
Bride of the Century Episode 6 Recap — 52 Comments

  1. I’m usually a silent reader but this time I want to Thank you Ockoala unni! I didn’t know anything about this show until I saw you’re recap, decided to check it out and now I’m totally hook! This is the first time I’ve seen the leading actress and you are 100% right…I’m amazed on how she can portray two different personalities without overacting. She’s got a great chemistry with Hong Ki as Doo Rim while a total b&*c* as Yi Kyung. I also like how I’m still guessing or unsure about the ghost intention regarding Doo Rim & Kang Joo. I’m hoping that this show will continuously entertain us and doesn’t disappoint until the very end like some other “big” shows out there hehehe…peace!

  2. Thank you!!!!!! you’ve made my day with you’re fast recap!!!
    still loving this show very much, luckily this time the wait for the next episode will be shorter.
    I understand it will air on Friday’s and Saturday’s from now on.

  3. We know that the first wife that died put the curse on the future wives, what we don’t know is why. Is the reason for the curse in the way she died? The first wife is the ghost and she would have been the wife of KJ’s great grandfather, who also looks identical to KJ’s father’s first wife. Then we have the wife of KJ’s grandfather who looks like DR/YK is there a reason for all the look alike’s? Also her shoe was found at the edge of the cliff as if she had jumped or was pushed over, but when the men got there after he last scream they all looked up into the trees as if she had been spirited away. I know that DR and KJ will be together and DR will not die, so these are the things I would like to have a clearer understanding of.

    • I can’t wait to actually see it subbed. I’ll be looking at the photos more closely now. Are they bringing in reincarnations now?

  4. Thank you thank you! Just watched this unsubbed and your recap had cleared up all th bank spots – which is basically the whole show as I don’t speak a word of Korean. Love love the lead actress and her chemistry with all the other actors. Id never have thought she was worth noticing, but this drama def let’s her shine.

    • Lol, Kang Joo is so adorable that even ghosts fall for him. I agree, I get the vibe that the the ghost will help him and Doo Rim.

  5. Can’t wait for the next episode. I think the intentions of the ghost will be revealed next episode. Though this drama started with so much cliches, somehow it can still keep us on our toes on and surprises us on what’s happening and going to happen next. Who would’ve thought KangJu would discover his mother’s schemes this early on the drama. Usually those things happens at about the middle of the series. It’s also refreshing to watch a drama where there are less manipulated people. The characters here all have strong personalities that they do what they can to have what they want.

    I really hope that people would notice this drama more.

  6. I had been in the dumps since My Love from Another Star ended… your recaps of Bride of the Century has been the cure for my post drama depression. Thank you so much!

    • same here.. I can’t wait for the new episodes I marathoned the first 4 while at work. maybe i should watched it over again

  7. My guess the curse gets lifted in 100 years thus the name Bride of the Century so I’m not that worried for the two leads and we do have the cupid/friendly ghost on their side if anything happens

  8. Thanks for recapping this awesome show. I’m of the opinion that Gwishin Unni(halmoni ?) is the woman Kang-joo’s great grand father or is iou t grand father? should have married. Remember when she met DR, she was mumbling something about the man promising to love her forever and then leaving her to marry someone else.
    This is such an unexpected surprise. I was expecting that they would prolong the Yi-kyung/Doo-rim charade for about 10 episodes but to have them switch back so soon. I can’t imagine what will convince Doo-rim to switch back to being Yi-kyung. I Also didn’t expect that Kang-joo was on such close terms with Gwishin Unni. I wondered why he always went there.

  9. hi ockoala – this is the first time on your site and it all for Bride of the Century recap, thanks! There is so much going on that’s whack. Like both families having a fill in for the bride, but for different reasons. That’s just crazy. I don’t think i could explain the plot to someone and have it make enough sense for them to follow. I absolutely love that Kang Ju knows the ghost already, but am I correct that Doo Min doesn’t realize the woman who meets her (and gave her the bracelet) is a ghost? I also don’t see how Yi Hyun isn’t going to get screwed (as in heartbroken)in liking someone who is identical to his evil half-sister. Yeah. In any case, I am jumping up and down with our Jeremy back in the dramas (smoochie kisses, baby).

  10. Thank you for the recap. This drama and In a Good Way are my favorite dramas. Love the lead actor/actress. Hope more people come aboard and enjoy this wonderful ride.

  11. Waw, the story goess so fluidly and thank you so much for ur fast recap I’ve been waiting for this 😀
    I love how KJ and YH miss our DR. Poor DR for being used for the curse, but I believe that the happiness will come to DR.

  12. Been a silent appreciator for a while. Just wanted to say a huge thank you for re-capping ‘Bride’. Zany fun and a ghost that does what she wants when she wants never mind elaborate rules of the game.

  13. Thank you! Please keep recapping so we can have a place to show our love for this drama! It’s keeping me entertained with the right mix of comedy, mystery and angst!

  14. You know, I wonder how KangJoo can be such a grand, great CEO when he can’t even differentiate the supposedly important people in his life with those that replace them. I am looking forward to seeing how YiKyung will explain them off. Her “I overworked my muscles yesterday” excuse regarding the fish was so laugh-worthy. You overworked your muscles? After a 5-minute piano performance? And when DooRim comes back, I want to see how she explain’s off YiKyung’s coldness. (I was suffering from PMS? Hurr.)

    Thanks Koala, for this recap. I have to say, this is my new drama obsession, even though it’s writing nothing new in the books.

    • I think it’s understandable that he couldn’t tell the difference seeing as he didn’t spend any time with her before they got engaged. He didn’t even know little things like what her food allergies are or what she likes. If Roo-mi had been switched out, he’d have figured it out in a heartbeat because he knows her well but he knows Nothing about Yi-kyung that’s why it was easy to deceive him. I do wonder how they will explain away the differences when Doo-rim comes back because Kang-joo knows her well.

  15. Are you aware that from episode 7 onwards, the show will screen on Friday and Saturday at KST 2300hrs? If the show starts so late, is it bec of adult content? I felt sad that it will clash with Taiwan In A Good Way if I follow my local time. I hope that you can pick BotC to watch first so that you can recap for many of your anxious fans. I will watch this first as it is not easy to locate the raw version. While Taiwan IAGW is easy to find and I can watch raw without difficulty. Anyway, I would like to thanks you for the recap. Hwaiting. 加油

  16. Thanks for the recaps Ms. Koala. It is such a girly drama. I love it. I had an inkling that you would like the relationship between the spunky ghost and KJ, because I like it too. I did not expect it. This drama is teaching me K-drama patience, because the subtitles come out so late, but it is a good thing to learn.

  17. It is indeed amazing how Doo Rim has plenty of chemistry with Kang Joo while Yi Kyung goes to negative numbers… and she is boring to tears… I wonder when people start noticing… and when they find out.

    I totally didn’t expect the machinations to be revealed so early. We are at episode 6 and nearly everyone knows about Mother’s plans.
    Not that there is not enough questions/mysteries for the remaining 14eps.
    Who is the ghost?
    Why is she helping Doo Rim?
    What’s her relationship with Kang Joo?
    What’s Mother’s involvement in the death of the 1st wife?
    Why was Kang Joo kidnapped?
    And is he the original Kang Joo or they switched him as well?

    Though… I mainly wish for more scenes of Doo Rim and Kang Joo. Episode 6 had too little of them… I’m that shallow :–)

  18. In the preview it looks like DR is back being YK. we don’t know yet why DR is posing as YK again, but i hope that after finding out about the curse , she will take a stand and stop being somebody else.
    It will be fun to watch KJ wooing DR as DR

  19. Thank you for the recap! I always enjoy reading them. I’m hooked on this show and I’m so happy I’d chanced on the filming on holiday in korea! Could you recap the preview for episode 7? I’m so curious about the background ghost story.

    • kangjoo is aware of the curse n what his mom is doing. He proposed to roomi since she is interested to marry him but roomi hesitated bec she’s aware of the curse. Next kangjoo broke off the marriage with yk bec he does not want to harm the girl that he loves. that’s why president ma needs to get doomi back to win back kangjoo’s love.

  20. Thanks for the recappity-cap and your analysis. Again, I agree with your words on Show.

    I love how flirty KJ got – when trying to get a rise out of his YK with his conversation: “You saw me this morning, this evening and now you’re staring at my photo. You can’t get enough of me, can you?” is rebuffed by cold YK. She hears him being a horse’s ass, the way he acted when they first met, when he wants her to put him in his place. “What? You aren’t talking back?”

    It makes me wonder that if YK had shown real anger at KJ’s first insults, rather than coldly proclaiming “I am your puppet, aren’t I?” If she had punched him the way DR would have… He would have been more interested in her. That IS the difference between the ladies and that is why KJ will eventually notice the change. While YK agreed to the marriage, she didn’t want to bring her feelings into it, and held her pride as more important than anything.

    As far as DR’s budding romantic feelings for KJ, I love that she couldn’t leave without seeing him one more time. It wasn’t a conscious decision either. She was all “I’m just going to drop off the coat, la-di-da, I sure hope I DON’T see KJ. That wouldn’t be too be bad if I didn’t get to see his cute face and hear his cute insults…di-dah.”

    There’s something in the “turn back time” that brings the ghost, DR and KJ together. They have to somehow reassert DR’s rights as the true bride – as she is the doppleganger of the first wronged bride. That is all I got…

    • You know, I wondered why she looked exactly like the first Bride that disappeared then when I saw her again I thought it was a re-incarnation thing.

  21. First off, I’m so thrilled to find your site and these recaps. This show, I’m spending w.a.y. too much time thinking about it. But I want to say, I have this idea for how it should end. If ONLY Roo Mi wouldn’t have been so nosy. Then she could have pushed aside the real and fake Yi Kyungs and married Kang Joo. The evil ghost would have killed her off and both Yi Kyungs would make their moves. After a little bit of dramatic tension (“I trusted you and you lied to me,”) Kang Joo would pick the better Doo Rim and they live happily ever after–while the dead Roo Mi haunts the real Yi Kyung.

  22. Thanks for the great work recapping the show. It’s been great! I agree that there is great chemistry between the leads and the story line keeps us on our toes. Some things that I’ve picked up and wonder if others have seen….in episode 1, the first “substitute bride” is also poor (3 acres) and a last minute substitute for the rich bankers daughter that cancelled at the last minute-kind of like Na Doo Rim. Also, just prior to her plunge off the cliff, you can see her face more clearly..does she look like Na Doo Rim? The white ghost appears to Na Doo Rim and seems to support the “love” relationship as opposed to the ghost in black that appears to YK. Like the corresponding promo photo that shows Kang Ju sitting and Na Doo Rim in white on his left and YK in black on his right. Colors that show their heart. Also, KJ father married for love and his first wife died on their honeymoon- hit by a car. Was that in others opinion possibly a man made death as opposed to a supernatural one since it was a love match and more is coming out about KJ’s maternal grandmother…her driver… Also, does anyone know who sings the song on Na Doo Rim’s phone-ring tone? It’s supposed to be one of the “Monster” songs….thanks

  23. Although it is the same actress, I’m irked whenever YK is in a scene with KJ but giddy when I see DR with him. Yes, that means Yang Jin Sung is doing a wonderful job with her two roles. I am hoping for more OTP moments in the next episode. Kang Joo won me over in this episode. He is starting to look so much more adorable in my eyes. With a melting heart I’m starting to see the hotness. On the otherhand, I’m becoming more repulsed by Yi Hyun as he falls for the girl that looks exactly like his beloved half sister. Creepy all the way. This drama is so addicting. Thanks for the recap.

  24. Just one comment about Yi Hyun:
    I don’t find him creepy and I actually do not think he is falling for Doo Rim as a woman right now. He is just happy he found somebody who genuinely cares for him and who showers him with love and positive energy (DR has the same effect on KJ’s father for example). He lived till now with 2 ice queens (though one was a bit caring ice queen) and now this girl full of life is around him and fills his lonely heart. He also feels connected with her, because they both lost their parents.
    I was actually touched this episode when Doo Rim was leaving… he looked like our kitten when we leave the house in the morning…
    And I was also touched when he took Doo Rim’s hand at the beach… it was his saying “I know your pain, I experienced the same thing.”

  25. l hope that this drama will hook me up since emergency couple is finishing and My love from the Star ended. Mostly dramas currently airing are either action, thriller and sad. I’m kinda prefer lovey dovey and comedy romance as it is more fun and interesting.

    l think Doo Rim still be first wife of Kang Joo, the only thing that the curse won’t effect her with the ghost’s help and leaving those Yoo Rim and Yi Kyung clueless.

    Just awaiting the moment when Kang Joo finally knows that the girl he’s been in love with is Doo Rim not the cold Yi Kyung.

    Fighting Jeremy!!

    P/s : l still kinda see Lee Hong Ki as cute boy not mature man.

  26. I absolutely adoreeee this drama and can’t get enough of it. I hope this question doesn’t sound stupid but I really need to know, what is this drama’s makeup sponsor?

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