
Bride of the Century Episode 5 Recap — 42 Comments

  1. I know it is going going sound weird, but I think the leads like each other. I mean like like each other. The first and last time I got that feeling was watching queen’s man. And it turn out to be a good feeling.

    So far this show has good chemistry. Mi don’t care about anything else. Just watching actors have chemistry in a fun show always makes me happy.

    • i believe they are getting close off screen as their age difference is only a year
      hongki and the girl playing doorim/yikyung were holding hands tightly and she’s also holding on to his arms during the PC and hongki keep teasing her
      it’s rare to see both main leads being close like that but hongki is usually like that, he got close to park shin hye during you’re beautiful and baek jin hee when he did a movie he did with her
      he stays friendly with them

  2. Thanks for doing this so quickly! I watched it unsubbed and you filled in the missing pieces.

    My biggest take away is how cold, evil, selfish, NOT HUMAN these moms are!! Have [not the girl I like] get married to KJ and Bob’s your uncle, she dies, so you can put in [the girl I like]. Like they are talking about changing clothes. Geez, ladies, are you competing with Empress Tanashiri from EK as Most Willing to Knock Someone Off for a Child?

    I love how transparently bad Roo Mi is, and she’s not stupid, either. She has known YK for a long time and DR is not acting like her bitchy friend. It is good to have an opponent who keeps you on your toes.

    The actress I like watching the most is Park Jin Joo who plays Oh Jin Joo – the best friend. Very natural – never overacting. I want her to have a happy ending – loan sharks be damned!

    KHJ continues to evolve, but like you said, it is two steps forward, one step back. That’s good – we are only at Ep 5, he can’t change over night…

  3. Thanks for the fast recap Ms. K!!

    Kang Joo’s mom and Pres.Ma. is seriously SUPER SELFISH MOTHERS. How can you use and therefore make someone die (by mamipulating YK “run away bride” trick) bec. you want your freaking daughter to be KJ wife. SERIOUSLY?!! I know you want to be powerful but to that extent?! And KJ mom,how can she be that evil by sacrificing someone life just to be RM your daughter-in-law?! How you be sooooo aure that KJ (still) loves RM?! And I how wonder what does RM mean,when she said that she can wait/endure it and have it after just like KJ mom,30 yrs.ago?! Is KJ mom,did something bad to her husband’s first love? hmmmm… Suspicous.

    During the piano scene, I found it weird that DR play the beautifuly.Is there some swicthing of DR and YK before coming out on stage since DR told Pres.Ma about the situation? Since YK is within the area. And also,i find it impossible for YH to save/solve DR from her situation. hmmmm. Something fishy.→_→

    • at the end of the episode there is the preview. there you can find the answer but I couldn’t wait for koala to put the next episode’s recap and couldn’t also wait for it to be subbed so I checked it raw. At first I thought Dr would be possessed by the ghost but SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT she wasn’t. yk came at the last moment and switched places with Dr so it was the real yk who played the piano. I saw the sixth episode raw so I am not sure about the details what exactly happens but I got the gist of the events and am curiously waiting for next week’s episodes.

      • Since I cant watch it,i am just relaying on Ms. K recaps. So,thank you for the spoiler.

        So, my guess are right. hahaha. I also thought of being DR possessed by the ghost. haha

      • To many coincidences but Yi Kyung happens to overhears Yi Hyun’s conversation with Doo Rim, arrives at the home and switches places with Doo Rim for the concert – not before pretending to appear nervous for Roo Mi’s benefit at having to play the piano! Lol

    • I don’t think Kang Joo’s mother did anything to Kang Joo’s dad’s first wife but she was probably in on the family secret – so Kang Joo’s grandma wanted Kang Joo’s dad to marry his mother – knowing that the first bride would have to be sacrificed- grandma probably counseled her real choice i.e. Kang Joo’s mom to be patient to let Kang Joo’s dad marry his first choice and wait for her to die so that Kang Joo’s mom could take her place as the Choi family daughter-in-law.

      It may not have been an active move on her part but Kang Joo’s mom is just as guilty because she was willing to take part in all of this and let someone else die so that she could be the Choi family’s daughter-in-law.

      • She is now doing the same thing for Roo Mi to be her daughter-in-law but choosing Yi Kyung to be the sacrifice. Interesting to watch if Roo Mi loves Kang Joo enough to sacrifice herself as the first bride as his father’s first love did knowing that she would die if she married him.

    • I don’t think Kang Joo ever loved Roo Mi. From what I have understood he has only ever just been friends with her. Her loving him is something he is aware of, but clearly does not reciprocate…as he has repeatedly told her. Girl needs to buy a clue or get smacked with a clue bat. Perhaps she needs to check out “He’s Just Not That Into You” at her local library…

  4. Thank you for the recap, Koala! I didn’t even know Lee Hong Ki was going to lead a drama but I’m glad I saw your sparkling recommendation here of BoTC and I marathoned all 5 episodes so far! Can’t wait for episode 6 😀

    I find myself skipping a lot of the scenes with the mothers and Evil!YiKyung because they make me zzZzzZzz…. we need moar scenes with KJ and DR!

    I’m gonna laugh so hard if DR gets married to KJ and the ghosts leaves her alone. And when the real YK steps back into her role as the Taeyang daughter-in-law the ghost will start haunting her… I can only dream 🙂

  5. Thanks for recapping! I saw the raw but you filled in the blanks to tie me over until Dramafever gets them subbed! Loving this drama!

  6. So is Yi Hyun suppose to be the other leg in the love triangle because IMO wouldn’t it be kind of weird to like a girl that looks exactly like your half sister? Anyways, thanks Ms Koala for the recap!! I’m really enjoying it

    • It is not only weird…. he has some serious issues! Lol I would buy that he likes Doo Rim for her personality but even if it were the case, the only reason why he took so much notice of her in the first was because she is the splitting image of Yi Kyung. Which then makes it seriously dysfunctional for him to fall for someone who looks so much like his own sister – albeit half sister!

  7. Thank you for your quick recap. Watched ep 5 raw and it helped fill in the parts I didn’t understand. Waiting anxiously for the English subs. Also, though the mothers have their evil agendas, it works for DooRim’s benefit. i.e, Mrs. Ma doesn’t want to lose the marriage arrangement and has Yikyung come in to play the piano and thus saving DooRim’s plight.

  8. Thanks for the recap. Yesterday, I was reading the soompi forum and there were many members who mentioned your name that they watched after reading your recap. And they are enjoying the show. You are so popular. I am impressed. I love reading your recap too. I am your fan. I look forward for your recap on Ep 6. Take care and hwaiting.

  9. thanks a lots koala. so fast recap. love it. i addicted this drama. hope we can see more scene between two lead. episode 5 & 6 too much scene between DR & YK’s oppa. we more see DR & KJ part. hope the writter not waste the time & drag the scene between DR & YK’s Oppa

  10. Mdm. Koala, muchas gracias for introducing and recapping this fun drama. The english title alone would have certainly given me pause to even watch it, but like they say, never judge a book (or drama) by its cover (or official english title) kiki!
    I just wanna mention about the actor playing Kang Joo’s dad in particular, he is such a good actor! Every twitch look etc is so spot on. His character is adorbs despite his serious demeanour. And frankly this is the first drama I have seen him in where his character actually laughs smiles and have a warm relationship with his children! Such a lovely change from his usual cold calculating and stern roles. Those roles are now the purview of the evils moms.
    xie xie!

  11. Love the OTP in this drama! The actor who plays Yi Hyun is seriously stiff though, he looks constipated most of the time.

  12. Thanks for the recap!! Really enjoying this drama hehe. But I can’t seem to find ep 5 and 6 English subbed! :((( would appreciate any website recommendations! :))

  13. Had no expectations about this show at all. Now I get all giggly to see each new episode. I would never have known about this show at all if I hadn’t read about it here. Thanks!

  14. Thank you for recapping Bride of the Century. At first, I didn’t think this show would be as interesting as each passing episode. I love the main characters and her oppa! Please continue to recap more!

  15. What!! No Kiss? And no the kiss at the beginning doesn’t count cos it’s a carry over! LOL!!

    Mdm. Captain – thank you for recapping this – I had actually dismissed this drama until you started recapping and yes, I have joined the ranks of those rewatching and rewatching till the new week.

    I can’t imagine what’s gonna happen moving forward – Kang Joo is so used to Doo Rim now I wonder whether if there comes a switch later on he will take better notice that the girls are like day and night!! I think that this time he has paid more attention to Doo Rim and knows her quite well or rather she has been in his face, forcing him to take notice, as opposed to Yi Kyung.

  16. Can someone please explain the part where President Ma and Yi Kyung were spying on Doo Rim in their car? I can’t imagine that they knew of Doo Rim’s existence before Yi Hyun mentioned her and I doubt that Yi Hyun would have provided an address for her to his step-mother and sister before his sister went missing and they had to come up with the scheme to have Doo Rim to stand in as the substitute-fiancee.

    (1) The first time President Ma and Yi Kyung heard of Doo Rim would presumbly be when Doo Rim saved Yi Hyun from being hit by bricks.

    (2) The first time President Ma meets Doo Rim would be when Yi Hyun bring her home when Doo Rim agrees to play the substitute-fiancee for her grandma’s medical fees after Yi Kyung goes missing.

    (3) It appears that the scheme to use Doo Rim as the sacrifice bride was hatched between President Ma and Yi Kyung after Doo Rim stands in for Yi Kyung and not before.

  17. Thanks Ms Koala 4 yr superfast recaps!! Thanks again for your recommendation n I really enjoyed this drama. God Bless^_*:)

  18. Thanks.. I was waiting with bated breath for this translation.. This week we have less swoony stuff and frankly chap six is my least favourite 🙁 due to much reduced OTP. SPOILER WARNING.. I’m quite sure Doo Rim will be rehired, goodness what excuse they will come up with though. It’s going to be heart wrenching as they grow more attached and yet cannot be.

    • Totally qgree w u….thats why President Ma suggest the store in Seoul…she need her near so she can be “on call” easily..seem like next week they will b doing wedding preparation already..maybe she claim YK having chicken pox and need a stand in??? Wonder what kind of excuses will convince a woman to get marry in another place????

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