
Jang Geun Seok and Park Shin Hye Unveil Yet Another CF Campaign Together — 14 Comments

  1. awww, but WHAT have the coordis done to him?! Koala, my feelings about JGS/PSH are much the same as yours about Kim Soo Hyun and Suzy like you referred to in the YFAS post, and so I’m always happy to see them together again….but his clothes and hair are spoiling it just a bit. She looks gorgeous, though, and after the mess that was Heirs I actually would not mind if she worked with Kim Woo-bin again, they kind fo had something going (and he needs to pick another drama that does not have that cool boy/popstar/rocker image, and quickly)

  2. omg omg .. they look soooooo cute and sweet toghter , i swear, they have more chemistry that any actress or actor he or she ever acted with , they are just sooooo made for each other , and i really really thinks they are dating 😀 XDXDXDXDX and you can see that they really love each other ,

    • I ship MinShin too ever since Heirs. I’m one of the few who think she actually had great chemistry with him. And even though repeat pairings aren’t common in dramaland, I really want them to do another drama together.

  3. They seriously have more chemistry than any of their other partners all combined. They’re sexy when they want to be, and sweetly adorable and goofy at other times. I recently re-watched YB and realized how much I loved them together. They’ve been friends for so many years and continuously keeps up that friendship. I even read random tweets they post to about each other. Really hope they can keep this up and be of great support to one another.

    Since JGS isn’t doing rom-coms anymore, I want him to do a sageuk with PSH. Surely it’d be different from YB but they’ll rock it all the same.

  4. My all time favorite photo of them when they did ads where the “sharing the headphones”. That was super cute. ^o^
    I was hoping for a better photo shot for this ad. 🙁

    * wish there was a behind the scene video for this ad. I wanted to see PSH and JGS I interacting together. 🙂

  5. I hope JGS keeps this hairstyle! Would be better with less volume on the top but ain’t complaining when even this hair is way better than his long hair look!

    • OMG! Me too! YAB started my obsession with KDramas and now I can’t stop… PSH and JGS has a special place in my heart because of it. I’m always interested in their dramas though JGS really hasn’t done anything after YAB that I liked.
      I’m glad he cut the hair. Here’s hoping to stops with the Liberace wardrobe and choose a more watchable drama next time.

      • I just loved YAB to pieces .. they actually had so much chemistry . Altough there were no cheesy lines like in heirs but jks and shinhye rocked that drama. Heirs forced chemistry is so not my cup of tea … YAB is one of those few effortless chemistry .. i m feeling nostalgic lol..

  6. I will love and support GeunShin Couple (Jang Geun Suk and Park Shin Hye) forever and even ever. Hope you will post another news about them. I’m looking forward for it.

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