
SETTV Unveils Remaining 2014 TW-drama Leading Men in Lego Lee, George Hu, Chris Wang, and Lin Yo Wei — 19 Comments

  1. The really depressing thing about this is that it basically confirms my worst fears: We can kiss goodbye to any IAGW movie, and accept that the lame-as damp squib open ending is what we’re stuck with, a teaser for a promise never to be fulfilled.

    • basically… I’m happy for Lego coming out with a new drama but I’m kinda want the IAGW movie more than a new drama, such a tease, hate you SETTV D::

    • I almost forgot about the movie version… but if they don’t film it now it’s very unlikely that it’s gonna happen anytime in the future. Such bad news 🙁

  2. Cant believe it. I didnt watch the last ep of iAGW as I hate the ending hoping for a movie for a happy ending so now gone case…. 🙁

  3. I liked In a Good Way, it as the exception to the rule of TW dramas.

    Pleasantly Surprised… meh…. that’s the same as ever, same cliché characters, girls who can’t stand on their own feet (literally), love rivalries, bla bla bla. Mind you, I kind of like the lead actors but the drama still feels like the same as every single TW drama (except IAGW).

    I wish TW dramas (and K dramas too) would give more new actors a chance, the recycled pairings are just a bit too much after a while. They need a bigger pool to draw from.

    • Jasper Liu is adorable but had to drop Pleasantly Surprised due to the exact reasons you stated above. Made the switch to The Way We Were / 16 Summers.

      • Yes The Way We Were is a much better TW drama. Even though it’s similar to In A Good Way it’s also very different in the whole atmosphere. Tbh, only this year Korean started their reunions which I do like because those actors/actresses somewhat marked the Hallyuwave for me and it’s nice to see how much their actings/chemistry bloomed. Even though Korea is smaller than China/Taiwan/HK they actually give newbies roles and switched partners a lot more than Taiwanese. Whereas I feel China/Taiwan recycled a lot more.

        I’m not feeling Pleasantly Suprised, first few episodes were nice but then it lost this extra something. Is anyone still watching You Light Up My Star?

      • @heo: I watched the first few episodes (like 5 or 6?) of You Light Up My Star but have since dropped it. I understand that the story they are trying to tell isn’t silly or trivial and that the director seems to have put a lot of effort into it but I am not feeling much. Are you watching it? Is it getting better?

        Re. The Way We Were, I am like completely smitten with Leroy Young as Fang Wei De by the end of episode 2. Nuff said.

  4. Unless the lightning department is responsible, methinks that the make-up artist went a lil’ overboard on Lego’s face, and to a lesser extent, on George’s.

    • That’s what I was thinking too. The hair styling on Lego is also quite unflattering compared to the three other dudes.

      • Agreed. His hair color should have been darker especially with this pale rose/white outfit which strikingly contrasts with the other leads’ dark style. He kinda looks like Grandpa hanging out with some of his sons/grandsons. >.<

  5. I’m glad Lin Yo Wei is back but that plot sounds rather redundant, and I totally agree on Mandy Wei, boring just about covers her.

  6. I really hate it when the drama I want to watch is a daily drama that is probably gonna be dragy and long. I like george hu but not enough that I’ll watch a long and boring drama for him

  7. Like others have said does this mean that a in the good way movie is not going to happen because I thought it was basically confirmed and was going to start filming soon

  8. Oh boy. Yay Chris. 🙂 urgh I really find Mandy Wei to be completely bland. I don’t know what it is about her that is completely bland, but that she is. That’s enough to get me to skip the Sunday offering. I haven’t watched a settv Sunday one in a long time. I am rather excited at lego/Chris drama but I will have to see how it plays out first. I am not a big fan of fan wars over who is the lead type of thing. Hope they get their own trajectories.

  9. I Like Dark Lego, not Light Lego.

    It seems like George and Lego should be besties, not rivals. Seriously, nobody beats Lego in my book. Depending on the female lead, of course, but I don’t know how she could pick George, I think he’s adorable…He’s just not Lego.

  10. At first I thought all 4 of them were going to star in a drama together. I woulda die of happiness lol. But then I wouldn’t know who to root for… hahaha. Well, I will most likely check out all of them to see but I’m looking forward to Lego and Chris’ drama the most 😀 Even though Lin Yo Wei was so endearing in Two Fathers, this new drama sounds eh eh. I just want Two Fathers sequel so we can get a more satisfying ending… sigh.

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