
Bride of the Century Episode 15 Recap — 41 Comments

  1. Thanks for recapping this so quickly. I was frustrated with how makjang this got but looking forward to the big finale today. Please be good!

  2. thanks so much for this recap. Now forewarned I can watch this maddening episode and hope for a happy final. You the best and awesomely fast!

  3. Thanks so much, I for one is not frustrated with this ep, I am glad that the writer spends time explaining Byul’s story, she is one charismatic ghost, one that I adore. I love reading your thoughts…I understand an ep so much more after reading you take. My biggest thanks to you is for bringing this drama to my attention, a drama that I enjoyed from beginning and I am sure the finale will bring many laughter, cuteness and wet kisses ( well, one can wish), I discovered Hongki again, I remembered him as cute Jeremy and I didn’t even know he was a real singer, now I am a huge fan of his singing, his voice certainly melt hearts. Looking forward to tonight’s ep.

    • I also noticed Lee Hong Ki first with his role of Jeremy, I did know he was a singer in real life,but didn’t pay too much attentio to his group FTISLAND…now I am completely hooked! …and I especially loved his voice…I mean it’s soooo different to all these pop voices out there… it’s very personal I think….great and unique… 🙂 now I even have one of their songs as a ringtone… and although I do love their soft ballads (like “first kiss”) I enjoy their rock… 🙂 well… second teenage times ahead… (yeah I am a proud noona)

      • I have Hongki’s song as my alarm in the morning, waking up to the husky rockish voice, he has a voice of a seasoned rocker trapped in a body of a young man! Yes, I am a proud noona too

  4. Thanks for the fast recap Koala! I like episode 15 as well. It’s good to know what happened in the past but I also agree that it feels a bit rushed maybe because instead of 20 episodes it was shortened into 16 episodes and I think we got used to seeing the cute and funny scenes between Kang Ju and Doo Rim that it was a bit jarring to see them a bit distant from each other in this episode.

    I just want to share that I really love the Ghost’s and past Doo Rim’s friendship 100 years ago and it was so strong that it remained even until now. Now it’s the ghost job to protect Doo Rim’s baby jut as Doo Rim protected her baby 100 years ago.

    Anyway I’m looking forward for tonight’s finale and I hope everyone who deserves to be happy will be happy and I’m also looking forward to Doo Rim’s grandma’s story as well.

    Bride of the Century Fighting!!!

  5. Thank you! I can go back to sleep… This episode was so intense but the story of the ghost was a bit long and it should’ve been a story for ep 14 not 15 but that meant an earlier separation and then today’s episode would have been about the other characters so I don’t know I like it the way it is I am just sad it is ending. I don’t know if it is true that people do what they did go and confront a perfect stranger throw eggs at her because she married someone they don’t know. I hope it is just something they use in dramas because I can’t imagine what it is to have those type of neighbors, at least in NY some of the people that live next to me I have no idea when they move to that apartment and others I see on the elevator and I just acknowledge them with a nod and go on with my life. How annoying it must be to have people following every little step you do.

    • Hi Crazydoc Doo Rim got pregnant the night of their secret wedding, I know it seems strange but they did sleep together even though when we saw it they were fully clothed sitting up in bed with a light kissing and dim lights as camera zoomed out.

      • hi minihaha 🙂 me too, i was misled into thinking and was even disappointed that maybe, nothing “intimate” happened on their honeymoon night after their secret wedding because of the impending doom (death to the bride on the first night) that “maybe” they got too nervous to feel lovey dovey but with the birth of the baby – all i can say is “kangju, you’re the man – you nailed it and got your very own son as well!”

  6. Thank you for the fast recap as always your the best.
    I’m so pleased that President Ma is now suffering in her looney head! Glad that Yi Kyung understands that she and her mum were wrong, hope she finds Do Rim and begs for forgiveness from Doo Rim, so Doo Rim can go back to being with Kang Ju. So looking forward to the finale episode tonight, then I think your ‘all surrounded’ and ‘hotel king’ is my next two kdrama to watch.

  7. Thank you for the recap. To be honest, I don’t like how the drama keeps testing Kang Joo’s love. I feel that he has proven so much, forgiving Doo Rim, fighting for his love, standing up to the villains, even revealing the big secret. The only test for Doo Rim’s love was the curse, and after that, she did nothing for her love except running away. And hiding the child from his dad is too much to me, especially when Kang Joo deserves to know.

    • I agree with your thinking, Kang Ju has proven himself over and over again as a true, honorable man that can withstand all and still be true to his love for Doo rim.

      • i find it romantic when a man willing to go that far for the woman he love because i’m sure 98% that will never happen in real life.

  8. I’m curious about this writer — she’s got one heck of an imagination. Even the story 100 yrs ago is all twisty and surprising. Looking forward to the explanation of the identical girls and DR’s grandma’s role in all of this.

    Thanks for all the recaps, Koala! I didn’t want to watch this drama because I have an irrational dislike of DramaFever, but watching the raw and reading your awesome recaps have saved me.

  9. Thank you!! I agree with everything you wrote. I’ll be glad when KJ’s mother has to eat her words. She’s just as much a fraud as DR. Her character irks me to no end!!

  10. The public is ridiculous…no one is questioning WHY there was a substitute princess and KJ falling in love with her is not stealing if they were lying to him. Yi Kyung is not a victim.

    Ma going crazy serves her right and the Ghost has been waiting for it and obviously watching anyone who she thinks is Do Rim.

    Yi Kyung finally coming to her senses

    KJ’s Mom did believe the curse so she should suffer

  11. I’m so confused. By episode 15, sometimes the ghost appears in black and sometimes in white (different hairstyle and makeup). It sort of bothers me.

    Does this bother anyone? @_@ Like…why the two different colors and outfits? Can someone please explain? *starry eyes*

  12. Thanks for the recap. So intense. I got a little confused in there but I think I understand all the connections.

    Wow! Ma is crazy, certifiably.

    Is Ghost’s baby a grandfather of KJ?

    Last week we had a Secret vibe when KJ was obsessively going after the woman who done him wrong, then fell back in love with her.
    This one felt like BBJX with the 8th Prince falling in love with his wife’s sister servant under the falling flower blossom petals.

    I didn’t watch the preview, so I can’t wait to see how this all unravels. Do Rim, fighting!

  13. Finally, as I expected, Doorim’s haemoni was the runaway bride but I didn’t expect that her groom was the one who started the 1st bride sacrifice rumour because he wanted to marry her. And the ghost was the one who made Yijung looks like Doorim. That was one hell of satisfied roller coaster ride.

  14. I know that the ghost told Doo Rim to go away, but I’m disappointed that Doo Rim knows that she’s pregnant and hasn’t told Kang Joo.

  15. i like to read your recap first before watching the drama…i don’t find it lessening my desire to watch but it enhances my understanding of the story…because sometimes, the subbed doesn’t really makes sense…somethings are lost in translation.
    thank you koala!!!

  16. first, thanks a lot for your recap coz i watched the ep. 15 and 16 all in raw coz i’m dying waiting for the eng sub and i can’t wait to see what happened though i didn’t understand a single word. second, thanks for everyone’s comments – all very interesting and amusing to read esp. since we all seem to be hongki’s fans. third, i loved this drama and hoped that what an internet site wrote that there was going to be 20 ep. was true but now, oh no, suddenly it’s over and though in north america i can watch the eng sub tonight – i will surely miss the kangju-doorim love story and will be sad next week that there’s no more ep. to watch. hongki has proven himself a very good actor and not just a singer/bandmember and hope they give him more dramas to do the main role for as he is indeed handsome and very funny and very nice to watch.

  17. Noble idiocy towards the end of the series? Check. This show has really gotten too eye-rolling makjang for me in the last few eps, yet somehow all the twists and turns still keep me intrigued. I like that they spent some time telling the ghost lady’s backstory. She’s so pretty and great in her role. I would love to see more of her. I’m looking forward to the last episode to see how everything will play out. I’m sure it will be a happy ending with the goodies getting their happily ever after and the baddies getting their redemption.

  18. I like how the story goes. Not too complicated to understand that it had to be dragged til ep. 20 or so. I understand it properly. Thank you Ms. Koala, for the recap. Love Kang Joo and Doo Rim character. I love the flashback of telling it till the present. Love BOFC.

  19. For me story definitely went down. Too much unreal fantasy I cannot really connect to, big dose of noble idiocy, nothing really interesting and moving happens.

    I almost forgot why I liked this dorama so much in earlier episodes.

    May be because Doo Rim didn’t behave so crazy, and was decently pragmatic, so I could relate to her.
    I almost wish her to pay for her idiotic runaway and to stay separated to the end of her life.

    • Hmm.. you dont understand the story could be because you’re not familiar on the concept of reincarnation and buddhism believes?

  20. I browsed through the comments and I am surprised no one commented on how awkward it must have been for the wife to have your husband fall in love and sleep with the wife’s servant under her very nose, in her own home! I for one was shocked by this behavior, though it might have been commonplace behavior at the time among the rich. But this did not endear me to the Ghost in any way. It is understandable that the wife would be hurt and wish to retaliate, and that her loyal servant would want to please her. Though killing the woman and her child is going too far by anyone’s standards. I do blame the wife for her casual and callous dismissal of a servant who went above and beyond for her. Unlike most viewers, I couldn’t get past the adultery bit in this episode and it left a sour taste in my mouth.

    • In those days, it was like their way of life. Having adultery was common. In fact, if you watched other korean period drama, the queen gave consent for the king to have mistresses.


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