
You From Another Star, Lee Jong Seok, Song Yoon Ah Win 2014 Grimme Awards From Korean Cinematographers — 20 Comments

  1. Well I believe they took into account LJS’s performance in Dr Stranger as well but chose to award him for Pinocchio since the script is much better, up till now. He’s unlikely to screw up in the future episodes unless the writer goes crazy a well…lol. I’m really happy for him cos he has improved tremendously over the past 2 years and his range and acting ability certainly exceeds many of his peers. I may be bias but his acting really touches me and not many other actors his age can do that to me. Congrats again LJS!

    • Second this. I also like to think they considered Dr Stranger as well.

      Dear Ms Koala, I know you barely watched IHYV and I don’t know whether you finally checked out School2013 or not, but from what I saw, LJS improved amazingly in the past two years. I marveled about this when DS was on and could not help but marvel again for Pinocchio since he improved once more from DS which was just half year ago.

      • Agreed 🙂 You may also want to check out his movie called Hot Blooded Youth, Ms Koala. It came out beginning of this year. A relatively simple story but LJS was brilliant as the cowardly casanova. He made me forget that he’s a taekwondo black belt. I followed all his work so I’m really happy to him getting the recognition since I saw his hard work and improvement.

  2. I remember Lee Da Hae got the best performance at SBS Drama Awards for My Girl after aired 4 episodes only. That’s the fastest rate, well the old Lee Da Hae performance was not the same as new one I guess.

  3. All the best to LJS! I also think he is one of the most brilliant actors of his age and he has grown a lot. What i like about him is that you can see the emotions play in his eyes… I love the moments in pinocchio when he just stares at in ha, like…i dont know… Like she’s the greatest thing on the universe! It makes envious!

    Hoping he continues to do a really good job in pinocchio! And of course many more good projects for him and shin hye in the future!

  4. lee jong suk is a fantastic actor.his expressions in Pinocchio are so on point.another good actor would be jang geun suk(seems like everybody forgot about him).boy can pull off 8 different expressions with his eyes alone.
    off topic:miss okoala,i thought that u would recap Healer,seeing as how much u praised the teasers.the drama is queit good though,but park min young acting is still the same.her aegyo is not coming out naturally but it seems rather forced.but i mean say,ji chang wook and yoo ji tae are doing one hell of a awesome job there.

  5. other Grimme Awards Recipients:

    2006-Best Actress Yoon Eun Hye
    Best Actor Song Il Kook

    2007-Best Actress Jang Jin Young
    Best Actor Kim Myung Min

    2008-Best Actress Moon Geun Young
    Best Actor Kim Sang Kyung

    2009-Best Actress Lee Yo Won
    Best Actor So Ji Sub

  6. Ιf he is that talented in order for him to be chosen (among other older actors)for an award with no previous studies under his belt(and without a nose, which is a little creepy, I’ve got to admit!)and no obvious improvement since the “Secret Garden” era, then it means only one thing: he was a genious actor-model-singer(-a little bizarre looking young man) since his debut! So the PDs and the agencies are thankful for the best in the field!

    • Watch his drama first before pointing at his looks, he develop immensely for the past 2 years, and his character in Pinocchio os promising. Even Knetz never talk bullshit like you did.

      • Why are you so abusive? I did watch his previous works although it was a bit tough for me and I commented the choice the people in the industry made. I am not part of those people, therefore why are you calling me names? It is my opinion after all…if you are not the actor himself nor someone who has voted for him, why do you attack me? Since you think that the past 2 years are enough for an improvement, then I guess either you ,really, think he was a genious from the beginning of his career or you are his acting coach. Maybe that’s why you felt insulted…as for his looks, it is something bizarre about him and I am not blind…but then again, it is my own opinion and my cultural background…just not my cup of tea!

    • I never call you names, i said you talk bullshit but I never say that you are one. If that’s your opinion so be it. He may not be your cup of tea, but looks is not the main point here but his acting.

      • just neglect such people, when professionals in the industry chose him for this award ,when writers & seniors/ veteran actors like lee soon jae, Song Kang-Ho,Lee Mi Sook and others praise his acting in media and send him messages of encouragement ..words from people like @kalel will have no value just bullshit like u said..

    • I am laughing at your standard. How amazingly good looking you must be to think he is not. To too many he is actually a most good looking guy. I think he is beautiful. He may not be your type but to say he is bizarre looking simply shows what’s wrong with you, not him.

      But most importantly, is that you have not been able to recognize his acting talent. I only came to like him (it takes a lot as I’m not easily impressed. One needs to consistently prove to me and he did that) because this actor never makes me feel it’s the same person in all his roles. This is a rare talent and shows the tremendous effort he put in to his roles. That must be the dedication and effort to become the character instead of acting. Sure, many actors these days can act. But you feel they are the same whether they are acting in their latest drama or 10 dramas ago. Not Lee. So far I feel it’s a different person I’m watching in all his roles. And we are not talking about visuals. Now, if that’s not excellent acting, maybe your pretentious I-hate-him-but-I-will-try-to-make-it-sound-as-if-it’s-justified comment is?

    • And oh yes, maybe you are right about something. He could really be that ‘GENIUS actor-model’ (no, he can’t sing too well at the moment). How many can actually steal the attention from Hyun Bin? He did that with many exclaiming ‘who is that’ at that time, as a rookie to acting.

  7. I feel this award is well deserved, I watch a lot of Kdrama’s (total drama maniac !) and I’ve been impressed by Lee Jong Suk. Not at lot of actors could pull off the whiplash inducing tonal shifts of Dr. Stranger, I couldn’t think of anyone else that could pull off, action, comedy, melodrama and romance all at once like he did, being convincing and great at all the genres .

    He was so touching, cute and hilariously funny in Blood boiling youth, He had the courage to play a dorky, wimpy kid, and he did it brilliantly.

    Regarding getting the award too soon for Pinocchio, I respectfully disagree, I feel he’s displayed enough acting prowess so far in the show to get the award, some scenes of his gave me chills, they were so great.
    At the time of judging he probably was the best amongst his peers , so I think this is why they gave him an award. Because even if others finished their drama’s well, they could be completely awful in their next project .
    So whatever might or might not happen later on in Pinocchio should not matter. Within the time frame given for reviewing and judging, he must have stood out the most so he won .

    An acting award is not about looks it’s about talent.
    There are other good talented actors too, he’s not the only great actor out there, but for me what makes him stand apart is that aside from being very good at acting is that he is versatile ,for sure there are others versatile and talented actors, but I can’t think of any that displayed that kind acting skills this year.

    I personally think he is beautiful in an unusual way, he his charismatic and has captivating physical features , I like his lips are plush and luscious and his eyes are so intense and expressive, He also has a nice body build , I don’t mind his nose at all. I find strange that some people focus on that and can’t see anything else, It’s so small minded, I don’t want to offend, It’s only my personal opinion! 😉

    Beauty or looks can only get you so far, if you don’t have a charming personality or special talent to back it up, then you are only a beautiful flower without any perfume, (lol! waxing poetic here)and it’s feels lacking. To me the fact that he is skilled at what he does make up for whatever physical imperfection he may have and makes him gorgeous and attractive.

    I can’t believe that awkward kid from High kick 3 came this far! He improved tremendously, I am happy for him that he got award.

  8. There is a Grimme Award in Korea? Huh? I thought the ‘Grimme Preis’ is a German institution (a TV award dating back till 1964). They must be related somehow. But how?

  9. Actually, the Grimme Awards (or Grimae Awards) are given not by an association of directors (production director or PD), but by an association of cinematographers (director of photography or DP).

  10. Wow. Another terrible blog to read early in the morning. Please, just please, if you have to write something you think a fact, please think again before posting. This is why people will bash this sort of ignorance.The news article says he won for Pinochio but the fact to the matter is this award is given to a person who has gained the most vote from the photograph directors in the field and the judging criteria was based on two things: acting skill and the professional behavior they exhibit on the set during the filming.

    1. Since it is the BEST ACTOR and ACTRESS of the YEAR in the eyes of the photograph directors, all the actors and actresses who had filmed during the year are the contestants. As one can see from the past receipents of the award, it is considered very prestigious and all the actors (male and female) who are in the field regard this very highly and natch they all want to be the next awardee and thought it to be true complement to their acting since there is only one winner in each sex who could receive out of thousands of them.
    2. Although the news article mentioned Pinochio ONLY, the truth is it is NOT just for that one program they judged him by. It was all the program he was in for the one year. Period. So the bigger factor of his acting award came probably from the Dr. Stranger he finished in the Spring is the known consensus. Besides, regardless of the fact that the show had become public joke from half way through and till the end, LJS’s acting was praised by all – from most all of the press, professionals in & outside of the field, general public of the drama viewers to the very thorny netizens – in unison. He was called by many as an oxizen for the show, the only thing worthy of the otherwise worthless show and many more. It was a total shock that he didn’t win the Korean Drama Award. Therefore when the Grimme Award’s choice was announced, everyone even anti LJS seemed to admit that the award went to the right person whose acting absolutely deserves to receive it. Sorry for the long
    rambling, just wanted to clear the misunderstandings.

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