from “going there.”

      I love this little tidbit about their past. It would have made everything make much more ense if we knew this background about them before, but what can we expect from “this little ball of crazy” (Captain Koala really had some great lines in this recap)?

      • Hey Trotwood, shower scene was a plus, the camera man really shoot low on Chris. Man!!! Just little milliliter more lower, it’s going to his treasure baby. Heheheh… SETTV really know how to create good apretite to its viewers.

  4. Question, why is James Wen the top dog? I can’t think of any drama he’s been in when he wasn’t the second-lead and failed to get the girl. I’d rate him and Chris equally in terms of star power, and that’s what all the promo material seemed to hint at, so I don’t get why the network was so hung up about just writing him off. Not to mention what did they expect with the character they gave him

    • SETTV’s 一哥s continue to evolve as its leading men exit for movies or move to Mainland China for a bigger viewing audience. From Wallace Huo to Ming Dao to Ethan Ruan to Mike He to Blue Lan to latest Roy Qiu – James Wen is the current 一哥 ever since his The Fierce Wife brought in the ratings, then he headlined the Daily8 Gong Hay Fat Choy, and King Flower was supposed to be his first headlining Sunday10. George Hu is the next one they are tapping, with his daily8 doing well and next up he’s doing a Sunday10 with Annie Chen. Chris…..we’ll have to wait and see whether SETTV is angry that he stole the thunder from James or actually sees that he’s the real deal and uses him properly as the leading man going foward. If he headlines a daily8 or a Thursday10 then I’ll know that he’s on their good list.

  5. Awesome finale recap! I unintentionally got on this train because of them, and have to say that I’m actually happy the ride is over. Must say that I would have blown out midway due to the writing jerk around but your recaps were fun and ensuing commentary from readers of the playground were entertaining. Long live the playground. Thanks, Koala!

    • Thanks~ I’m glad you stuck around, I think it was worth it myself. Terry is pretty much worth another 21 hours of my life (and more) if this drama kept on going….

  6. Thanks for the recap! It was a great joy reading everyone thoughts and rants.. will definitely miss those times! 🙂 I am honestly quite ok with the ending because I was expecting the worst, seeing how disappointing the drama was progressing with each episode. I immediately felt that it will be a Terry Dahua ending once I noticed the flashback of DH/Terry memories keep repeating after every few scenes. Those flashbacks was actually quite moving to watch and bring so much fond memories why I love KF despite the many flaws in this drama itself. Though I might have ranted I have wasted 21 hours watching this crazy drama, it’s with no regrets as all these are worth it simply for Chris Wu’s outstanding dedicated portrayal of Terry. I really can’t wait for his next project… he’s the reason why I’m back to TW dramas again.

    • The excessive Terry-Da Hua montages were pretty meta-epic, because its like the writers knew that was all this drama had to go on, but because they couldn’t make it so Da Hua openly picked Terry, they kept sliding in hints upon hints that she liked Terry (all the memories, her text to be his bride again, all that fate stuff) and then simply threw in a good 15 minutes worth of moments between them, which served as confirmation that the only love story that happened in this drama was between them. I also loved writing about this drama and reading everyone’s rants and raves.

  7. You wouldn’t believe but I started reading the recaps of this show only a few days back and even I started rooting for Terry and was waiting to find if he got his happily ever after…. 🙂

    Thanks for the recaps!!

  8. Thanks again, Captain Koala! My favorite lines from this recap?

    “even Chris Wu’s hand can act”
    “yes, clearly this important conversation needed to happen in the shower. Oh yes, it did”
    “take a chill pill passengers”

    King Flower or better known as “this little ball of crazy”

    I was a Chris Wu fan before, but now?? I also love how you are psychic with your forecasting the second leads into leading men predictions (everyone should read your post “A look at the Leading Men of Taiwan Entertainment” from February 28, 2011. Yes, my Chris Wu love made me go back to find other tidbits.)

    • Likewise, me too. I was into TW drama unt’l last yr. I noticed when watch old drama of Autumn Concerto. Then again as a cameo roll in Inborn Love. The latest one was What is Love. But KF, was just a few days ago, as I’m not a fan JW and CW is a 2nd lead. But due to the madness of cap K and craziness the drama and a big twist tuned CW as a lead, I got interested. Hehehe… I Can’t believe myself, I early dawn here and I dropping comments. Can’t sleep because of Chris….

    • A drama that inspires me to dig deep and get creative when I write is a drama worth writing about indeed. It needn’t be good, but what worked has to be amazing. And Terry was holy mother ^&*&%^ amazing.

  9. OMG!!!!,finally!!! I feel sad though, no more yelling, dreading, mooning and swooning. this drama grew on me. Im glad I got to know terry and chris wu as an actor, ill defintely look forward to his dramas, in the mean time, ill go through his previous projects. This is my first drama with james wen, but im sorry to say I dont see what the big deal with him is (maybe its his character). Im sad there was no kiiissssss, but there were plenty swoony moments. I could go on gushing but all in all im glad I stopped n read this drama.
    Thank you soo much miss koala, for introducing me to two awesome guys (Chris Wen and Roy Qiu)
    Ps could you recommend a site I can watch with english subtitles?

  10. I loved that Chris’ Terry stole the show 🙂 I will miss him onscreen dearly. I don’t think I’m ready to rewatch this one anytime soon cause I’m largely past dramas that don’t make much narrative sense or is a complete mess. However, I will definitely rewatch some of my favorite scenes that made me fall in love with the drama since the beginning. For some reason, I can’t forget the part in the hospital room where DH (post PS) goes “An lah”, and Terry is so stunned. LOL and the BTS was hilarious. Although not part of the actual series – that clip you shared of Chris and changing channels – priceless. I couldn’t stop laughing.

    What a wild ride. I think Chris should have just been the lead here and SETTV should have given James another drama and a much better role. I’d like to see James in a good sunday role. GJ was ok in the first few episodes, but he was completely insufferable later on.

    Actually, I agree with you. I’d love to see Chris in some sort of indie PTS show. Well, until next time! 🙂 The only TW mando drama that I’m left with is Two Fathers. I skimmed FB just for curiousity sake.

    • For some reason every Terry scene is rewatchable for me. I think the lovely OST for this drama helped immensely, I love every single song and instrumental.

      I also LOVE the scene in episode 6 when she’s ready to go to work with him on the first day and Cheng Hong tells her to be prepared and she says “An La!” after saying she grew up in a busy market so can handle all kinds of people. Then Terry walks over with a stern scowly expression and holds up his hand and says there are three things he never wants to hear from her ever again “The market”, “the grocery store”, and “An La!” And the way he says “An La” just kills me, because I can see Chris saying that phrase in RL since he’s so Taiwanese.

      This was indeed a wild ride and so worth it for Chris getting tons of well deserved exposure. What is Love got buried in a Friday night timeslot. I also liked GJ in episode 1 (and wrote that in my first impression) but it was a steep downhill tumble after that. I’m sure Chris will strike while the iron is hot and I won’t be surprised to see him in another drama soon.

      • Thank you for the awesome recap!

        You write “because I can see Chris saying that phrase in RL since he’s so Taiwanese.” What does “RL” mean?

  11. Snort.
    I laughed so much.
    Ms Koala goes ‘ gushy ‘ then snarks at Da Hua.
    Then gushes at Terry.
    Then another snark at Da Hua.

    Gosh this drama, I am glad it’s over. It’s not really relaxing. But yeah it’s won me over as a Chris Wu fan.

    That was an epic recap. I had such a good laugh at your comments. You only love Da Hua because Terry loved her. Otherwise she could be killed off and you wouldn’t mourn. Would you?

    • Da Hua can get smushed by a meteor and I wouldn’t even notice she was gone. But then Terry would be devastated and that is no allowed. So I will grudgingly allow her to love.

  12. Oh Terry you sill man you deserve so much more…..someone like ME:). I think the ending was good and as you mentioned koala the only way SETTV could wrap this baby up without throwing Guan Jun under the bus completely. However I have one complaint would it really have killed the writers to give us one last kiss with Terry and Da Hua??? Geez they are so stingy!

    • I dunno, the memory montage at the end when they reunite on the plane was really long and shows us those two pretty much did everything we want a couple to do and more, short of rolling in the sack. I feel satisfied that their journey was so full of shippy moments, tons and tons of it.

  13. Terry is my new ideal MAN! great job on the recap. I loved this drama so far and yes Taiwan drama has not been good lately but King Flower is awesome.

    • He’s the Ideal of everyone’s Ideal Man. It’s like he’s an Ideal we didn’t even know to idealize or could be written.

      • YES I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU! never thought of someone that is so pure and sincere. Terry is definitely awesome and different from other ideals as smart, handsome, tall, rich, masculine, and others. Terry is the WHOLE package with pure and sincerity to the one he love.

  14. Thanks so much for these recaps. I marathoned KF over the last few days simply because I wanted to see what was so great about Chris Wu. And now I know.

    ok. let me see

    1) I loved how subtle his expressions were, yet just so evident to the viewer.
    2) I loved his smile.
    3) I loved how you can see him act even if he was in the background of a scene.
    4) I loved how he’s not all good (he manipulates Da Hua into staying in the same hotel room and conveniently needs her help in the bathroom) – and not all bad (when he thinks GJ is giving up on DH he tries to sort it out) – which leads me into the next point.
    5) I luurved his upper body with or without shirt.

    How this drama should have ended?
    When Da Hua is told that GJ loves her during the wedding, she should have just turned back to Terry and said that it doesn’t matter, because she loves Terry and why and when she fell in love with him. And then all those scenes of their past flashbacks, and she kisses him – a big sloppy kiss.

    Anyway, it was a fun watch.

    • Chris is amazing. That is all. All mine, and all amazing. Da Hua is like a really stupid hound, we can’t expect too much of her.

  15. Thanks for the recap you had me rolling with your funny comments especially the shower scene. Well bon voyage to Terry and Da Hua, at least for Terry’s sake I’ll wish them well. I’m glad that they focused on Terry in the last episode; it is afterall a story of Terry’s journey in life. LOL Now I can go back and re-watch some Terry scenes and skip the rest. I hope Chris Wu does get a well deserved rest after this yet I’m anticipating to hear about his new drama project in the future.

  16. I just loooove you for this!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!! 🙂 I am singing happy happy me and throwing a party to myself today ;D

  17. Love the story. This will be more memorable if they kiss at the end. For sure a lot of people will rewatched the scene of Da Hua & Terry together.

  18. I just watch episode 21 and skip right to the ending. Those looks! My ending would be that as soon as Terry and DH stumble into each other. They get off the airplane and go and have their happy reunion.
    Terry is too awesome for DH but since he loves her.
    Pretty fun recap.

  19. Thank you for loving this drama enough to light a fire under me to watch it! I am VERY satisfied with this ending. Surprisingly satisfied.

    I really liked Gray Bear’s appearance and dance and their final hug. So much just brother and sister loving there. DH had time for the scales to fall away so she could see him clearly. So she could see that he was just a guy she liked, not the guy to spend her life with, or raise a family (God, no!) with. Not when there’s a Terry there who loves you soooo much.

    I was worried that the writers painted themselves into a narrative corner with DH’s incredibly immature school-girl crush on Goofus. That they would not have enough time in the last few episodes to have her step back and look at it from a realistic point of view.
    But they did just that. First the three months of NO Terry, which had to have hurt however much she thought she loved GJ. The man was her sun for all those months, the only warmth she was getting during a difficult and confusing post PS adjustment. OMG just watching the flashbacks I got tears at how much they went through together. AS IF she could end up with GJ.

    Of course Terry was on the plane. I could feel his magnetism pulling DH towards him…They ended – alone and together – at least a YEAR of aloneness and togetherness to get to know each other better. wink wink nudge nudge. I think DH’s IQ goes up around 30 points when GJ isn’t around, too. Who knows what the pair of them can accomplish in that time.

    It would be funny if they flashed forward – DH is looking out the window at her beautiful husband and three kids playing in the yard. She comes across an old photo of her and Goofus, smiles, then shudders, thinking, I almost lost all of THIS for THAT. Puts the photo away in the drawer with the Gray Bear, and goes outside…

    • I love it when we can enjoy and squee over the same drama, though I’m sure your Nine addiction took precedence during the KF Run.

      You know when things are forced too much it just can’t happen? This drama could have never ended with Terry and Da Hua kissing, or her saying I love you and I don’t love Guan Jun, or really overt and obvious OTP riding into the sunset capper. James Wen has already been marginalized and played such a ridiculously horrible character that its actually piling salt on a wound if the final episode was chock full of Terry-Da Hua shippy scenes. New ones I mean. Because the final episode was so full of their memories and only their memories (witness not a single GJ flashback) that we really need to be thankful the ending was Da Hua picking Terry consciously (with the text asking to be his bride again that she didn’t send), and the both of them so happy and grateful to have run into each other on that plane.

      I also think it telling that the writer chose the plane setting, and not just running into each other on the street or somewhere in Taiwan. They are leaving alone, but fate says they will leave together. Leave everything behind, all the heartache, all the indecision, all the confusion, all the fear. It’s like a leap of faith and when they took that step forward they found each other again.

      I cried through the final ending montage especially with Terry’s voiceover of all the amazing lines of dialogue he said to Da Hua. And I’ve screencapped this sucker so much that ending montage didn’t even include ALL their shippy moments, which goes to show how much sweetness took place during the drama between them. I am thankful SETTV tried its best to stay true to the narrative even if it had to ask James Wen to take a seat off to the side. Next time, James, this one belongs rightfully to Terry/Chris.

  20. thanks so much Koala sis! sorry for the late comment.

    i am just so happy with the ending. the very least they could do is not give us a mess for an ending. the finale’s ending is just the right moment. an episode with so much Terry is a payback for those pull-our-hair moments.

    I too love Terry’s hair… heck, i love everything about Koala’s Terry. 🙂

  21. Thank you, Ms. Koala, for all your KF posts. Thoroughly enjoyed them. Some of your comments made me LOL, some led me to details that I missed while others mirrored my thoughts. Terry is beyond amazing and I thank Chris Wu and the writers/crew for making that happen.

  22. I know I’m coming in very late to this discuss but I just had to point out my observations about Chris Wu. **Discloser: I haven’t watched Substitute Princess yet but after reading the recaps I most definitely will.** Since Viki has been posting up more previously completed TW dramas I’ve been retreading to them because I cannot bear to wait for a new episode each week. I mean, ep. 10 & 11 of Just You are slow as molasses. Aaron’s kissing on another chick, in the form of flashbacks, when the clear chemistry is with Puff. I saw him with GuiGui’s cuteness back in the day and GuiGui was all over him like a wet blanket. Aaron’s response to it was like, ‘why does she talk such nonsense?’ He is simply the opposite with and fawns over Puff. Their chemistry is undeniable. SO, I’m getting sick of waiting for the romance to bloom. Anyway, I don’t know why but I thought I had already watched Autumn’s Concerto and I was gonna re-watch it only to discover I hadn’t seen it before. Okay, I honestly wanted the original OTP to be together BUT Chris played the hell out of the triangle and at points I thought he could be just as good as the lead. Frankly, I think Chris had a bit of experience in trying to come between an OTP. Now, that he has figured out completely how to win everyone’s heart, I don’t think they can stick him back in 2nd man status again, not if the PD wants to be sure *THIS* doesn’t happen again.

  23. i loved everything u wrote bout it!!! lmfao i agree completely. although i have to admit that i skipped soooo many eps n went straight to ep 21.

  24. This was my first Chris Wu drama and I have to say, his acting really brought me to fall in love with the character, Terry. If it had been another person playing his character, I wouldn’t have gotten the same feels I got while watching Chris Wu. Omg is it weird that I have the urge to tear up when I listen to the OSTs and cry whenever i re-watch the Terry+Da Hua moments? (especially the flash backs in episode 21) :’) I’m currently having a post drama depression after watching King Flower… Hopefully I wasn’t the only one LOL

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