
The Chinese-language Movie Contingent Beautifully Descends on the Busan Film Festival — 17 Comments

    • Still working on it but it’s touch and go so hopefully in the next week the whole site will move over along with all the old comments. >.< Please without any glitches too~

  1. Good god miura haruma really is the best looking man on the planet that pic with his mouth open a little is too much to handle

  2. Joseph Chang is so masculine. Very very attractive and very very uncommon these days. Is he in a relationship?? Don’t get enough gossip @ him 🙂

  3. Joseph Chang being his usual manly self.
    /wiping the drool off her face

    If it weren’t for you, Mrs Koala, the thought of him being Eric’s doppelganger might not have crossed my mind. Thanks. No wonder they look so yummy imo. ^^ >_<

    Tang Wei's dress and necklace are so classy. Maybe she could teach Director Ann Hui a thing or two about fashion and walking the red carpet?

    My eyes hurt of the fugly. Did they really see a towering man wearing orange pants and a black suede jacket?
    /can not compute

      • Au contraire, chingu. If you put yourself in her shoes, knowing somehow that the focus would be on your stunning “neighbor”, wouldn’t you make an extra effort not to look too shabby, whatever your age and shape?

  4. Ethan and Joseph Chang, yes. Two of my favorite leading men. Watching JC in a romcom was such a delight. Will it ever happen again, I wonder?

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