
Joseon Gunman Episode 12 Recap — 10 Comments

  1. Thanks Koala for the recap!
    I definitely enjoyed this episode, too!
    Words cannot express how amazing this drama is from the start to the current episode!

  2. KAPOW! Jeon Hye Bin is definitely a scene stealer in today’s episode. That was some intense exchange right there, one reserved mostly for the big screen. Though, just as you pointed out koala, I find her rather forthright feelings towards protecting Hanjo a bit too quick, if not contrived, for my liking. But man, I won’t even complain, because when she says it, she means it–complete with tears flailing about, one indignant head twist away–I’ll shut my mouth and just melt in my seat. This girl is intense. I think I’ve found a new ‘milady to pledge allegiance to. 😀

    I’m definitely wanting to see some flip-flopping and a testy alliance between Merchant Choi and Yoon Kang in fact. Between them and the King’s enlightenment gang, Prime Minister is gonna get shanked badly. I just want to see him die during a stroke with one final scream with that whiny mummy voice of his.

  3. Thanks for the recap!

    I loved how HW didn’t dance around Hanjo giving him no room for denial.
    I don’t think this sort of charm – as in fall in love with me because it makes sense to and by the way, just take that other girl out of your heart – would work on him, but I can’t see her being any other way.

    And Choi? Whatever he was and whatever he evolves into before the end – he WILL have to pay with his life. He’s got blood on his own face – surely a sign he will die by the gun.

  4. I love it!!!! 🙂 I am wondering where it’s all going to go down from here. His disguise poor from the beginning so he’s really just skirting by on his coat tails there. hW really upped it and blackmailed him good. I want him to be able to outsmart her too though. I am glad that he could at least release one of the many stresses in his shoulders by fully admitting to SI what she already knows. I can’t root for any of the bad guys… What’s bad is bad, and maybe just to what degree if bad. I like having satisfaction of the “good” guys taking down the baddies. But at this point, the baddies are way in the lead. For now…

    Awe… Finally somewhat of a reunion btw the OTP. I am smiling. JG fighting!!!

  5. I really admire Hye Won’s no holds barred admission of her feeling for Yoon Kang, I was like “You go girl!”… then she had to ruin that admiration that I had for her with her telling Soo In to back off for her safety and stick with Ho Kyung. Perhaps if she is saying that mostly out of her genuine concern for Soo In’s well being, then I’ll cut her some slack, but her telling Soo In that she should be with Ho Kyung? It just seems like her advice is more for her own desire to have Yoon Kang for herself rather than sisterly concern.

    Don’t get me wrong, I like Hye Won a lot, and think she is awesome as the 2nd female lead in love with Yoon Kang. Nothing wrong fighting to have the man she loves, but it just grates on me that she has to say such things to Soo In in order to do so!

  6. Ouh, I understood what end of this story I want!
    Hye Won take herself Yoon Kang. She is glad, we are glad, Yoon Kang will come to love her – she is smart and beautiful. They are suited to each other.
    Soo In MUST fall in love with Ho Kyung. He is intelligent and handsome man, he loves and appreciates her. It gets better for her.
    And I shall be glad for them!

    • Practically zero probability for this ending. I’ve rarely seen a drama where the male lead has zero romantic interest in the 2nd female lead and the female lead has zero romantic interest in the 2nd male lead, whether in their past or present. Yoon Kang will never fall in love with Hye Won, the daughter of his father’s murderer. And Soo-In will never fall in love with Ho Kyung, who is like a brother to her. Yoon Kang’s and Soo-In’s hearts are already filled with each other.

      Love Yoon Kang’s expression after Hye Won’s “proposal” to him, he seems to be thinking “Is this girl crazy or something?”. LOL.

  7. I am so jumping for joy that we did not have to end episode 12 with Yoon Kang sobbing alone and Soo In walking away with anguish!

    Thank you PD-nim and writer-nim for making Yoon Kang rush over to pull Soo In into a tight hug. It was time for their real reunion!

    Whatever is going to happen in the future, I just want these 2 to love and support each other and overcome all obstacles to find a good life together.

  8. Just love that Yoon Kang did not deny himself anymore of his love for Soo-In. You can feel their love and care for each other, and that last hug was just daebak! Looking forward to more lovey-dovey moments (hugs, kisses!) between our OTP.

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