
Ji Jin Hee is Imposing and Gu Hye Sun Cries Prettily in New Promos for Blood — 20 Comments

  1. Thanks Miss Koala! You’re right, Ji Jin Hee’s stills look intense and suck you in right away. I think the teasers are doing a good job of showing what the leads are going to be like, AJH a dangerous guy, JJH even more dangerous, and GHS the damsel caught inbetween the two. I hope when the drama starts she figures out they’re vampires sooner rather than later because O hate the waiting game.

  2. although is GHS supposed to be that pale? she is beautiful, but its like she is the vampire instead of AJH. she just looks too white maybe they should tone down on the foundation…and make her look more alive and human.

    • I’ve noticed a trend in the last few months that the women in Korean dramas are looking like corpses with the too white makeup. These women are already pale to start with and now look scary.

      • Yeah, that too. They are already so fair. She is supposed to look like a doctor not the patient with her paleness.

    • I never did and still don’t find GHS attractive at all. don’t care for AJH, but Ji Jin hee is hot, good looking, and manly. plus, he’s a great actor.

  3. It has promises. The recent Healer is amazing. Putting a seasoned and charismatic actor Yoo Ji Tae next to park min young and ji chang wook. It’s an interesting balance that makes healer so hot now…. So I am looking forward to blood. It may spring up some surprises.

  4. Not really a fan of the,I’m definately not a fan of medical dramas. but I love vampire series.too bad The Vampire diaries didn’t live up to my,I decided to check out the spin-off The Originals,which I would call a real vampire series.hope this does well with lot of intense scenes to keep me going….

  5. Not a fan of any of three leads but there is something about these teaser that pursuing me to watch it so i will give it a chance and also good doctor was good drama so same team, hope so it turn out good.

  6. Ahn Jae Hyun…. Never heard of him before… But he looks like a model… Don’t know if he has the acting chops to do this drama but maybe it doesn’t require much… The makeup will probably help a lot… He just needs to refrain from acting cutesy

  7. We are a great fun of JI JIN HEE, because we find HIM a very good actor, so we’re quite too sad for HE was not a lead actor on this drama. But we still continue to follow his lead and gonna watch this science fiction story. Fighting JJH!

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