
Two Weeks Episode 9 Recap — 8 Comments

  1. Ive been shipping them since ep 1 now I cant wait to watch this ep. Also I really don’t like seung woo hope they dont end up together ughh

  2. Poor SW, I understand why he is angry. I mean, he didn’t ask anything until now, she knows he knows and yet didn’t say anything… there is a limit a person can wait/understand.

  3. Thank you for really fast recaps. I am rooting for TS-IH-SJ to end up being a family too. Feel bad for Seung Woo but hope that he will end up with JK.

  4. I am catching up with this show now.
    Thanks for the recaps!!

    I did NOT expect a restart to the old romance, but when he held her in his arms at the hosptital – WHAM! – it hit big. SW never seemed confident in his relationship with IH, now I know why.

    The father daughter scenes will never get old. Love them. Such a great device instead of listening to TS talk to himself about the situation and the choices he has to make.
    On to 10.

  5. Love this episode too, especially how TS is now taking the initiative instead of being reactive. It was fun to see him misdirect the cops by something as simple as a false tipoff, it works as the cops have been getting and following tipoffs by the public too. It was thrilling to see him execute a more complex plan at the shopping mall, where he fooled both the cops and the baddies. TS is proving he’s no longer a pushover!

  6. Oh, and I loved the part when TS and IH were talking about his wound, and he asked her whether she wanted to see… Shows how close they used to be and that he can be cheeky too, lol.

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