
My Secret Hotel Episode 12 Recap — 23 Comments

  1. thanks for the recap.. was waiting to read your take on this epi.. i really loved this show in the beginning.. this is the only show i follow now.. but this week was a huge disappointment.. yesterdays epi was a major fail.. especially with all of HYs fantasies.. it kind of irritated me.. todays was better.. but still the end sucked.. as you mentioned HY remains the same.. but he also need to step up and stop going in circles.. Sang hyo is somehow loosing her charm.. at this stage of the show, if the OTP is SH and HY, then she should be more into him that it is currently.. and somehow SG is not convincing for me.. i mean initially i felt he was playing both the ladies against each other and suddenly he is into SH?? just like that ?? somehow it was not convincing for me… hope the new few epis are good..

  2. Koala unni,

    I have the same feelings u just took the words out of my mouth. Bt honestly i did not like both the episodes for this week.

    The murder mystery seems no longer a priority instead it seems like a side story. The romance on the other hand is given utter importance. However we hv reached episode 12..n i am still unsure who SH will choose.she seem so confuse whn she is with HY,she thinks of SG and vice versa. I hope they dun rush the otp at the last min.

    I too wish by next episodes she makes up her mind.its not fair she is playing 2 man feelings whether she realize or not. Also i hope there is a major revelation on the murder mystery.

    I am sick n tired of the cat n mouse game.. the drama started out well,bt last few episodes no longer made sense :/

  3. I now actively despise HY and wish him EXTREMELY ill. His behaviour has gone way past the bounds of what’s acceptable to me, even in the context of K Dramas. He’s a stalker and a bully with no sense at all of how to have a healthy relationship. Apparently his thining is ” I want her, therefore she’s mine, and because she’s mine, I can do whatever I like.”

    Effectively kidnappping a woman and trying to control her physically and emotionally is not romantic, it’s criminal, very literally criminal. I only survived the ep by FFing through ALL his scenes. I am pleased the original writer was almost certainly cremated, or the Earth’s rotation might have been imperilled by the speed with which she was spinning in her grave. This Drama is shaping up to have a good shot at being only the second ever that I’ve dropped so late in its run.

  4. These last two episodes were a trial to watch and merely served to compound my frustrations with this show. I was in love with MSH when it first started, but now it seems the writer is spinning his wheels and going round in circles with this meaningless love triangle that is going nowhere and could be resolved by a simple honest and heartfelt conversation, and with little resolution to the murder mystery.

    I had hoped initially that the writer would spend more time developing the murder mystery ala Agatha Christie (which would have been a refreshing change to see in a k-comedy) and less time on the romance part of the plot, but now the writing seems to go the typical plot of most kdramas which is quite tired and tiring.

    I love the leads and will still stick around to watch them, but I can’t help hoping for more dynamic writing than the usual face off between the male leads. It reminds me of Heirs and was part of the reason I disliked that drama.

    Sang hyo isn’t a piece of meat to be fought over, nor should she tolerate it. Hae Young will do well to start listening to her and stop his antics, they are cute and all, but it shows he doesn’t respect his wife’s position, and Sang Hyo needs to stop giving out mixed signals to both guys. Maybe if Hae Young stopped trying his wife might realize what she lost and come back to him, but that is a tall order.

  5. I really like this drama but now.. *sigh*
    I really disapointed in HY.. acting so childish is cute for high school kid but not in adult. One time is cute, second time is okay, third etc is annoying. I can’t ship HY with SH. I tried but I can’t!!! I don’t like his man-child tantrum..
    Somehow I now like SG and wish he’s not the bad guy.
    Why do I feel the characters are different than in earlier episodes. I used to lie HY-SH but now I want SH to be with SG.

  6. Kind of off topic but I really want that sweater that Sang Hyo has at the end scene. Heck, I want all her clothes in this drama. Whoever the stylist is, I want to hire her. lol

    Anyways, I don’t feel so much for Hae Young. I feel that he’s so immature and he needs to grow up before he can get back to Sang Hyo. Sure their romance was hot and steamy but life goes on after love. I hope he change before Sang Hyo gets back with him or she should not choose any of them. Heck, I think she’s better off by herself then both of the men.

  7. Since the obvious murder suspects are Sung Gyum and GM Lee, I guess it’s probably not them. My guess is that it might be Gyung Hee after all. In the previous episode, she said something about bring the scariest.. Maybe that’s a hint.

    The progress of the OTP is too slow. I guess the second writer couldn’t keep up the same passion and intrigue style of the first writer.

    • I also think that the murderer is not SG or GM Lee since they make them as obvious suspects. Gyung Hee is a possibility.

      As for HY and SH, I am loosing my patience with both of them. One has to grow up and pursue his ex-wife like an adult with good communication. The other has to do some serious thinking and be decisive about what she really wants.

      I love spunky Eun Joo!

  8. I finally got to watch both ep 11 and 12 and I guess everyone’s already expressed everything I’ve been feeling. I want to like this drama so much and I did like it so much. Now I’m left with the beginning of that bitter taste I get when a drama that I liked with so much potential starts tanking.

    I agree with everyone. It’s so hard to ship HY and SH when HY is using lies and manipulating her emotions to get close to her instead of having a real dialog about what happened 7 years ago and why it took an accidental meeting for him to now want a second chance with her. And the fact that he is being SO grabby and territorial, keeps bringing up their wedding ceremony that’s not legally binding in anyway… and I don’t care if you love her or feel like you have some rights, when a girl tells you to get off her, GET OFF HER. I know this is supposed to be somehow romantic, but that whole dinner scene when he was cuddling her forcibly and she kept telling him to let go of her was just all kind of icky to me. Even if I still had lingering feelings, I would be SO pissed off if someone kept holding onto me when I asked them to stop. It’s hard to support a character when you just want to slap him.

    Anyway, I’m so happy to have a place to vent about this show here. Thanks!

  9. Yeah, a lot of what I am thinking and feeling has already been expressed. I have to say I think the main fault lies in lazy writing. As writer has made SH to dislike HY so heavily, he/she has effectively painted herself in the corner: there is NO reason for these two interact and so fall in love again. And so HY must be made this idiot who has zero respect for SY’s boundaries because if he gives up, as any sane person would do in his place, that would be the end of that romance.

    At the moment I am not thrilled about any of the leads. While HY acts foolishly and so I cannot really ship SH with him anymore, I cannot really ship her with SG, either. Fault lies in both of them but more in SH than SG. Honestly, if SG is not the murderer, I hope he can find himself a less complicated girl who is HONEST and doesn’t avoid difficult discussion and situations like SH. I think keeping the romance “alive” is also the reason why HY has not talked with SH about their break-up because once they do talk about it, they can reconcile and this is something writer doesn’t want to give yet so they canNOT talk about it yet. But because there is no good reason for them to avoid it, it simply becomes the “plot says so” issue which is always bad.

    I am quite disappointed because just like most of commenters here, I too liked this drama and this romance in the beginning. But by now it’s clear that the writer is simply not competent enough to plan a plot for 16 episode drama. Sad.

  10. I’ve noticed everyone commenting on how childish HY is but no one is talking about how scary it is to be marry to SG (him and his cold/hot persona, calculation, plotting, secrets we don’t know of, and his scary smirks)??? HY is being childish because he really does love her (we as an adult sometime act up too but we really don’t often notice it or admit that we do, in situation like when we feel like something very important to us or mean the world to us got taken away from us)and wants to be with her and the sad part it wasn’t all his wrong doing on what happened 7 years ago it was a MISUNDERSTANDING and something happened in between the years and that’s why they lost communication and he did go back right after he had stabilized his company but found apartment/room empty everything was cover and the only thing that was left was the picture of them that got torned apart.

  11. It’s clear that SH has chosen SG but HY persists in stalking/harassing her. He’d be in jail if he did that in North America as most stalkers end up killing people along the way as their obsessive behavior goes beyond reason like the ex-boyfriend in Sta. Barbara series. He hounded the newlyweds up to their honeymoon. Most male characters who fantasize about the girl they like don’t end up with them at all. They’re not in touch with reality and act according to their fantasy (i.e. they think the girl likes them back.)

  12. The memories of the past came flooding back at the sudden appearance of the exes. They’re mostly painful for SH as she was left in suspended animation for 7 years with no explanation from the guy who swept her off her feet, promising to love only her to the end. She felt trapped by that situation so after waiting for his return (he didn’t leave a letter, e-mail, call or text to follow up on his absence), she decided to accept the offer in Korea to move on from her first-love’s heartbreak. Because it was not a clear-cut break-up, seeing HY marrying another woman was painful. It made him look like a liar and player from the start, especially when he flaunted that SA was in his heart. She was even more amazed he did not disclose that this was not his first wedding to SA. To SH, this confirmed that their past was just a passing fling. HY stupidly said their marriage was a fiasco, so the thought of him leaving her unexpectedly then reappearing with another bride was too much to handle emotionally. HY was really an insensitive jerk who drowns his sorrow by drinking. His staff has no respect for him and no lady wants him other than the stalker journalist. Even SA is now after SG. In My Best Friend’s Wedding, JR’s friend asked who is chasing her. Since no one was chasing her, he told her that was the cue for her to exit since her attempts to ruin the wedding was in vain. It’s mostly the same for HY. Whatever tricks he uses to separate SG and SH is in vain as SH is not into him. HY’s chasing SH but she’s chasing SG. It’s really one-sided on his part at this point but the show wants to stretch it to 16 episodes so they’re throwing all sorts of delays to the murder-mystery reveal.

  13. There probably was a triangle 30 years ago with SG’s parents and the GM. Maybe the mom and GM had a relationship going but she married SG’s dad anyway. So the GM got the dad drunk so he can have an accident. SG has his suspicions about the GM so both men are irreconcilable. The GM knows a lot that’s going on in the hotel but deliberately keeps SG out of the loop. He and HDB could’ve have been assigned to protect SH by her foster parents or SG’s mom, who knows. HDB could’ve been trying to create a diversion for the wedding when he accidentally stabbed himself when someone bothered him. That would explain his body falling through the ceiling, since his workshop could be above the wedding halls. As for HYM, she was probably knocked by someone she didn’t expect, like KH, as she was shown dismissing her prospective buyer. Why else would the necklace still be missing if the GM or Simon had knocked her from behind when she had it in her pocket? The GM may know something but he and SG are not the killers, they’re merely suspects as HYM’s letter is another red herring to the plot.

  14. Many global leaders and CEOs are inscrutable, including SG. You wouldn’t just approach the US president or one of the biz dragons flippantly unless you were stupid. Unlike HY who gets drunk when he has issues, SG contemplates seriously. It doesn’t matter what expression he shows. A man who has to shoulder heavy responsibilities cannot be trusted if he looks and acts like a clown like HY. It doesn’t inspire respect when a leader doesn’t lead by example. That’s why nobody respects HY and he in turn also doesn’t respect them, especially SH since he constantly does what is irritating to her. This behavior is not romantic but frustrating and rude.

  15. SG has the weight of the hotel, the intrigue that his dad was possibly murdered and his new gf to worry about at the same time. His personality is not the type to be showy or emotional like HY. But he is caring, he just expresses it in a more reserved manner than HY. He wants to share his burdens with SH but she has too much going on for him to suddenly unload it to her, so he has held back out of respect, not out of being a shady character. In relationships, you need to time when you give information or news so that it’s not taken the wrong way. SG has not once imposed on SH to pull her heartstrings unlike HY who has lied to her about getting married for the sake of the hotel (to save the staff, supposedly) and used his dad’s health as an excuse to play house. If HY is so open now in his affections for SH, why was he so shady 7 years ago when he left abruptly with no explanations whatsoever and no follow-up? His openness now does not negate this fact. If he can clear this shortcoming in the past, he can move forward with SH and all would be forgiven.

  16. Since career was more important for SH, she mistakenly thought that she could save the hotel by marrying HY. The hotel was fine about it, else why would they even congratulate that she’s dating SG? Only HY considered it a real marriage, though. The reason the couples who get married in Secret Hotel get divorced after 3 months is due to their wrong motivations in getting wed in the first place, as proven by SH herself. SG clearly told EJ that marriage is for lovers when she was proposing that they get married to save the hotel. In short, SH didn’t need to marry HY to do the same thing. EJ could still spin her PR another way when the bride ran off the wedding. It’s just that she pressured SH so she could secure SG for herself like HY could secure SH for himself. But the more they tried to separate the two, the closer SG and SH get as they now have common obstacles to overcome in their new relationship. It doesn’t matter who’s not supporting your relationship if both parties are in agreement. Eventually, the opposition has to give way or they’d look stupid as the only ones not giving their support.

  17. SH thought HY was mature enough to understand their wedding was for show. But HY never thought of it that way. He thought this was his chance to grab her once more. Only he was the one living this fantasy as SH had no intention of renewing their relationship from the very start. His re-appearance disturbed her, but it wasn’t because she wanted him back. They never were legally married in the first place as they only exchanged vows but no marriage license was issued or registered. They were living-in shortly after their first meeting.
    Unlike HY’s sudden proposal without really knowing SH, SG has taken the time to listen and understand SH. He respects and supports SH. When she’s created a problem in their relationship, he doesn’t throw temper tantrums like HY. Only a childish person does that.

  18. At the beginning of the series, SG and SH were like siblings in their relationship while HY and SH were more of former lovers. But as the series progressed, it reversed, with HY interacting with SH in a sibling-like manner. Why else would SH agree to play house if she had lingering feelings for the guy? The only voice in her head now is SG. HY also started to wear more business suits while SG has slowly relaxed his attire, being shown more in casual mode. The switch was deliberate to showcase the transition from an ended relationship to a new one. Only HY fantasizes about SG and SH together coz he’s that kind of person, to only want SH for pleasure. SG is too busy to be having those kind of thoughts at night. SG treasures and cherishes SH so he wants to take his time to develop their relationship. But he clearly is interested in getting married down the road, hence his teasing about it after they got officially together. They could still be together if the technicality of SH’s wedding to HY was invalid. Meaning, that they didn’t have the proper wedding license like in Las Vegas. The marriage license for this sudden wedding most likely is in Sooh Ah’s name, not Sang Hyo’s as she was technically, a replacement bride. Unless they’ve filed the proper documentation, the wedding was just a ceremony and not a real marriage legally. It would not be fitting to end the show with another divorce or an open affair so this area needs to be addressed. The murder mystery is overstretched to coincide with the drama, but it’s getting trite. If shows can resolve it in one hour, MSH can do it within 12 episodes to keep it interesting. Filler episodes were funny but not inspiring enough to justify 16 episodes.

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