
Puff Guo Rocks the Purple Spiky Bowl Cut and Couture in the Pages and Solo Cover of Vogue Taiwan — 9 Comments

  1. OK, confession time: I’m really enjoying “Pleasantly Surprised” but have up until now not found Puff registering on my aesthetics radar in any notable way. Cute, yes, but no “wow!” factor for this old man. That second photo though, is definitely “wow!” She totally ROCKS the purple! Very pleasing to my eyes, and a refreshing change from seeing countless K ent names going “blond” and looking hideous for it. Thank you for sharing!

  2. I really love Pleasantly Suprised ! I couldn’t finish Just You…It was just too much for me. I can stand only a certain amount of cuteness :p

  3. I like Pleasantly surprised but I’m not feeling Ah Jie as an actual lover but rather a friend. Not sure about Hao Wei because they have both changed and need to reconnect. Though anywhere else they’d be the OTP I’m pretty sure Ah Jie will get the “First Girl Wins” rather than “Unlucky Childhood Friend” treatment.

    • Haha, even with all the dirty dreams Ah Jie has of Kai Qi? Lol, that was was hilarious! I think he’s still in denial, because he’s used to think of her as his long-lost childhood friend, so maybe that’s why you’re feeling Ah Jie like a friend? I like Pleasantly Surprised for the reversal trope of having a warm, friendly, cheerful male lead versus a cold, arrogant female lead (reminds me of Flower Boy Next Door in the sense that the male lead is trying to open the female lead’s eyes and heart to the world out there).

  4. Puff Guo so pretty here, kinda reminds me with Park Shin Hye but with tomboy image. The second pic looks like Sunny thou.

    And Koala *big hug* once again, thank you for you recommendation. Excatly like the title, I pleasantly surprised with how good the drama is, its like a comfort food. Nothing new there, but you love it anyway.

  5. Is it just me or does she look a lot like Ivy Chen here? If I hadn’t known it was Puff, I totally would have thought that this was Ivy’s pictorial

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