
My Spring Days Episode 9 Recap — 20 Comments

  1. Snail pace. Heaps of sugar, loads of cheesy moments. Lots of fillers. Kind of boring and predictable. Overused Kdrama tropes.

    If not for the lead actors’s brilliant play, I would have stopped watching it.

    Thank you for recapping.

    P.S. Alone in Love was slow too but it had so much warmth, fleshed out secondary characters, and realistic humor, I was continuously entertained. Here I wait and wait and wait.

    P.P.S. At least this is not A Love to Kill! No fuss about dating brother’s ex girlfriend.

      • They both are doing amazingly well. He is killing me with his eyes, voice, and naturally flowing kindness. As an actor, he easily manages to do what other actors try to attempt with naked torsos, showers, screams, and crazy outfits – he completely holds my attention no matter what is happening. His pauses are never empty, they are heavy with unspoken truths he does not dare to say.

        The actress, although young, matches him and has her own beautiful, emotional song.

        Again, thank you for the recap and shared love for KWS.

    • I will admit this episode was slow, but guess what I still liked it. All the actors in this drama are earning their paychecks in spades.

  2. The storyline is absolutely nuts, but good heavens, I love this show. Dong Ha is such a delight to watch. While I love me a good flower boy now and then, (SSH anyone?), I am so taken in by these MEN who can say so much without words. This guy needs to be in more shows. He is amazing. And our darling Bom Yi is bringing it home too. What ever it is they are selling, I am sure buying.

  3. I am here to profess my love for Kam Woo Sung. Yes the episode was slow, it was like soul food. I enjoy Sooyoung’s acting better when she has spark. Right now in the show she is in that love hurts moment and it shows.

    But let’s get back to Kam woo sung. They man undresses me with his stare. I have been watching Korean dramas for a few years. I have watched all the hot actors in the business. The hot, new thing of the day. But NEVER, NEVER has a man’s stare into a camera ever made me want to fly to Korea and touch his face. Kam woo sung is HOT. He may be older, but he can rock my cradle any day. lol

    Kam woo sung is hotter than Lee Min Ho, Kim Soo hyun, Kim woo bin, Hyun Bin, won bin and then some. The man is hot in I want to have breakfast with him way. He is hot in a I can have a stare contest with him forever way.

    Now that I have this out of my system. I will stop now. lol

    • Your confession cracks me up! 😀

      And yes, you’re right. That man has a certain magnetism that pulls you in and makes you stay. As already said above, KWS needs no naked torso or shower scenes to draw you close and enjoy the company. And his pairing with Sooyoung is just beautiful – you don’t notice the age difference; they just click together. Bom Yi was zestly animated around Dong Ha in the earlier episodes – full of life and spunky and now, forlornly mopey in her love hurts moments. If Sooyoung can make a viewer feel the difference in her feelings, then she’s on her way to becoming a better actress.

      It’s been kind of slow for the past couple of episodes, but I’m staying for the ride anyway. BY, DH -fighting!!

      • 1000% AGREE to all KWS fangirling.

        As far as the lead woman – I think you have something there. As Bom-yi goes, so goes the tempo of the episode. We all fell in love with a no-nonsense taking BY, let’s hope we get her back soon.

    • I love him too. so agree with you. He stares -I melt. He speaks – I blubber. He dimples – I have meltdown and squeal into my pillow!

  4. Thank you Jomo. Reading your recap relives the drama and it’s really getting me in all the right places.
    Our lead KWS is awesome!!! His acting is so nuanced, no over the top emoting but quiet confidence.

    I loved the last scene. My take away from it was that Bom Yi was saying that if she had been sent there then would DH’s dead wife signal her permission
    And right after Dong Ha finds her and she hears him. The small smile showed her relief and happiness and she also seemed resolved to now tackle DH.
    Whilst DH on his part couldn’t believe she was there.
    Beautifully done

      • HaHa! Thanks, it just proves how many times i have rewatched the episode while waiting for Wednesday to arrive. If you think i rewatched this ending a lot – wait till we get to ep 10 and then I’ll tell you how many times I rewatched that!!!

        I love Kam Woo Sung!!!!!

  5. It’s weird how I am the one not finding this episode slow at all. I loved it because it was light/heartwarming with a lot of sweetness. It kind of reminds me of the earlier episodes. I prefered episode 10 though and it’s because the OTP is together but gotta say I missed the kids and a lot.

    Anyway, I am so glad that the drama is getting better and better. Even with a storyline as cliché, the show still manages to surprise me with the reveal of the heart’s donor in that episode. Y’know, you think melodrama and heart transplant and you expect the characters to be throw in utter shock in the penultimate or ultimate episode but noope, MSD is just too awesome for it lol.
    I also really love how BY stays true to her character even with it. I would have thought that she would feel betrayed by DH and so, lots of angst and angst but she actually thought about everything he did and said. She acted with reason which is kind of rare in KDramaland when I think about it.

    Whatever, thanks a lot for the recap !

  6. Isn’t this is the episode which the girl played as the main lead got an article of people praising her acting skills as very realistic? I actually went all the way to check on it and very impressed with it. Her emotions aren’t overused and very pleasant that easily captured my heart. I’m starting to watch the whole drama from the very beginning as well. Nice. Thanks for recap!!

  7. Before this drama i dnt even know who is KWS. In the first ep i said gosh why they chose him. He is too old for BY. After finishing the 1st ep there is no stopping as i continue n cnt take my eyes of him. He really is attractive in his own way style. Good chemistry between BY n KWS. Pls let them be together in the end…

    • If you want to watch more KWS, trying catching an earlier project of his, “The King and The Clown”. It’s a 2005 movie with him and Lee Joon Ki starring, and they both rocked!! 🙂

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