
Drama Goodies Galore: You’re All Surrounded, Triangle, Dr. Stranger, and A New Leaf All Release Posters — 8 Comments

  1. Not a fan of the Triangle posters even if they do remind me of the awesome Empire of Gold’s posters. Didn’t realize Jaejoong was the ‘main lead’ – he’s in the middle or has a bigger image in all the posters. And new Leaf actually premieres in two days, so I’ll can find out soon if its worth enduring PMY for Tal Tal.

  2. Lee Jong-suk said in the press conference for Dr. Stranger that he was overwhelmed by Park Hae-Jin’s good looks. Aren’t we all? Aren’t we all? I even forgave him for the awful center part hair thing he had going. I admire the fact that everyone on set can still put words together when he walks into the room.

  3. only drama i looking forward too is you”re all surrounded. love the lead male and the two female. doctor stranger would be the other if the lead female could act but all she does is look pretty and sad in all her drama. kang sora is no better at acting.

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