
Goddess of Fire Episode 9: Angry Tae Do Yells at Jung Yi and Burns up the Screen — 12 Comments

  1. Sadly I agree with you Koala, the only part worth watching in this episode was Moon & Kim Bum scene. I’m still amazed at the great chemistry they have.

    Since we’re not even halfway thru the show, I still have hope that the storyline would pick up.

  2. Hope it gets interesting when the Japanese Invasion comes ’cause 1hr. Watching about pottery is BORING. But KB & MGY chemistry shines! So hot Tae Do when he’s angry.

  3. La historia de Jung y KH es muy muy aburrida, el hecho es que hay que ver los Raitings para darse cuenta de que esa historia no pega ni con chicle, en cambio cuando salen las escenas de TD y Jung la quimica explota. lo que entiendo es que quisieron darle un papel principal al principe KH por lo que paso en su historia, que los mismos Koreanos no le dieron en su epoca, por eso el papel de TaeDo paso ha hacer secundario, y sin embargo se queda con la chica, ironico no.
    The story of Jung and KH is very very boring, the fact is you have to see Raitings to realize that this story does not stick or with gum, instead they leave the scenes of Jung TD and chemistry explodes. my understanding is that they wanted to give a leading role to Prince KH for what happened in their history, that they did not give Koreans in their time, so the paper has to step TaeDo secondary, yet keeps the girl, not ironic.

  4. Why is Bummie so awesome? I love how he is portraying TD to the fullest but seriously why is gwanghaegun such an idiot always taking the blame and does not stand up for himself. I’m starting to hate him but it will not stop me from watching the show because all I will do is watch Bummie because I LOVE HIM.

  5. I’m just watching this scene between the two leads in silence, without subtitles and I am moved by Kim Bum’s ability to emote. Good looks and talent!

  6. Will someone slap that writer who’s writing this putrid script. I won’t hold it against MGY since its her job to recite this god-awful blather. Ugh, this is so frustrating. Get a clue, the magic sparks when Kim Bum and Moon are together. Stop making her character clueless and stupid.

  7. The script is really terrible not to mention the subject matter seems pretty boring. But she was a famous Korean historical figure so I will not knock her. But goodness what is it with kdramas leads, females, being written this way. In any case, I am still intrigued by both GH and TD with JY but I thought they up the stakes a little and make it more interesting.

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