
You’re All Surrounded Episode 19 Baby Recap — 11 Comments

  1. I knew he wouldn’t be the son but wow…for Congressman Yoo to arrange all that and plan to kill a kid for NO REASON except to control his daughter…just WTF is this show on

    • And who is his daddy?
      Mr. Shin thought he could be his father. Did his mum have two or three more lovers at the time? It doesn’t compute.

  2. It’s bitter to say this, but I also feel disappointment…
    well, except for my Weekly dosage of Seung Gi and Cha Seung Won, I woldn’t spent time to watch it asap.

  3. If not for Seung Gi, I wouldn’t have stayed this long. The writer, I can’t even, even though I’ve seen dramas worse than this.

  4. AHHHH I hate waiting, need episode 20 ASAP. (even if it is the finale, bummer) Also – it isn’t out on dramafever yet 🙁 But I found it on!

  5. Clearly all the brilliant writers for K-Dramas have left the country. All we get to see these days are a bunch of pretty faces and pretty clothes with ZERO story line. I see they are wasting great talent once again.

    Sad – really sad.

  6. Whatever happened to controlling your children by threatening to cut them out of their chaebol inheritance? Even if Congressman a yoon was only the Police Commissioner then, I’m sure he could have come up with better ideas than to have an innocent bystander killed together with her child to control his own daughter!

  7. This is so disappointing. I would have been happy for it to end with Madam Yoo being the cause and them being brothers so he could be brothers with that weird guy. Now this crazy dad, who we thought was trying to watch out for his daughter, is behind all of this? how insane?

  8. SERIOUSLY, CAN WE GET MARRIED BECAUSE THIS IS EVERYTHING I HAVE BEEN SAYING OVER THE LAST TWO MONTHS? I watched the stupid reveal about it just being about political desire and had a major wtf meltdown. why build up for over 17 episodes that it was all a birth secret only to have it thrown up for some petty election sub plot. And Dae Gu, doesnt anyone feel sorry for this character, the writing seems almost masochistic in the pain it wants to keep on inflicting pain on this character. Without a doubt this is the biggest waste of talent this year. I literally want to punch the writers for mishandling my cha seung won. Then this idiotic love story between the frumpy Go ara, wtf is that. every time you turn around this little heffer is there stalking him, it isnt supposed to look one sided but it does simply because Dae Gu though reciprocating doesnt give, he is going through too much after all , so all it looks like is she is a complets despo hanger on chick. The one story that was believevable and likeable was the ex wife and team leader seo, but guess what they didnt develop it, probably because it would have taken away from the not so believable bullshit story of Dae Gu and his stalker sorry Par ta ner.just bad writing from top to bottom

    • So this is pretty late to be a reply but I felt like I had to register my confusion. Go Ara…a heifer? Bwahaha. You had me until there. I mean, what does that make the rest of us? I actually like that she’s kept some of the weight on since AM 94–I think she looks great! But that’s just me.

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