
Episode 7 of Goddess of Fire: Tae Do and Jung Yi Reunite and Both Enter the Palace — 9 Comments

  1. I’m dying! No wait I’m alive! love them love them love them! Can’t wait for more! Thanks Ms.Koala for posting this!

  2. How can you not love them, Moon & Kim Bum look so sweet and lovable together. I totally agree with you Koala…the main reason I’m still watching this show is for Moon, actually Moon & Kim Bum sweet scenes…lol.

    On the side, Moon is quite cute in her goofy Jung Yi role. She’s a superb actress.

  3. Gosh Ms Koala. You do do such nice wake up calls.

    I practically squealed through all the scenes. Thank you. I have no intention of watching this drama. But man Tae Do is HOT. And I am off to change my avatar again. I’d forgotten how much I love Kim Bum.

    Did you guys say he doesn’t get the girl? And she loves the King? Damn. Really? I mean he marries her but she loves someone else. Really?

  4. I am still on both ships.. ekekek..But, I sooo very much likey Tae Do & Jung Yi..awwwwww. They are soooo super adorable together. ^_______^

  5. Can I just KIM BUM is SO H-O-T? Like really?! Haha thanks so much for this updates I’m not a fan of this drama but I love kim bum so thanks please do continue posting! 🙂

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