
First Dark and Ominous Teaser for The Master’s Sun Highlights its Creepy Aura — 26 Comments

  1. Meh.. That was not scary at all.. I like the teaser a lot.. Now, if you want scary… The Ring was totally freak me out. Also, with Stephen King It oh and Nicholas Cage The Shining too…

  2. HEHE, I like Horror movies and loved Arang so this is totally up my alley, I just hope the Hong Sisters deliver on the plot and make it compelling and more than just a romantic comedy….also not worried about this PD, he’s good with suspense as I recall from City Hunter and Prosecutor Princess and this show is obviously going to need that

    • yeah prosecutor princess is really a good example featuring suspense and humor at the same time:D i think this drama will be good:D *fingers crossed*

    • Omo! You loved Arang? I can’t even looked at my room’s corners after watching that. T_T. Gonna wait for recaps before watching this. XD

  3. OMO i should have wished for another thing:D LOL today i had wished for a trailer in other post about master’s sun:D LOL happy:DDDD

  4. i think they made this teaser just to intimidate us;D literally ‘teaser’ 😀 LOL
    i felt like i am watching either ‘sixth sense’ or ‘the others’ :DDD

  5. Woooow… Thank you for posting it Koala. I am so excited about this drama!
    Most high-anticipated drama this year.

  6. Y’know actually this teaser makes me alot more interested in masters sun because it’s different. As in horror rom-com.
    But im pretty sure it’s one of those cases where the teasers are there to deceive you or trick you into thinking the mood/tone is one way when it’s not — who knows.
    I’d actually like it if show could skillfully balance both the horror and romance aspect but that’s not always the case. It could somehow all mesh together or we could feel like we’re watching two different shows.
    Either way they’re really amping up the anticipation with all these released stills and teasers.

  7. I’m soo wathing this. I didn’t find it scary at all. In fact, it made me gigle. Dora the Explorer scares me more. Just ask any of my friends. LOL

  8. I’m a chicken but this doesn’t scare me. It’s more about the mood of the characters and the way they see their life, gloomy and under scrutiny. With a hope also.
    I’m excited for this project: Hor/rom/com is pretty much uncharted territory in Dramaland.

  9. LOL this is scary? Pretty underwhelming. I would love to see how they go with this. I’ve been waiting for a good horror kdrama in awhile. Last I’ve watched is Soul. I don’t mind comedy/romance added in, but I hope they bring the creep factor!

  10. i just love it!!! i know the drama won’t be exactly like this but i still love the teaser and it made me want to see more of this drama and sjs’s smile 🙂

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