
Lee Min Ho Looks Damn Fine Surfing for Heirs — 11 Comments

  1. I literally touched my screen as if I touched him physically…
    hope the drama will be good since it has all the good stars in it.
    dont let us down! 🙂

  2. I know right Park Shin Hye seems to have more chemistry with the second lead. And that’s too bad….I won’t be surprised if I ship that boat than lee min ho’s…. :/

  3. The new teaser doesn’t look horrible for the OTP so that’s slightly promising. I am hoping to like this a lot since I tend to get swept up in the craziness of high profile dramas like this. It’s fun even if it’s less than satisfying in quality. I do really need to be onboard with the OTP so I’m hoping ep 1 does that for me. 🙂

    I absolutely agree with koala on the whole chemistry thing. I think out of us will watch a subpar drama just for the good chemistry between the leads. But hopefully the onscreen chemistry beats the on paper stills in this case. Here’s to hoping!

    Lmh looks very fine in surf suit. But I am very partial to suits and formal wear which is strange on a high schooler. But haven’t met a lead character in a dashing three piece or two piece that I didn’t like.

  4. Hot hot and hot! But there’s something off about his face. I don’t know what went wrong but he still look so much better in faith (minus wig) than in Heir. Please2. I hope that it’s just camera effect or the make up.

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