
Lee Jun Ki and Nam Sang Mi Lead the Talented Cast of Joseon Gunman at the KBS Script Reading — 10 Comments

  1. Sugoi!!! Daebak!!!

    I am soooo excited. Unni, i actually started watching TBDAW bcos of ur ranting abt LJK and NSM’s chemistry. And so far, what i have seen is totally amazing. So am extra excited to see them together on d small screen again. I absolutely can’t get enough of Lee Jun Ki oppa in joseon era clothing.


  2. Err, LJK is not the illegitimate son. Han Joo Wan’s character is the illegitimate son of a prime minister while LJK is the son of a swordsman.

  3. the second time lee junki’s drama going against gong hyo jin ( last year’s master sun and two weeks ) hope that all three dramas receive good ratings, looking foward to all 3

  4. Yes !! YAY!!!
    I miss my Joon Gi fills. Action Joon Gi is the best. I did saw some of golden cross, but well…its not my cup of tea, too many angst no action at all.
    Joon Gi just ruined my drama taste after TBDAW, so I craving like crazy for K Actiondrama, especially with his name on it.
    After TBDAW, I really really into kdrama, and start watching kdrama that I begin to comparing every action drama to his awesome kick, his Iljimae fighting scenes are the great, that we can see he doing all those splitting kicking by himself…pheww…the way he ruined it in a worst, nothing can satisfy me anymore, only Him.
    June come faster…..Palli!!

  5. Hope and wish that this drama will success and more episode compare to the past dramas of LJK.i want to watch longer LJK’s acting…..God Blesss !!!!

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