
Grazia Magazine Reveals the Breathtakingly In Love Cover of Engaged Couple Ji Sung and Lee Bo Young — 17 Comments

  1. Wow! Their chemistry is awesome!! I love how they are holding each other especially him.
    I am so jealous the wedding locale is so beautiful.

  2. The Aston House above…Wasn’t it in Hotelier? Anyone remember the scene where a drunk Bae Yong Jun forced Song Yun Ah to dance with him for the first time? Omo it this Aston House is indeed that, then this Seoul Sheraton Walker Hill Hotel must be the whole “Seoul Hotel” in Hotelier! 😀

  3. Awww they look amazing together! Glad it was good news because when I first read the headline, I thought I read: “breaking up engaged couple Ji Sung and Lee Bo Young.” I almost screamed out No!! Lol

  4. We like this couple so much, we have been waiting for their public WEEDING announcement, and looking forward for this BIG event! For the both of them, we’re wishing for the best & happily ever after relationship! CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES!

  5. It’s endearing how they have fought to keep their privacy for so long and now that they are getting married, they seem to be saying to the whole world, “hey, this is us, loving each other so much”. The public has come to not just accept their relationship but to celebrate it. I love this couple and wish them all the happiness in the world.

  6. Thanks for posting. Love this couple so much. There sincerity to each other shows in their eyes. They are really hard workers both in their careers and in personal lives. They trust each other so much and support hand in hand in whatever goals they have in life. A perfect example for me if you will enter a relationship. May you grow old together staying sweet forever.

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