
Last Batch of Pictures from Ji Sung and Lee Bo Young’s Engagement and Wedding — 40 Comments

  1. Aww…not usually a massive fan but you have to congratulate a couple who have been together so long.

    If the fans of the the most recent drama sees fit to question their sincerity- they must have issues with appreciating good acting.

  2. agree shipping singles actors is one thing, shipping actors married or with relationship is another. right now I didn’t want but SJS and Gj are too cute off screen so I’m shipping this random couple lol

    • Me too….I wanna see GHJ and SJS in these kinds of wedding shots, but that’s jumping the gun a bit. Lolx. So I will settle for them dating…I’m desperate for it to happen.

      • @yasmin – she broke up with her longtime bf last year.

        I doubt people would be rooting so hard for her and SJS to hook up for real, on this scale (I swear every third comment I read in some places is along the lines of ‘unnie and oppa should kiss!!!!’, and I admit to making a few of those myself) if either of them was known to be in a relationship irl.

      • I don’t think So Ji Sub is Gong Hyo Jin’s dating type. At all. And she has a type. From dating Ryu Seung Beom to likely Ha Jung Woo, she likes her guys much more swarthy and gritty. It’ll be cool if they dated but don’t hold your breath on this one. Their BTS show absolutely chemistry of the cool kids hanging out kind.

  3. Real life shippers are a problem and they indeed take their dreams for the reality. That said, I still don’t like the fact that LBY announced the wedding at the wrapping up party for IHYV. It’s not about breaking up OTP fantasies: It’s about timing. The drama and all the persons who worked hard on it were supposed to be the stars of that one particular night, not her personal life. Rant over.
    I think that LBY and JS are a beautiful couple and if they love each other sincerely, they shouldn’t care about what crazy fans think. I find LBY radiant on these pics (she lost some weight obviously) and I wish her all the happiness she can get.

    • Just my two cents. LBY announced the wedding to the public the morning after the finale and the wrap up party. It was posted to her fan cafe first thing in the morning at the same time Ji Sung did. I don’t think her timing was bad. That night was about the drama and her announcement the next morning in no way took away from the celebration for the drama and its cast and crew from the wrap up party the night before.

      I don’t think they care about what fans think. I simply wished her likely new(er) fans from watching her in IHYV would appreciate her happiness rather than their own disappointment. Which is also baffling because how could anyone ship LBY with LJS when she’s been dating JS for years and years. Yeah, go ahead and ship their characters and the OTP onscreen, but the transference to real life there was inappropriate IMO and then to be unhappy their crazy fantasy turned out not to be true so quickly is like someone driving their car into a wall and then blaming the wall for being there.

  4. Indeed to your comments regarding a slice of a few really vocal IHYV fans. It was hands down my rom-com crack of the year, and I used to check its soompi thread everyday. When the wedding was announced, a couple of users simply destroyed the generally nice mood with their annoying comments feeling betrayed (?) and used (?) and whatever. Rage inducing tbh.

    So yeah, sorry for my mini rant, but I’m still bitter about that lol. While I’m not a fan of either of them, all the best wishes to this newly hitched couple 😀

    • It’s perfectly natural to look at a screen OTP and wonder what they’d be like in real life (I do it myself, with Master’s Sun) but it’s important to know that it’s really just your wishful thinking and the celeb doesn’t owe the fulfilment of that fantasy to the fans who wish for it.

      Soompi has some very immature people on there, possibly because the user base is mostly extremely young. People get angry and bitter and start attacking over the most trivial things, it’s ridiculous.

  5. I love that LBY chose a wedding dress with sleaves.
    I am so so sick of bare-top wedding dresses.

    They look so happy and comfortable with each other. 🙂

    • Me too! I really love wedding dresses like Kate Middleton’s that are sleek and quite modest. Lee Bo-young’s was a bit awkward though, because it tried to mash the sleeveless, Elizabethan-skirted dress with lace sleeves.

  6. Oh, these pictures are perfectly made, and so the COUPLE is, truly match for each other, our sincerest CONGRATULATIONS for the newly married! Praying for you always!

  7. I find it so adorable how ji sung always watches lee bo young’s projects. He also admitted to watching my daughter seo young (and cried, while at it!)

  8. The proof of the pudding is in the eating (or something like that). Let’s see how this plays out. They look happy enough, but why do I get the feeling they’re playing a part in a drama…must be all those staged engagement and wedding photos.

    • I’d agree with you if this was a Hollywood couple, but in k-ent it is apparently the done thing, if two celebs get married, to have all these wedding shoots for magazines and release the pictures. It’s just their system and I can’t fault this couple for doing it.

    • Everyone takes engagement pictures in Asia. Celebrities, normal people, not normal people. It’s just tradition. With celebs, all that means is people want to see their engagement pictures so they release it. Whereas people don’t want to see the engagement pictures of Aunt Sue’s youngest daughter who just married that dude who finished army service.

    • I thought I’m the only one thinking the pictures looked like mere acting. Couldn’t feel the chemistry between them though they had been dating for ages?

      Indeed this just reflect how ignorant I am about their presence which coincidentally got to know them when at random I started watching Save the Last Dance for Me… yeah how out dated I am 🙂

      anyway they r married now – for show or for real love, only they knew it – lol 😉

  9. Though new marriage life didn’t bring luck to Ji-sung’s professional life. Secret brought 5% ratings in first week, which are same as his last drama Great Seer.
    Well, things can only improve from here, i hope.

    • I thought it was just me. That is my favourite picture too! Although most of the pictures are really lovely, that one just spoke to me. Manly JS clutching his wife’s purse while he romances her… hee! so cute!

  10. Lovely couple. They look so happy. I have the feeling from the pictures that after dating for five year they have become not only lovers but best friends. Best Wishes to both of them.

  11. They are adorable separately and together.

    Shipping is an interesting phenomenon.
    When the characters are staring into each other’s eyes saying, “I love you,” and promising eternal fidelity, we want to believe it. Especially if the director knows how to film the kisses.

    When they yell and accuse each other of bad things, we say, “They’re just acting.” LOL

    I remember a Poloroid ad campaign from waaaaaay back where the couple was so convincing, Lee Garner and Mariette Hartley, they wore shirts that said, “I am not Lee Garner’s wife” and “I am not Mariette Hartley’s husband.”

  12. Thanks Capt. K for posting. I have seen many pictures of their wedding and engagement but many of these ones I have not seen yet! I wonder where you get your materials. You are awesome!

  13. I have been wondering about this pre-wedding photos of celebrities in Korea. So, i understand this is just for celebrities. Interesting. Thank you for the never before seen photos. I count about 4 wedding dresses, including press conference one, excluding the traditional dress. I wonder whether there was some ceremony associated with each change of dresses? or are they just souvenir poses, like those you see of couples still in their wedding clothes in public parks or places (at least I see them in Sydney and Europe as well)? I wonder whether this is going to set a trend further raising the costs of weddings.

  14.’s official…They’ll have one of the cutest families ever! I’m so happy for them. They’re both successful and happily married (finally). Love these spreads. Thanks for sharing.

  15. beautiful couple i pray that God will lead u always and always God is the center of ur relationship. God bless

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