
Written and Video Preview for Episode 14 of Pinocchio — 5 Comments

  1. It will be great if the plot goes like this,

    Bum Jo’s mom will be the ultimate villain because she started the fire 13 years ago and In Ha’s mom helped her distracting the public from the real cause of the fire.

    So in the end Dal Po can still put her in prison, hopefully.

  2. My complaint is Mum-related too, but different to those about how BJ’s Mum was too good to be true. Instead it’s about how she is being setup to make it clear that poor, misunderstood Song Cha OK was really just a gullible patsy, pressured when new on the job to bend, then trapped by evil forces greater than she was. ALL her evil actions will be excused, we’ll have tearful confessions and MUTUAL apologies, and she’ll get off SCOT-FSCKIN-FREE! Why? For no reason other than that SHE’S A MUM, and no matter how vile a person she seems to be, a Mum, especially a lead’s Mum, is a sinless paragon of virtue whose every despicable deed was done for righteous, noble reasons, and who deserves to escape all negative consequences simply by virtue of having given birth. How long will it be before we see a K Drama admit that a woman can be an irredeemably awful person and a mother, and demostrate that by actually having karma catch up with her?

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