
Ji Chang Wook Guest Stars on Running Man and Arrives in Taiwan with the Popular Cast — 12 Comments

  1. Where are Ji Hyo, Gary and Joong Kook? Probably they came in later or are they not participating which is impossible.

    • I heard the ones who visited Taiwan are the losing teams. So Gary, Ji Hyo, JK and others are the winning teams. But we won’t know until we see the broadcast itself :))

  2. Thank you ms.koala for covering about RM and JCW…
    He looks like a cute school boy but still so handsome… Finally he will be on RM after saying many times before that he’s uncomfortable in variety show. I’m also looking forward for the bromance and hilarity between him and LKS.

  3. You don’t watch Running Man ? LOL, I am always surprised when I encounter someone who doesn’t xD.

    Seriously, the show has the best guest list ever. There are some guests who I wouldn’t expect to be on the show and TADA, they are. It’s crazy. And it seems their overseas popularity isn’t fading away. It’s really awesome.

  4. I haven’t watched RM for quite some time, but this ep I’ll check out.

    Am I the only one who at the very first glance at the picture with Lee Kwang Soo thought: When did Song Joong Ki get released from the army? Lol.

  5. Here I thought I was the only one who didn’t watch RM! Glad to know I’m not alone 🙂 I do watch it when they have guests I like but I’ve never been able to make it through an entire episode. Maybe this one will do the trick!

  6. RM’s popularity outside Korea is something else. Im excited to see this episode 🙂 I pray for the day that JYJ gets invited as guests. It’s perfect if they team up with Jihyo since they are really close to her. If only they are not banned from appearing in variety shows. 🙁

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