
In a Good Way Episode 21 Recap — 14 Comments

  1. Thanks Koala for the recap! I wish they spent more time in the mountains for more couple moments 🙂 Although I’m also glad for them to be back in Uni. I find that I enjoyed the plot more when it’s in the school setting. LC and JE has been a couple for few episodes now but I still feel tingly when i watch their sweet interactions 😀 And I totally agree, BX is an awesome second lead! She’s really cool helping out RW. I really hope she’ll also have her happy ending in this show.

    • I’m really looking forward to them getting back to college. I think Summer went on a leeeetle too long. I’m sure the couple moments can happen anywhere, especially with JN-LC. They are so so cute. I wonder if next episode RW’s crush will be revealed for real this time and everyone will deal with it. I hope so, I think JN needs to know and also realize how much RW has matured. Plus I wouldn’t mind LC a jealous and a tiny bit worried. Never hurts to have some competition around them parts.

      Notice my using JN for her initials in this ep? 😛 That was a good save by BX but I can’t believe everyone bought into that flimsiest of excuses. I actually think LC knows now already.

      • I think LC knows even before this, which is why his first cringe was almost like he felt bad RW was being outed so publicly, then his second cringe was like “oh damn, what to do now?”

    • I really feel that LC knows about RW’s JN crush. BX being JN works for the rest of the gang, but not with LC (and Jia En’s subconscious). I still remember the card games where Jia En bluntly ask RW about her not pursuing BX anymore and liking someone else. I think with regards to JE, the RW-might-like-her seed is already starting to form, but she’s trying not to grasp the concept and its implication. She’s a backtracking kind of girl, just like how it took her awhile to put any meaning into LC’s actions before, but once she’s ready you know that she remembers each and every action.

      And I was also a bit bored with the 2 sub-OTP, it was too long for me. I guess I’m too spoiled with LC-JE chemistry.

  2. I loved watching them all during the summer but I am glad to see them back at school. Actually, I wonder if that was the feeling the writers were trying to evoke – summer being languid and relaxing with not many responsibilities but school life being way more fast pace and chalk full of things to do.

    I’m relieved to see RW grow up so much in the last 2 eps bc I was seriously ready to off him if he kept going down the path of ridiculousness between his crush on JE and his business. I’m sure LC knows about his crush and I would love to see more of a jealous LC after that little scene when he asked JE not to confide in others *coughRWcough* when it came to frustrations and stuff between them.

    BX oh you wonderful girl, I’m so glad you are back more this episode with lovely bits of advice and encouragement for all. Especially love her dorky gameboy loving side and how RW is just amazed at it lol.

    LC&JE are just love love love.

    • I LOVED the Gameboy bit. I love BX sooo much. It’s her smarts and humor that appeal to me – like when she’s poking fun at XW about “Are you sure it’s not you?” A spin off series or film of just her would be amazing.

  3. Man, it’s all in the little details, the little details! The way she fixed his hair after LC took off his helmet, the way she caressed his face lovingly, and the way he rubbed her hand oh-so-adoringly…I’m rather surprised I haven’t already combusted from the cuteness. They are just so natural together. I love every singly scene of these two and I just simply love how JE was the key solver of the puzzle. Thanks, Ms. Koala, for the super fast recap. Can’t wait till next Friday swings around again. Oh, no, what am I to do after this drama ends? :*(

    • I loved the moment when JE fixes LC’s hair after he took off his helmet! I wonder if that was written into the script or on-the-fly acting? hehe

  4. Thanks for the recap! You filled in all the blanks and made my Saturday morning treasure time lovely.

    My favorite part, and the one that make me sob out of love for show, was the theme song playing over the ride into the mountains.
    It brought back all the memories from the first one hunt, where each couple rode together for the first time, and how far we have all come together.

    Didn’t it look and feel like a live action Miyazaki moment? I know you mentioned he used a Taiwan area as inspiration for Spirited Away. The long shots of rode into the mountain, the lush forest, the giant mystical tree. Now I want to go back and watch parts of Totoro again again!

    I am already starting to miss Show, and it’s not over. This cinematographer gave us all kinds of images and moods the length of the series that I will treasure. We should all do a “Reunion Watch” in 5 years to see how much it has touched us.

    PS Jackie and the ONE key was awesome. I feel like the actors are the ones thinking of these great call backs.

    PSS What a big JERK Legislature Dad is. Prick. I loved how JN Dad wouldn’t be one-upped and gave him the tea. It may not be fancy, but it is the best he can give. HIS daughter is not inferior to Prick’s son. So there.

    • You know I love me some Lui Chuan. However, I am starting to think that my favorite character in this show is Jia En’s dad. He is exactly the kind of dad that kdramas would kill off!! He is constantly thinking about her and what she needs, and not in an overly indulgent way (we knew there would be hell to pay if he found out what really happened at the hotel), but in a “I know my daughter, and she is s true to gift” way. They really get along, and he has genuine respect for her. This cannot be said about Papa Prick (my name for Lui Chuan’s dad, inspired by Jomo). Papa prick has no respect for anyone else. He is also in complete denial. Remember int he last episode how he stated with a straight face that he did not think anything was wrong with his family? I thought, hmm. Your wife does not live with you and your perfect son can barely grunt at you, but you think this is fine? LC has to be awesome because he is only bringing himself to this relationship while JE is bringing her whole family and Ren Wei’s family.

      • Agree, her father taught her what being loved feels like so she never questioned LC’s wonderfulness towards her. She would never accept anything less.

        I loved how they watched that TV show together. Such a great and genuine detail on how families bond.

  5. I think IAGW has lost some of its steam. Indicative of why I didn’t rush out to watch this ep yet lol. I’m excited to see RQ/XW though. I love them. Wonder how at what time point they’ll end because it doesn’t seem like their going to go t 2005 at this rate.

    @trotwood I know. Love love love JE’s dad. So cute and protective.

    Thanks for recapping this show Koala. Not sure I’d picked up on it if not for you 🙂

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