
Cable Network tvN Planning First Ever Year End Drama Awards — 21 Comments

  1. Strange thing with tvN is that they rarely produce bad dramas (everything is watchable & endings are correct for a big part) BUT they yet have to impress me with a masterpiece.
    The best for me this year is Gap Dong.

    • I agree. JTBC produces the most quality dramas imo. TVN is my second favorite network next to them. TVn’s dramas start out really well but like most dramas they do not have strong endings.

    • Masterpiece in 2014 or ever? Because I thought queen inhyun’s man and Answer me 1997 were epic (can you tell I’m a fan :D)

  2. Best food porn – Let’s Eat! Also the expressions on their faces made me want to eat everything they were enjoying. Most unsatisfactory ending – Monstar. Loved the cute story and it sort of fizzled out in the last episode. Yeah, Basketball was a total dog what with the horrible writing and stiff as a board leading lady. However both the male leads were amazing new talent. Looking forward to seeing more of them.

    • I watched Monstar and Lets Eat initially in support for my favorite idol group members but after watching all the episodes, I admit to actually enjoying every bit of it. It is a good thing that both Doojoon and Junhyung decently acted. That’s a big plus for me!

      I enjoyed a lot of TvN shows. And my favorite of course is Reply 1997 (even if I love Chilbong to bits in Reply 1994, the 1997 is better for me…I guess its because its more relatable for me)

  3. I’m still confused about how they’re going to orgabize the ceremony since they have an impressive drama department and also many succesful variety shows …. I assume they’ll divide the ceremony in two parts : Drama and Entertainment awards ( kinda like Baeksang ) and after that a daesang winner who can be from dramas o variety shows ^^ that would be really cool to see considering how much I want to see Yoo Hee Yeol winning the daesang cos he’s so freakin brilliant in his 2 current shows : SNL Korea and Youth Over Flowers ( currently the #1 on ratings in the channel )

    Aside from that I hope they can include Reply1994 in the nominations … want to see the cast n crew slaying at the ceremony T_T miss them so much!

  4. There should just be an awards show that includes dramas from all networks, as well as films/movies. Maybe something like The Emmy’s or The Golden Globes. That would actually honour the best of the best dramas, actors, and actresses instead of each network handing out awards to their personal favourites.

    • There is already such an awards show. The Baeksang Art Awards which is basically the Golden Globes. Movies also have the Blue Dragon Awards and the Grand Bell Awards. The network ones are just year end appreciation dinners with good job tokens handed out.

  5. *clap hands in excitement* I’ve been hoping for a while now that there’d be a cable end of the year awards ceremony! tvN has seriously released some great shows! Hmmm well if we constrict ourselves to the 2014 dramas, I will have to say I hope A Witch’s Romance and Marriage, Not Dating will win some awards. 😀

  6. Damnnn Nine: nine times travel was THE best tvN drama for me. 2nd to queen in hyun’s man. Too bad its not qualified for 2014 Year end award since it aired around mid of 2013 :'(

  7. Koalas, I notice you’re also watching Marriage Not Dating. Do you like it? Are you planning to talk about it? It’s become quite the little mania drama so it’ll be fun if you can weigh it in as well 😀

  8. Well, Im fine if this year tvN decides to give awards for 2014 dramas/variety shows only, but it will be perfect if they have the actors/actresses from some memorable shows of previous years coming and announcing the awards, keke. Please, someone from the Reply series MUST come, even if its… Shin Won Ho PD, muahahaha~~~

    And I really hope they dont make this year-end awards show way too serious, I will be more pleased with such awards as Best Kiss, Best Bed Scene, Most Hilarious Scene, Best villian character… or something like that 😀

  9. Marriage, Not Dating has been the most enjoyable show for me this year. It’s fantastic! A great combination of comedy, romance, family drama, and on-point sound effects.

    Hoping it wins an award for most frustratingly lovable cast and characters around. (And throw in best trollolol award for the writers, too!)

    I’m really liking tvN and jtbc shows–so much quality in terms of story, production, and talent. They also have a healthy dose of fresh new faces; it’s so much fun to discover actors who can really bring their characters to life! 🙂

  10. i hop this year have award because there so many great drama that i have seen all the tvn drama so interesting like kbs drama not all drama is great i hop award will be soon

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