
Yoon Eun Hye Picks Among All Her Leading Men and Lands on Gong Yoo as Her Ideal Type — 82 Comments

  1. I saw the video the other day. Really want to know who she will really end up with in the future. I don’t have favorite actors but I have favorite actress. ( like any-one cares but I’m gonna list my top five).

    1-Song Hye Gyo
    2-Chae Rim
    3-Yoon Eun Hye
    4-Kim Tae Hee
    5-Park Shin Hye

    • My favourite actresses who I’d watch absolutely anything for are, in No particular order,
      Yoon Eun-hye
      Ha Ji-won
      Park Shin-hye
      Jeon Ji-hyun
      Kim So-eun
      Jung So-min
      Gong Hyo-jin.

  2. Actually, it’s not Section TV (MBC) but One Night of TV Entertainment (SBS) with Sooyoung as host 😀 (sorry, as a Sooyoungster, I had to point it lol)

    Come to think of it, she acted with a lot of handsome men ! It’s so weird to see how much she has grown since XMAN days. I would have never thought that she would become such a great actress. But it’s such a shame that she doesn’t appear on variety shows much. She was amazing in XMAN with her strenght and witty lines but I am disgressing XD.
    And I can’t see Gong Yoo the same way again after his Running Man episode lol. (this show is always ruining celebrities’ image for me <3)

  3. I saw this the other day and was surprised at how she picked Yong-hwa over both kang ji hwan AND lee dong gun. Then again I saw some of their BTS and she was quite playful/smiley with yong-hwa.
    In the end gong yoo won(i agree, their chemistry was the best). Surprised Joo Ji Hoon didn’t make the list considering Goong was a popular show and she had fantastic chemistry with him there too.
    Pleaaaaase yoon eun hye pick a drama I can watch from beginning to end and actually enjoy. Her last 3 dramas couldn’t do it for me.

  4. When I first saw the video I noticed 2 things.
    1-How easy she “dismiss” Kang Ji Hwan.He is the only one where she does not gave him-out of politeness at least-1 second thought.
    2-Her reaction when she picks Gong Yoo is suspicious.
    I am not going to analyze my thoughts,I did it already in the HwanHye ship-Discussion Forum.
    Yoon Eun Hye is ready to get married and she gives us hints.
    My shipping heart can not forget that Cola Kiss-and many other scenes from LTM- and wants her to be a real life couple with Mr.Hong Gil Dong aka Kang Ji Hwan.But her personal life is hers and I wish her to be happy with any guy she choose.If that guy is Gong Yoo I wish him the best.He is an excellent actor .

  5. I had read that Gong Yoo said YEH wasn’t his type…but you never know. Thought she looked pretty hot with KJH…guess it was just acting.

    • Actually,he said that he likes the tomboy type and because YEH role in “Coffee Prince” was a tomboy ,reporters thought that he was referring to her and he had to tell them not to apply his answer to YEH.
      That was in an old interview in 2011.

      • But, Gong Yoo himself said that YEH is feminine/girly while describing Sung Yuri as more tomboyish.

  6. Maybe she picked Yong-hwa because he’s actually a nice guy who she thinks is ideal and similar to the kind of person she wants to end up with? Just a thought. Since, you know, none of us here knows what kind of guy he is in real life, simply because he can’t act. Personally, I see zero ‘whut’ about that. She was chummy and friendly with him and I can totally see them get along well together in RL.

    Anyway… Gong Yoo and her were magic! Hope they work together in the near future. She hasn’t really worked with men I like (excluding GY of course), and the very few ones who I liked (Yoochun, YSH) – she had no chemistry with…

    • If there was no chemistry, and I am analyzing it as objectively as I can, then no chemistry ever took place in any Kdramas pair.

      Am I reading that you may be shipping her hard with someone else?

      • LOL nope. I don’t ship her with anyone, forget shipping her hard. I like both Yoochun and Yoo Seung-ho, and they’ve both had some good chemistry with previous co-stars – in my books, YEH doesn’t even come close.

        If you think they have chemistry, by all means, go ahead. But you’re not convincing me of something I don’t see. As for “no chemistry every took place in Kdrama pair” argument – that’s… extreme to say the least. But since your opinion is yours, you’re totally free to believe whatever sails your boat…

    • Sorry to reply to myself, but I meant to say that in this interview Gong Yoo did not even make it past the first round. LOL! YEH has very short memory.

      • I get you cecilia 😀 but we have to consider that she only chose her ideal type according to the choices given to her.. She was pretty consistent with Kang Ji Hwan not closer to her ideal type….. Lee Sun Gyun, Jo Ji Hoon and Kim Jong Kook is not here in this recent ideal type world cup so her answer in 2012 and 2013 is different…

  7. Gy’s ideal type was tomboy girl like GEC.YEH a feminim girl in real life.But who knows her personality?In fashion maybe YEH feminim but her moves in carier,acting,bisnis,thought in principal,hardworker…definitely she likes a man (tomboy girl)……And when I think about GY-YEH many hints about their relationship…Maybe they don’t wear same clothes, same syal, same bracelets,etc…like a twin…hehehehe..But when I read their interview and I look their moves…I discover same vision in life (opinion about life/religious),same “taste”in fashion, same charity about the children,same opinion about acting, same new trend in photoshoot…And if don’t same I discover their complimentary.That’s just my opinion…From what I read their interviews…Only GY-YEH and God who know about their relationship hehehehe….As a fan I only hope and pray their relationship in real life.The great couple !!!!!”…….

  8. Hahaha, I’m reading this as I’ve been marathoning Coffee Prince which is my favorite drama. This just makes me happy as I truly think they had wonderful chemistry on screen, so it’s nice to think they enjoyed filming together!

  9. Honestly, I wouldn’t take this game seriously. Nothing against Gong Yoo. Think they had great chemistry in CP. But the game leaves very little freedom for the person to freely make her choice.

  10. Lol – I think everyone knows that it’s fun and games and fans like to revel in all of that. Some ships come true and I suppose most do not. Either way, it’s still fun to think about. I don’t know her personally and not really much outside of Xman in the early days and dramas. But even so, she seems like the type to not really reveal someone that she’d actually date. It’s much easier to pick a safe person. 🙂

    But I do hope she finds the right person who will love her and respect her like every woman deserves.

  11. LOL what’s so ‘whut’ about her picking Yonghwa. He’s actually a really great guy, even Han Chae Ah was full of praises for him in her recent interviews.

  12. She got really close to yonghwa when they filmed mhiyd
    It’s obvious from all the bts
    Even han chae ah got close to him
    Yonghwa’s acting might not be impressive but he’s a great guy with good personality
    Warm,friendly,funny,easy to work with

  13. Gong Yoo oppa! But since you mention psychology, I have a feeling that she wouldn’t reveal who she really likes, if there was any… She dismissed KJH without really thinking (so I guess there’s really nothing there or it’s over or something) and towards the end, she looked giggly with the mention of Yong Hwa again but thought better of it and chose Gong Yoo instead, as a defense mechanism? That is to say, that based on this interview, I am likely to think that she prefers Yong Hwa above all the rest. I’m not even a shipper of these two, but I am just guessing based on what I saw mwa ha ha. I’m maybe wrong, of course…This is so much fun! Thank you!

    • I think she’s close with Yong Hwa and Gong Yoo. She called GY oppa. I can see them still being good friends to this day. Gong Yoo has a really wonderful personality from all i’ve seen of him and they got along so well during Coffee Prince. She recently got close to Yong Hwa so maybe she is still crushing (great personality + handsome) The video is cute. I sometimes forget how sweet and adorable YEH is hehe…

  14. I’m still kind of sad that Kookie doesn’t get sorted into these…I remember when he went off to military service and their last tribute to One Man-One Woman was his MV…

  15. I shipped her with KJH and now I am very much annoyed by her to think that she can easily discard him from the list as if he is definitely not good enough to be there.

    I like to think that she has not have any hit dramas since Coffee Prince and selection of Gong Yoo is the best thing she could do to show people that she did managed to work some magic ages ago though I hate that drama to pieces.

    • Uhm no one forced you to ship Yoon Eun Hye and Kang Ji Hwan. You are a shiiper by choice. They dont owe you anything and they are under no obligation to please you delusional shippers.

      You’ve led yourself to believe that they are a true couple and now just because she didn’t pick him you are insulting her? Whoever she is attracted to in real life or whoever she chooses is none of your bees wax. Her and Kang Ji Hwan never ever confirmed of being in a romantic relationship whatsoever, so they are both free to choose whoever they want.

      One piece of advise, if you can’t get a hold of your emotions, then you have no business shipping. It’s not right that you get totally unhinged and start insulting others just because you are a delu-lu shipper who can’t control a disappointment.

      • And yeah….check your grammar cos its suppose to be ‘advice’ and not advise. Thats why don’t bother to advise in the first place…

      • @Mi Ran – and your comment says ‘did managed’ (sic) instead of ‘did manage’. If you’re delulu enough to try to dismiss someone’s point over a typo, make sure your own spelling is perfect first.

        And Koala didn’t ask for you to come here and bash YEH over a shipping preference either, so if you can’t take people commenting on what you post, don’t post it.

  16. i’ll be the happiest person if she’s ending up with GY. I really feel their chemistry and it was the best dramas for YEH. Still watching it from time to time. But yeah, we’ll never know what is inside her heart. I just want her to have the best drama that will come close to CP or Goong this year. Please God! My heart still cringe with MHIYD. Seriously i really hate the execution of that drama. so please let me have something to erase the memory of that drama.

    • She also got Best Actress for ‘The Vineyard Man’, the drama didnt rated well but nevertheless she’s great there, love her a lot in there. So sad too, why her recent dramas arent well receive by viewers in S.Korea. Dont know if she regresses or just wasnt lucky enough w/ the script. Maybe she needs reinventing, staying out for a while on Rom-Coms. Aside from costumey Goong, she havent really had a sageuk drama. Anyway, my heart is for her, would love to see her in a hit drama soon. Fighting!

    • Or maybe, she had no choice but to choose only GongYoo, when her ideal man is probably someone she havent had an opportunity to work with. Because if there is something going on from any of these men, it wont have a chance to slip under our noses. To the future we look forward!

  17. oH yES! GY is really cool and i love the both of them in Coffee Prince actually it was my first Kdrama and i’m really totally hooked to it… and their kiss scene oh my… love it! And their both sexy…

  18. Aww I loved her with KJH! They were the only reason I resisted dropping LTM! I loved her with GY too, A looooot actually! Obviously her type is the easy going person who knows how to have fun. I’ve seen some bts and interviews of GY, he’s quite talkative and funny. YH as well, he seemed friendly. Anyway, I really hope she finds the right man and the right DRAMA. She’s been having bad dramas year after year.

  19. I love YEH, forever and always. She is so charming and funny in this vid (even if I didn’t understand what she was saying apart from the names mentioned). I think she had a lot of fun playing the game, so I will take it as it is – a game!

    Having said that, I would be happy if she ends up with either GY or JYH in real life. I think they are both nice gentlemen with a sense of humour. But I will be over the moon if my ship (KJH) finally sets off. It’s been sitting on the pier for the longest time, barnacles and moss have weighed the ship down. I fear it may never sail *sigh. Regardless… my love for YEH will never wane and my hope is that true love finally finds her (this year, please!), in whatever shape, form or name he will take.

  20. I bet her and Gong Yoo are just good friends and she’s most comfortable with picking him. She could just joke about it with him later. At the same time, the best relationships start as friendships. Either way, YEH is sending serious signal boosts that she’s ready to get married! I bet all the guys interested in her are going to start stepping their up LOL!

    I’m a KJH-YEH shipper and honestly think they have already tried dating because they had that much chemistry in LTM and even in the BTS videos. At the end of the day though, they are all grown adults and I wish them happiness with whoever they end up with. I’ve always been surprised that YEH, GY and KJH are not married yet (makes me sound like their grandma) because they seem to be serious catches.

    • I think at the time of CP1, both Gong Yoo & Yoon EunHye did develop close friendship or attraction for each other but at the time she was only 24 yrs old and he was about to go into military service plus when he came of military service he had to get his career back on track first and also establish himself for his future plus she was still young and has so much ahead of her so that’s why they only stay close friend but never date each other, its better to be close friend/brotherly/sister relationship than date that way u can always study each other on side not like other celebrity date each other then u don’t have time for each other if its doesn’t work, having to announce break up…similar to Lee min Jung and Lee Byung Hun they date each other when she was young but ended up breaking up but they were meant for each other now got back together and got married…good for them,,just my opinion, sharing my thoughts on seeing the clips and their closeness, that’s why they still friend until now however if destiny or cupid exist they will be a couple

  21. I wouldn’t mind hearing that she’s in a relationship with either KJH(my boy!!); Gong Yoo or Song Seung Hun…
    I’ll be sooo happy.
    I wish her well whoever she loves in real life…
    but please Lord, let her next drama be one that I could watch from beginning till end.
    I couldn’t get passed the 3rd episode of MHIYD and wondered if it meant that I was not a real fan of hers.

  22. no wonder he picked yong hwa over kang ji hwan is because he’s been a partner on a recent drama..

    & i think GY is just a friend for her, though we may never know, what i really think about is what her actions are during & after filming each of her drama series, & only 1 thing i’ve noticed with all of these is her body language on the bts of LIE TO ME, if it’s not then i am wrong, body language don’t lie, you may tell it in words but ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS they say…

    just a thought 🙂

    • You mean, a promo for MHIYD? But why not LDG, her LM (and an amazing actor)? Maybe she was not comfortable choosing him? or YH is more popular this days with Koreans and Japanese?

  23. Gong Yoo and Yoon Eun Hye have a lot of similars such as personality (helping children around the world and like to laugh),fashion, education(studing master degree),drawing, and talent acting(comedy,sad,commercial,document,and movie). I just wish that they can be fall in love because I love Coffee Prince couple. They are handsome and beautiful couple.

  24. Maybe she’s just want to be in the safe side. She looks really close with GY oppa and JYH is well younger than her… nothing wrong with it! She’s great with all of her co-actors..if not chemistry wise atleast friendly wise. But still I’m with the Joo Ji Hoon ship. ♡

  25. It’s funny how shippers and fans of her other co-stars are so in denial about her choosing Jung Yong Hwa. Why so pressed people? So many lame excuses like her trying to be safe, to promote their drama (they’re not even the OTP. lol) etc etc. Can’t it just be that she actually find him as a really great guy, which he is by the way.

    • couldn’t agree more!! yong hwa has a great personality in real life and eunhye likes his personality a lot and had mentioned it in yong hwa’s japan fm video. Also, it’s just the ideal type, whoever she chooses in real life, as long as that person loves and respects her, I’m happy.

  26. From the 2012 interview and this, imo YEH never think KJH more than her co-star. KHJ has a ‘pretty man style’ she said and she didnt think he is close to her ideal type. Eventhough GY didnt past during that time too, she clearly said that GY is close to her type. Sadly, she chose LSK over GY because of his ‘family man’ personality. So, its not really shocking that she choose him in this interview. -Sorry for any grammar mistakes-

  27. In my own opinion, YEH feels safe with GY, they have this sister-brother- like closeness since CF drama.. Remember when Eli was interviewed by GY during his military days, GY explained to Eli that it’s only a drama not reality and YEH even brought food for GY when YEH was interviewed by GY. YEH always attended GY’s movie premiere like the way she attended the premiere moviie of LEe Sun Gyun. They are good friends since CF. Regarding JYH, She had chosen Jung Yong hwa because he’s younger than her and we know that she doesn’t like younger men so meaning, she feels safe with JYH. Even with this opinion of mine, i am hoping that there will be a miracle that the friendship between GY and YEH will turn to more than friends relationship. They are both adults, good age and quite responsible in many ways. They look good together. GY is handsome and hot and YEH is pretty and sexy. But at the end of the day, no one knows who will they end up with. It could be a non- celebrity. Whoever they end up with, we’ll respect that…..

  28. Also, on Christmas 2008 GY asked YEH, What was a gift you want? Then, she replied to GY that she just wanted a boyfriend. She was happy to receive gift when she young.

    Please read the article ( FLETCHING THE SUN 2012-GONG YOO). GY feel something??? with YEH.

    Anyway, I loved YEH and GY. Whatever they are real life couple or not, I will always love them.

  29. I lov yeh since CP n yeh did a mirecle in CP.i just hope yeh would shine better in another project..i really hope that miracle will come.

  30. Gong yoo and YEH have similars such as personality (helping children around the world and like to laugh),fashion, education(studing master degree)but I have a feeling that YEH with Song Seung Heon (SSH).he..he..he..

  31. I am laughing a lot to read for all of these comments. Look like Yoon Eun Hye has a lot of actors to choose for her ideal man. Hurry up, Yoon Eun Hye to get marry. All of your fans are waiting now. Let see who is the man for your FUTURE CHOICE. he… he.. he..

  32. I don’t think YEH would actually reveal someone she really likes but if she really likes Gong Yoo, I think that’s great. They make a good couple I would choose Yoochun among all her costars. Yoochun is perfect. I like him.

  33. I am sooo excited YEH has choosen GY as her ideal. They make a great pair and I hope this would happen off screen. I look forward to this couple being in a serious relationship. YEH and GY, I wish you both the very best. Saranghae!!!

  34. I’m sorry, I really liked GY their chemistry (GY & YEH) look real. If YEH choose GY as her ideal type was a natural thing, but I’ve compared the BTS between kjh, GY & YEH & most natural is at kjh.
    Maybe I still sail on OTP kjh & YEH in LTM because I see too many things in common between them (rings, bracelets, etc.) it’s just my response.
    I think YEH choose GY, CP when he looks good (brother sister).
    I still OTP kjh & YEH,,,, YEH Rights choose the ideal type.

  35. I just hope Yoon Eun Hye find her true love and get marry soon. All of her fans just get a lot of her costars. I just pray for her to be healthy, happy and marry soon. That all my wishes for her.

  36. Joo ji hoon and yoon eun hye forever!!!pls give them a chance and a tv drama together thus ill be happy plssssss:)

  37. I really like YEH and JJH but GY and YEH’s chemistry was awesome.i hope they get in a relatnship sooner than later and marry eventually….GYEH 4eva

  38. This is Yeh’s Ideal of man ok:

    “YEH’s ideal guy for husband to be :

    – FM Japan interview (2007/2008)
    Q : What’s your ideal type ?
    A : Ideal type ? My ideal type is someone who’s serious and has “sense”…Sense toward fashion, sense toward language, isn’t there saying, “a person’s inner heart’s suaveness”? Compared to “what kind of person is this person?”. I prefer a person who on first look is very polite, handsome and tall, possesses a good fashion sense, but is serious and humorous, someone who makes me laugh.

    – YEH interview for Vogue Girl (2009)
    VG: What kind of guy do you feel attracted to?
    YEH: When I was young, there were times when I was attracted to the so-called ‘bad boy’. However, more and more I’m beginning to like and feel secure with a good, upright person who treats elders well. It’s ok if he’s a bit gruff. Because he can just be charmingly cute to me.

    – Replies from “Ask Eun Hye” that started since 15th July (2009)
    Q : Prefer to date someone older or younger, which one is the option for married ?
    A : I prefer older man for now, because I’m still young, I think older is better, he will be able to guide and lead me.

    – YEH interview with NUYOU magazine (Singapore – 2009)
    Q : family or work?
    A : family. but i believe the guy would never ask me to choose. Gong Yoos’ character had said this in CP too, that one should be courageous enough to follow one’s dream. the lady PD of CP has the same kind of thinking such as mine.”

    I hope her statement will give an insight to who her husband to be is so please shipper of her co-stars which leading is close to this description or it could be a non-celebrity that she will fall in love with so its her life so just let her decide;

    cr: thanks Itsme
    Credit to Member of Soompi: 50Julieng

  39. To all directors and film makers , please make another kdrama for GY and YEH as the main cast, I really love watching them together, I got hooked with Coffee prince.

    Everytime I watch CP I always get butterflies and I feel being young and in-love again. Thats the magic of GY and YEH brings to their fans.

  40. Yoon eun hye said she doesn’t like younger men. yet she stated yong hwa. he is younger than her. right? well, ji hoon should be on the list too. unfair! i like their love team. looking forward to YEH future kdramas and leading men.

  41. It’s funny you said YEH isn’t GY’s type. You absolutely have no idea. If you had listened to Gong 20, you would have had some idea

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