Final Batch of Iron Man Stills as the Drama Premieres Wednesday on KBS
I’m getting so pumped for Iron Man (Blade Man) which premieres tomorrow on KBS. Once in a blue moon does a drama come along this over-the-top in concept. It requires hand-rubbing glee to welcome its arrival rather than indifferent waiting. I still think it looks like a hot mess in the making from the previews and stills but occasionally even a hot mess can be so fully formed in its wackiness that it ends up entertaining. Lee Dong Wook continues his hard working streak and will likely earn his paycheck for this drama (and more) by playing a rage-filled chaebol heir who sprouts physical knives from his back and arms as a manifestation of his emotional trauma. Shin Se Kyung displays more life in the IM previews than she did in all of When a Man Loves, this time she plays the embodiment of all that is sweet and kind in a girl who struggles to makes do but doesn’t shy away from helping others. She will be the catalyst to heal Lee Dong Wook’s emotional pain and hopefully end his supernatural knife powers.
In the preview she appears to take in a little boy who is connected to Lee Dong Wook in some way, and also ends up working for him. I hope the set up episode(s) does a convincing job of laying out the narrative tableau so that the over-the-top elements are believable within the confines of this story. Veteran actors Kim Gab Soo as the bad daddy and Lee Mi Sook as the housekeeper add some acting gravitas to the proceedings since Lee Dong Wook is already over-acting like someone lit a fire behind him whereas Shin Se Kyung breaks from her typical expressionless facial repertoire to toss in animated expressions that are supposed to be aegyo cute but instead come across as laughably posed. It’s nice to see the supernatural knives in the drama won’t be CGI but is instead part of a suit that Lee Dong Wook wears underneath his character’s regular clothes as seen from the BTS stills above where he is filming the building climbing scene. Less CGI means less silly looking graphics and more time to just soak in whatever the drama tosses our way in terms of character conflict and angst. Bring it on, Iron Man!
Btw, is anyone worried about what happens if Lee Dong Wook falls on his back or on a costar when he’s wearing the blade suit during filming? Or are the blades made out of styrofoam?
Lee mi sook! Love her she is such an amazing actress I wish she got more leading roles
Snort. Hahaha. That’s mean Ms Koala.i am sure it has to be steel otherwise it be broken with so many scenes. I am just imagining now if he stumbles on to SSK.
We should all call it Styrofoam Man now! lol
This is going to be stupid awesome, if they go all spoofy with it or take themselves seriously. Anyone else out there have a 10% hope left that this is some meta, melo-comedy.
I used to think LDW was smoking hot, especially in SOAW. Now, his face reminds me that of a botoxed up woman’s. Even his amazing body can’t distract me from that.
Is this old then because he looks so good here:
It made fall in love in an instant, yeesh.
There is only one Iron Man for me, and that is Tony Stark (RDJ ajusshi ♡♡♡♡)
this looks set to rival Dr Stranger for wtf potential.
you haven’t watched Dr. Jin..
True…. Being a Lee Dong Wook fan I sincerely hope it doesnot turn another WTF drama like Dr Stranger.. Even Lee Jong Sook’s presence didn’t help the drama from turning out to be total no-sense.
Hope Iron..oops Blade Man turns out OK..
I agree with you Tony Stark RDJ ajhussi is the best Iron Man……..
Just finished watching episode 1, it’s hilarious
Potential Spoiler below;
I really shouldn’t laugh when someone is in pain and getting beaten up, but this drama makes you not take that element too seriously.
I will continue to watch this drama. I hope it can continue to make me laugh, as it’s quirky and the storyline is not bad at all.