
SBS Lines Up Early 2014 Thriller Drama Three Days Starring Yoochun — 18 Comments

  1. I’ve read that Park Ha Sun is in talks to star in Three Days…love her…

    It would be great if Jung So Min joins….I like both the actresses 🙂

    By the way, I don’t know but the title You From Another Star sounds weird….

  2. Jung So Min would be so good… but is there a leading lady at all?

    Plus, Ms. Koala, what do you think about the Han Suk Kyu/Kim Nam Gil news about the drama Chaos Under Heaven (follow up to Empress Ki)? I read that Kim Nam Gil’s side denied receiving an offer… which is weird, since the PD himself gave an interview stating that Kim Nam Gil had been chosen for the role of Lee Bang Won. Weird, huh?

  3. Jung So Min signed with SM C&C so I don’t think she could play the leading lady seeing she would have to act opposite Yoochun

  4. Please not Park Ha Sun, can’t stand her! Because of her, I could not watch 2 weeks.

    Otherwise, glad to hear my boy is back to dramaland.

  5. Park ha sun is a beautiful girl but she definitely cannot act.still i’m happy yoochun will be pairing with someone pretty.but i really hope he can act with Park min young again..she’s the best couple for Yoochun <3

  6. This is when I really regret the idol-centric-ness of so much drama casting – why let talent like Jung So-min and Han Groo languish, while idol CF queens who can’t act snap up everything in sight? (not including IU in this btw, since she can act). And then, even when idol agencies do turn out to have decent actors in their idol groups, those people get shafted for not being the ‘visual’ or ‘face’ of the group, such bs.

    • Jung So Min and Han Groo are both really promising young actresses. I think part of it may be that ladies like Jung So Min and Han Groo are not your traditional Korean beauties (aka you can actually pick them out of a lineup) so they may not get as many opportunities right off the bat. It kind of makes you realize how incredibly lucky Son Ye Jin is to have jaw-dropping beauty and talent on her side. Whereas Kim Tae Hee, Song Ji Hyo, Lee Yo Won, Han Ga In, et al have not a tenth of Son Ye Jin’s talent but they’re still huge (some more than others, certainly, but they get to lead dramas) celebrities regardless because of their beauty. So that’s why I’m always a little wary about blaming idols for the state of the industry – I think it’s suffering by not committing to actually nurturing female talent but I can hardly blame idols when many people who actually hold the title of ‘actress’ are so incompetent themselves.

      Thank god for writers like Ha Myung Hee and Im Sung Han who still cast interesting newbies in their shows.

  7. Also, SBS is having a good year on the prime time drama front – they’ve had Yawang, I Hear Your Voice and Master’s Sun hit the 20 mark on ratings, and Yawang even pulled in past 25 for its finale, not bad at all.

    I didn’t know That Winter was considered a success since afaik its peak ratings never went past 15-16%, but I liked its cast and camera work

  8. Yay, Yoochun! He might not be the best idol-turned-actor, but he is good and has worked hard for the roles he gets.
    Having Jung So Min opposite him would be wonderful, but she signed with SM C&C, so it seems unlikely. But part of me still wishes it would happen. Am I only one that thinks her talent is going to waste? She is one of the best in her age range and yet barely gets roles -_-

  9. Anything that Yoochun is in I will watch it. Love my JYJ’s rapper. He’s the best idol actor (in my opinion) and has proved he can act from Melos to comedy.

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