
Final Batch of Iron Man Stills as the Drama Premieres Wednesday on KBS — 10 Comments

  1. Snort. Hahaha. That’s mean Ms Koala.i am sure it has to be steel otherwise it be broken with so many scenes. I am just imagining now if he stumbles on to SSK.

  2. This is going to be stupid awesome, if they go all spoofy with it or take themselves seriously. Anyone else out there have a 10% hope left that this is some meta, melo-comedy.

  3. I used to think LDW was smoking hot, especially in SOAW. Now, his face reminds me that of a botoxed up woman’s. Even his amazing body can’t distract me from that.

  4. There is only one Iron Man for me, and that is Tony Stark (RDJ ajusshi ♡♡♡♡)

    this looks set to rival Dr Stranger for wtf potential.

    • True…. Being a Lee Dong Wook fan I sincerely hope it doesnot turn another WTF drama like Dr Stranger.. Even Lee Jong Sook’s presence didn’t help the drama from turning out to be total no-sense.
      Hope Iron..oops Blade Man turns out OK..
      I agree with you Tony Stark RDJ ajhussi is the best Iron Man……..

  5. Just finished watching episode 1, it’s hilarious
    Potential Spoiler below;
    I really shouldn’t laugh when someone is in pain and getting beaten up, but this drama makes you not take that element too seriously.

    I will continue to watch this drama. I hope it can continue to make me laugh, as it’s quirky and the storyline is not bad at all.

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