
Bride of the Century Episode 9 Recap — 28 Comments

      • I still believe it’s a test, too. It took me a while to make up my mind about the ghost, but after I decided that she was good, a while ago, I’m not changing my mind so easily. 🙂

      • Yeah, she’s asking Doo Rim the same thing as the first wife: Even if you lose your life, you still want to marry that man?

  1. Now that yikyung and president ms have showned that they really don’t care about doorim well being I really hope she tells kang joo her real identity.its better sooner than later

  2. i’m MADLY inlove with this drama… wth!!! it feels like when i first fell in love with k-dramas… it’s been such a while when i had this craziness over k-dramas… 2014 really brought back k-dramaland… ^_______^

  3. First, thanks for the recap! This episode was awesome… my guess for the next episode:
    We saw in the next preview that Doo Rim will marry him as Yi Kyung but later disappear. My guess is the ghost wants her to give up her fake name. That’s why she changed her appearance in order to scare Doo Rim. Doo Rim will disappear and now Kang Jo has to find her. He will find her restaurant and her real identity. If I were Kang Joo, I wouldn’t be mad at her, because she never betrayed him… Either he finds out the truth through YI Yung or through his secretary.

    • Personally, I think that Roo Mi will tell the truth (what’s the point of her discovering everything otherwise?) or better yet, Kang Joo will figure it out himself. For this drama to deliver perfect satisfaction, I’d really want DR to disappear temporarily, and Yi Kyung to try to step in, and KJ to totally feel the difference in the girls and to start asking questions. Yi Hyun might provide some answers himself.

  4. Thank you for the recap.
    I was also in the camp of wanting Doo Rim to come clean with Kang Joo about her identity before going any further. So I’m not happy with her decision in Episode 9. Oddly however, upon reflection I find that I can understand and even respect her decision even if it isn’t the one I would have preferred. That’s because Doo Rim is very aware of the risk she’s taking, of losing Kang Joo when he learns of her deception. Also because she’s prioritizing. In the grand scheme of things, her surviving her first day (and night) as Kang Joo’s bride does trump her identity reveal. So I’m okay with her seeing about surviving first, and revealing all later.
    First of all, if she survives, she’s already bound to Kang Joo, and her deal with President Ma is in effect (that she may stay beside him as herself), so (1) she’s better placed to ask for forgiveness from KJ; and (2) she won’t feel as if President Ma is owed anything anymore. Yes, Yi Kyung was Kang Joo’s fiancee first, but it was Doo Rim who loved him and actually took the risk in marrying him.
    Second of all: if Doo Rim doesn’t survive, then there would have been no point in hurting KJ and risking his love by telling him the truth right beforehand. It’s only important that he knows her as Doo Rim if they get to actually spend a lifetime together–that’s what what DR might think (I don’t agree with her). Also I believe, strangely, that DR might be okay with Yi Kyung taking her place if she dies. Because DR is in love and she would want to spare KJ the pain of losing his bride and the terrible guilt that would come with it. Of course, in that case, Doo Rim’s thought process is completely flawed. KJ doesn’t want a girl who looks like DR–she wants DR herself, the girl who taught him love. But then, it’s not like DR is the coolest thinker around (ha!). She’s all feeling and guts, and impulsiveness. And I really kinda love her, despite (or because of) it all.

    • DR married KJ as Yi-Kung and she disappears (looks like it in the preview). So technically, the curse turns out to be true. But on the other hand, no one was there, when they are getting married. So I don’t think President Ma’s daughter will take her place. We all know that the ghost took care of KJ and I believe, she is trying to help him by forcing DR to disappear so that he has to find her.

    • I agree, YR was his fiancé but she was a coward she ran away of course he wasn’t very pleasant when they met enough to risk her life for him but she ran away and she and her mom got an innocent girl to be the sacrificial lamb to die in her place and then she will coldly take her place that makes her despicable and not worthy of KJ’s love so she is out, Do Rim knew the chances and even though KJ was the same bad mannered guy she took the time to make him into a warm person and she knew the risks of marrying him and she went ahead and wanted to do it so she is in, she deserves to be with him no matter who the fiancé was. It is true love is not about appearances it is about how you feel and even though the two girls are alike KJ is in love with DR and he doesn’t want someone that looks like her but he wants her, the pain is not going to go away just because there is a girl that looks like her right next to him so she is mistaken the only thing I want to see is what is going to happened when they tell him the truth which truth is he going to hear theirs or the real truth and is he going to hate DR for a while, there is not enough episodes left for a long misunderstanding so I hope not.

  5. Oh, I forgot to mention: in the comments the other day, someone asked how many episodes this drama had. And I said that there were contradictory reports (i.e. for 16 vs. 20 episodes). Well, it turns out that the actress playing Doo Rim posted a photo of herself with the script for episode 16, and said that it was the last episode.
    So, there we have it. Question answered. 🙂

  6. LOL calling President Ma a fakety faker. Best name yet for a badass.

    Your recap sure saved me because I had no clue what the heck was happening by watching the raw. This will certainly keep me entertained until the subs are out.

    You’re awesome!!

  7. does any one else think that whenever Kang Joo talks about his love for Doo Rim it sounds like he’s reciting lyrics of some love song???

  8. i love Koala more than JuRIM OTP hahhahahha
    u’re awesome Koala. i thought u dead after the lady ghost killed you

  9. Yey,, the story realllly good for statisfied us 😀
    i’m love this drama, it’s making us up an down with that scary and matchmaker ghost hhe
    have a good satnite Ms koala, i wish u’ll post the 10th recap faster than the 9th. Fighting! 🙂

  10. Thank you soo much for the recap..
    this is a roller coaster epi.. and this series is totally unpredictable…. after scratching my head for long i have realised that best is to lie back and enjoy this series – what the writer-nim disses out.. rather than speculating and pulling my hair out.. but i still enjoy reading all the comments and speculations..

  11. Wow, this came a day early. I thought this airs on the weekend. Thank you so much!

    Of course, Doo Rim will not die as she’s the lead but how can she go about that when all the other first brides have all died. That makes the viewers intrigued. Well, if she’s not going to die then I do think that someone will have her killed. Kang Joo’s mother? Grandmother? President Ma?

    Now, with our OTP…if there’s a wedding, then there should be a honeymoon, right? But as I understand, the brides die after the wedding and before the honeymoon, is that correct? So they will kiss and kiss as if there’s no tomorrow, right? Gah, I wish! Oh, I can’t wait for tomorrow’s recap!

  12. I love this drama, a fan of Hong ki’s for years I love his voice and his acting too, this drama is just so short, it is about to finish and I don’t think it is fair… LOL! I love it. I believe KJ has to realized when they change the girls that YK is not DR if he doesn’t then he deserves to be deceived I thought the curse was just a lie or superstition but if KJ looses DR after the wedding then it isn’t he lost his first love for real, he has to look for her because at least his first love didn’t die he has an advantage over all the other first born of his family she is alive, I just finished 10, I want ep 11 and 12. Great drama, highly addictive… Thanks for the recaps

  13. This drama makes us more addictive & excited in each
    episode, I can’t wait for next week to see with Eng sub. And
    thanks a lot Ms. Koala for the Ep. 9 recap & Ep. 10 preview.
    I love this drama so much!. I hope that KJ & DR will be happy
    together at the end. Cheers!.

  14. whats the name of the instrumental song played when they kissed at the mall after he told her he loved her!!!! pls i do need the song.

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