
My Lovely Girl Episode 14 Recap — 12 Comments

  1. Thanks for the recap. Thankfully, this drama is ending. HW and Sena have resolved their issues. Shiwoo will be finally move on. No more unnecessary drama. I am a fan of Shiwoo and Sena’s friendship but I like that they didn’t have OTP switch with the episodes left cause it will be pointless. Lastly, Myungsoo can rest before infinite F debut.

  2. Oh no, ockoala! You joined the Korean netizens love for Dal Bong! But he’s gone now :(.

    And prepare for more brooding unfortunately. I mean, there’s no way there isn’t going to be brooding.

  3. This episode showed exactly what I love about Shi Woo. He didn’t mention any names, so he genuinely didn’t mean for the blow up to occur. But despite that he knew he made a big blunder, what does he do? Does he go brood over it? Wastes time over thinking what he did wrong? Nah dawg. Se Na WOULD have been stuck in a rock and hard place, and feel pressured that she needs to accept his confession. Yet Shi Woo immediately goes to talk to her, apologizes for how it went down, but he doesn’t take back his feelings. The point is he goes to confront her and talk it out. So Se Na doesn’t have to feel burdened and they can clear the air. Granted, it left on his request to think about his confession seriously, but she doesn’t have to be too concerned.

    Honestly, the whole scandal thing was pretty forced. It feels to me that they wanted some excuse to put it in, make it happen, and then bury it. I feel it was just there to put something extra and keep the drama dragging to its final episode to be honest. Just like Se Na supposedly leaving in Ep. 15 or whatever unnecessary wrench it was.

    I find it funny that Hyun Wook and Se Na getting back together went exactly how I thought it would, lol. Except for Dal Bong playing a part.

    I gave this drama too much credit when thinking they might cover Hyun Wook’s faults for the past episodes more thoroughly, not only explain what went on with him and So Eun. But it’s either that or we have to deal with more angst of separation. No thanks. And considering how I think Se Na is a fool and I really don’t care about her or the relationship anymore, they can do what they want to. It’s not like none of us saw it coming anyway. It’s just per the course.

    I’m just cruising by with the FF button, no thought, no expectation, barely any feeling, completing the drama, doing my part in seeing it through. Thank goodness the last Ep is tomorrow.

    • I feel you. Same here. However romantically bitter sweet it’s supposed to be the moments Hyun Wook and Se Na shared together, I just don’t feel it. This drama tastes like flat soda that I’d not bother much to have a sip even there’s so much left over in the bottle.

  4. I gotta say, bravo to the writers for having the guts to kill off the lead character with 2 episodes to go. Very emotional and moving scenes, unlike 90% of the 13+ hours that preceded it. Dal Bong WAS the lead, wasn’t he?

    • Yeah, he was the lead. I hear he’s going to star next in a drama about a cheerful and kind amnesiac dog, bent on uncovering the truth behind the terrible car accident that took away his memories, and forced to work as a milk delivery dog and gas pump attendog. Expect lots of nosebleeds and heart-wrenching whining…

  5. Is it bad that I have absolutely no feeling for this drama and even only occasionally read the recaps…but am bawling over Dal Bong’s death? Omg.

  6. Yeah agree with “MVP” title awarded to Dal Bong. Shi Woo has been cute all the way in the drama. But Dal Bong was the lead actor whenever he’s on the scene.

  7. I dropped my comment first and then read other comments realizing that other viewers also agree with me Dal Bong steals the show from his master.

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